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Rental Search Site Makes Building Intel Easier to Gather

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Rental search site Apartable made its debut last summer with a combination of elements seen on other rental hunting site?renter reviews, rankings, and the potential to connect with brokers and property managers. The site's newest feature is one we've seen a little less frequently, a building directory that allows tenants to find out more information about their buildings and landlords or to investigate particular buildings and property managers in their chosen neighborhoods.

The pages for each individual building?accessible via an address search or via neighborhood lists?include the date of construction, owner's name, number of apartments, links to information on nearby buildings, and a list of any issues or violations for the property. (Here's the page for a four-unit building in Fort Greene, 239 Ashland Place, as an example.) The database of buildings isn't complete?a few random Manhattan rental buildings that we tried inputting, for example, didn't come up in our search. But the feature is certainly a starting point for renters who want basic intel about their buildings in a more accessible fashion.
· NYC Building Directory [Apartable]
· Rental Search Site Plays Tenant-Apartment Matchmaker [Curbed]