Vertical Night Challenge - 10/03/20
Oct 3 – 4, 2020
Visit Alexander NC (Owner)
Rubyar Riv
Christi Thigpen
jose jatip
Brittney Hodge
Aidan Fahy
Doug Pennell
Manning Wimberly
Mihaela Gafencu
Rosemary Corbett
Ed Morgan
Dmitry Zaretsky
Rocky Face Mountain Recreational Area
Congratulations to Brian Beal for his victory in the first-ever Vertical Night Challenge at Rocky Face Park on Saturday, October 3 at 6:00 p.m. A total of 56 runners completed this unique 8-lap race which uses the same 16-mile course as the popular Vertical Mile Challenge, but with the added difficulty of running the trails in the dark (with a head lamp). Beal blazed the course in the dark with a time of 2:47:17. He also earned the award for fastest first lap for a male at 17:14. In addition, Beal received the cherished "Double Buckle" for finishing both 8-lap events this year -- the Vertical Mile Challenge in August and the Vertical Night Challenge in October.
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