The UK’s Government Outlaws Itself

Coercive or controlling … abuse becomes a crime punishable by up to five years in prison from Tuesday, even if it stops short of physical violence,” the Guardian reports.  “… [C]harges” will result “where there is evidence of repeated, or continuous, controlling or coercive behaviour … includ[ing] a pattern of threats, humiliation and intimidation, or behaviour such as stopping [a victim’s] socialising,”–as governments self-righteously do with their wars on alcohol, weed, etc.–“controlling their social media accounts, surveillance through apps or dictating what they wear.” Break out the hijabs, ladies! “Controlling or coercive behaviour is defined under section 76 of the Serious Crime Act 2015 as causing someone to fear that violence will be used against them on at least two occasions, or generating serious alarm or distress that has a substantial effect on their usual day-to-day activities.” What an incisive and accurate description of the State!

Goodness me, have politicians finally recognized the harm their arrogance, greed, and murderous lust for power inflict on the world? Are they repent–wait.


This law doesn’t apply to politics; no, as usual, rulers who live in the thinnest of glass houses are casting stones at us. They’ve decreed that domestic imitation of their public atrocities is criminal. If you as a spouse behave towards your “partner” as the government routinely does towards its subjects, you go to prison.

Dang. For a minute there…



11:51 am on December 29, 2015