The Power of 'Because'

The Power of 'Because'

Human Behavior, on most occasions can be predicted and controlled just as any phenomenon in physical sciences can be predicted and controlled. We, humans have built in programmed tapes that get activated by certain triggers, which although usually work to our advantage can sometimes dupe us into playing the tapes at the wrong time.

These programmed tapes inside us direct and control our behavior most of the times because in many cases it is the most efficient form of behaving, and in other cases it is simply necessary. In simple terms, we need shortcuts or rules of thumb to function smoothly in the complex environment around us.

Marketers should understand this aspect of human behavior and incorporate the required trigger features in their campaigns in order to bring out a certain programmed kind of behavior in the customer.

One of the most common trigger features used by compliance practitioners is the use of the word use 'because'. So strong is the persuasive power of this single word that it triggers an automatic compliance response from the customers. As human beings we crave order and we want to know why something is the way it is , what caused something to happen. These kinds of reasons, these relationships are encapsulated in the word use 'because'. In simpler terms, this powerful word satisfies the brain's natural search for reasons.

There is a well known principle of human behavior in psychology that when we ask someone to do us a favor we will be more successful if we simply provide a reason. Just by adding use 'because' to our request we are usually successful in moving ahead in a queue or getting some work done.

L'Oreal's marketing campaign 'Because you are worth it' does just the same. It gives us a reason to buy L'Oreal. We, consumers need reasons to justify our buying behavior. And L'Oreal successfully does that by using the word use 'because' to trigger our programmed tapes. This tagline introduced in 1973 was so powerful that it came to represent a movement as much as a product range. These four words have become what the brand stands for. L'Oreal was successful in making the women respond and comply to this positive phrase and powerful sentiment.

So, next time you speak to your customer or to your spouse, use 'because' and work that compliance magic.

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