Sunday, November 24, 2013

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Be a Landlord in this Economy.

Rental Real Estate provides more tax benefits than almost any other investment.

  1. Interest is often a landlord’s single biggest deductible expense. Interest that can be deducted include Mortgage interest payments on loans you acquired to purchase the property and to make improvements to the property along with the credit card interest used for goods or services related to the property.
  1. Depreciation means landlords get back the cost of real estate through deducting a portion of the cost of the property over several years. For example if you paid 100,000 for the property and it’s depreciated over 27.5 years which would be 3,636, you can have that amount in passive income without having to owe income taxes.
  1.  Repairs made to the property are fully deductible as long as it occurs in the same year for which you are filing your taxes.  Example: all your 2013 repairs have to be filed with your 2013 income taxes.
  1.  Local travel deductions can be taken whenever the landlord travels for rental activity. For example meeting with a tenant or going to the local Home Depot to get supplies for repairs. There are two ways to take this deduction: deduct your actual expenses such as gas, car repairs and upkeep or by using the Federal standard mileage rate which for 2013 is 55.5 cents per mile.

  1. Long Distance Travel related to your rental property such as airfare, lodging, meals and other expenses can also be taken as a deduction. For example if your rental property is located in a state you don’t live in and you have to travel to the property.
    6. Home Office space that meets minimal criteria for Landlords may be deducted from your taxable           income along with workshops attended for your rental business. This applies to you whether you own        or rent the home or apartment where your home office is located.
 7. Independent Contractors and Employees you hire to perform services for your rental property, their wages can be deducted as a business expense. For example a Repair person or a Property Manager.

 8. Casualty and Theft Losses if your rental property is damaged or destroyed from a event such as a fire or flood may be deducted for all or part of the damages depending on your Insurance claim these are called Casualty losses.
 9. Insurance premiums for most types of insurance on your rental property can be deducted. For example, flood, theft, and fire policies. And even employees health and workers compensation insurance.
     10. Legal and Professional Services that you pay an Attorney, Property Management Company,             Accountants, Advisors and other professionals. These fees are operating expense deductions.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Start a Business thats Yummy...

Ok I know yummy is cheesy but stay with me here darlings. Think of your dream house. I will give you my depiction to help you. I walk into my house. I put on my diffuser with my favorite oils I Love Young Living BTW. I take off my shoes, I put on my favorite soft music, I love The Musical version of Broken Wings by Mr. Mister, 1986 or some music by SADE love her 80's stuff. I take off my shoes as I enter the door. I go to my bedroom I start smelling my oils in the diffuser going off in the house. I take off my clothes and slip into something comfortable. I go to the freezer and take something out to cook for the evening. I take out my MAC and start checking my messages. I then open my mail and start reading, then I put in my things to do box. I pour myself a glass of wine and I sit on the couch. I allow my essence and myself to unfold in my home. I feel safe, free, and hugged by the beauty I surrounded myself in. I glance over at my beautiful green and blue stand alone chair from Pier 1 with the brown throw pillow on it. I have my house socks on, as I have hard wood floors.

I go to the kitchen and fix myself a goat cheese plate with grapes, and nuts, and cranberries, and bring it back to my sitting area where the flat screen TV is. I feel the warmth and softness of my stand alone couch as it hugs me. I feel the luxury of my satin home clothes that I got on sale at BEBE's and my pink plush slippers. I put my flowing hair back in a light bobby pinned bun. I feel relaxed as I can smell Valor and Lavender along with Purifier being diffused in the back ground.

Ladies do you see how I have created a picture for you here? Great visual! Think about your business, how yummy can you make it? Whats the story behind it? What does your site say (your business online house) when people visit? Do people want to grab a glass of wine and browse your site? Do they get that luxury comfy feeling of hmm yea, I want this person to enhance my lifestyle, business or finances...This is what I teach as a Luxurypreneur. I want people to feel what is possible for them, make a business and turn that into millions of dollars following my lifestyle, tricks, tips and techniques.

I have a great business model that can help you calibrate and integrate beauty, brains, wealth, all into one and then turn that ONE into a Media Empire so you can build an International Luxury Brand. It's possible. Martha Stewart did it, by combining beauty, simplicity, and home together. She took her small time home country ideas to TV and made it seem simple, inexpensive, and beautiful all at once.

Lets work together people, what will 2014 catch you doing??

until then Bella's

Ciao for now!

Rich Girl Media Darling, Tawana Phillips!

You do have more power over your emotions than you believe you do!

Tawana Phillps reporting in Live Today from Rich Girl TV...Sharing with Women, how to literally HAVE IT ALL. The saying “You can't have it all” is such a myth! Who ever told you that was LYING. Ask Ivanka Trump, Lena Horne Rest Her Soul, Tina Turner, and of course myself! You can have it all. The House, The Marriage, The children, The money, the dream job, the dream business all rolled up in one! Yes tell that to the people doing it.

Think of the majority of things that you are living as a knock off. Think of a Coach bag you buy on the street, its cheap, it looks like the real thing, feels like the real thing, is shaped like the real thing, but it a FAKE. Yes it’s a FAKE. So whenever you take advise from anyone that dis-empowers you, makes you feel bad. There are a couple of things you can do about it. You can analyze it. Feel where it comes up in your body. Feel where it says in your body that its true for you. Ask it to take you to the earliest time it started living in your body PRETENDING to be the truth.

Then I want you to go and start research people that HAVE IT ALL. You see there are two sides to every coin. Heads and Tails. You can choose heads if you want to LEAD YOUR LIFE and think of a MASTER PLAN, ie. HIRE me as your coach, or go find someone that is IS LIVING YOUR DREAM. OR YOU can live in the REAR END of everyones NIGHTMARE and go talk to people struggling, broke, lonely, scared, angry, bitter, ect. You can choose. Do you even realize how much power you have in your life? Or do you feel powerless?

Tell me how that is working for you... until next time Ciao Bellas!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Challenging the Secret

Hello Dahlings! Tiffany Chanil here as healthy and luxurious as ever! Well here is my no BS approach to challenging the SECRET! There is none. I mean really Dahlings, really? A Secret? Think positive, and Puff the magic dragon will come bring all your dreams right at the front step of your life! Puleez!!

Here is the Real Secret! Luxury and Glamour is an inside job, just like your beautiful hair, nails, skin, and so on! Ladies PMS runs your life; your period runs your life, so guess what? Your EMOTIONS RUN YOUR LIFE! Your emotions, make you feel a certain way, then you start to think a certain way, then you start to act a certain way!

Dahlings would I lie to you? Really would I? No I wouldn't! If your body does not know what it FEELS LIKE TO have a million dollars, I don't care how many times You think and wish and hope and visualize on it! It's not going to happen! Ok, you know I love good food, good healthy food! In spite of Meatless Mondays! Let's talk about a good steak! You Season it up, you marinate it, you put it on the grill you put sauce on. You may even let the steak marinate overnight to make sure the seasons stay in! Then you have a yummy steak that TASTES like what you seasoned it with!

Stay with me Dahlings. Now let's think about all the inner organs, cells, hormones, and fleshiness of your insides, if you season your body with BOOZE, DIRTY SEX, LIES, DRUGS, it's going to show up on the outside and reflect on how you feel, think, and act.
If your body has been seasoned with poverty, hardship, difficulty and struggle, that is how it's going to come out in your money. Each physical thing in your life has a secret hidden seasoned sauce! What are you seasoned with? Oprah Winfrey, Wealth? Really oh I forgot Dahlings Your visualizing again! Silly Me!!

If you're tired of visualizing and wishing, hoping, and waiting for Puff the Magic Dragon, then go to, let little ole (well young sexy beautiful) Tiffani Chanil show you how to increase your net worth to over $1 million dollars, yes I said it $1,000,000 in about a year then please dial my website phone number immediately and my Mo Shari will direct you to me!! Chop Chop hurry Dahlings!
Until Next time remember! Luxury is an INSIDE JOB!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hello Bizi Bellas

Hello Bizi Bellas

Tiffani Chanil here, aka Tawana Phillips to share Millionairess/Billionairess info with you in the simplest terms possible.

I hear a lot of coaches promoting "Mind Set". Sounds pretty masculine. In life I have learned, whatever you think, you FEEL.

Ladies you and I know, Emotions drive everything. Especially if you’re a woman. Unkept emotions can cause you to do some pretty gnarly things.

Let's look at Emotions and see how they effect the THOUGHTS; 

America experienced the pain of the Newtown shooting. Poor kiddies and teachers. Unfortunately, a young man that had disturbing emotions that triggered dark thoughts led him to commit a horrible crime. His dark emotions that were not managed and could not be kept in check got the best of him; prompting an emotional rage and darkness that triggered his dark thoughtful planning which then led him to the shootings.

Emotions are the key ladies. If you can handle your emotions you can handle anything. Even in relationships women lose themselves and their emotions and lose everything to men. Men think with "mindsets" but even they know how to master their emotions in that particular instance.

Now lets address the time you were a little girl and really wanted that Barbie doll, you couldn’t have it, you were told no. Stay with me here. Where did you feel that emotion? I know for me it was in the space between my ribcage called the solar plexus, which is known as the power center, confidence, self-esteem and self worth. Even though it was legitimate your family did not have the money, it effected your emotional power center.

At the Association of Women Real Estate Investors, we attack the emotional aspects and help clear it. We use a luxury meter! After all Luxury is an Inside Job! We see where you are, and we address it!

Work with us to help you create a new emotional financial blueprint!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Secret is a Lie

Many people ask, what makes my company different from an ordinary Association. I will help you understand why.

1. I cater to women
2. I address women’s finances as it pertains to their emotional BLUEPRINT
3. I teach Real Estate Investment strictly to women
4. I make Real Estate Investment Simple
5. I help you understand how your Anatomy and Physiology has a great deal to do with
   a. why your not rich
   b. why you will most likely never be rich
   c. why its not your fault your not rich
   d. the difference between being rich and being wealthy
   e. why its your BODY that is determining weather or not it wants to be rich or successful
   f.  learn how you can help your body be your best friend and enjoy living in it.
6. I help you get into your body and out of your head. I could go on and on about this one, but for the sake of simplicity. I will keep it short.

Stay with me here. Anytime you ever experienced anything good or bad in your life, that emotion is stored in your body for later use.

The Secret is a LIE. Positive thinking wont bring you anything but Pixie dust. Why? Trauma and Joy stores itself in your body. So even if you think positive about money today, your body has a recorded memory of the real deal. When that issue good or bad comes up around money, your bodies memories will react, and THEN it will effect your THINKING good or bad.

Until next time....Stay tuned or feel free to jumpstart your path to being THE BILLIONAIRESS NEXT DOOR and get my book, The Women’s Billion Dollar Guide to Real Estate Investment Made Simple. Warning for Women Only!

or visit my site and get your free mp3 download for a free chapter to my book.

Or join the AOWRI for less than a cup of coffee per day…

Later Bellas...Tiffani Chanil Hepborn

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

“ Is a Women’s Place Only in the Home?

Coco Chanel said it best, “ A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.” But history says otherwise, in 1967 a women earned only 58 cents to a man’s dollar.
According to society if a women chooses to work in what is considered a “pink collar” job, which was coined during the Second World War, when women occupied jobs such secretaries, typist, and transcribers. As the U.S. economy evolved, these jobs became defined as those that were traditionally dominated by women and have been blamed for fueling the wage gap between women and men for the last 45 years.

The top ten “pink collar” jobs held by women include:
  1. Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
  2. Registered Nurses
  3. Middle and Elementary School Teachers
  4. Cashiers
  5. Retail Sales
  6. Home Health Aides
  7. Retail Sales Managers or First Line Supervisors
  8. Waitresses
  9. Book Keeping, Accounting and Auditing Clerks
  10. Maids and Housekeepers

Real Estate Investment is a sure-fire way women can overcome the “pink collar” wage gap to learn more visit or look out for the book The Women’s Billion Dollar Guide to Real Estate Investment Made Simple.
