#5 Important Tips for Unarmed Self-Defense

Any survivalist knows that self-defense is a must-have skill that should be mastered as soon as possible.

You can be an expert in storing food, water, and all that good stuff. However, if you do not know how to defend yourself and two or three hoodlums break into your house, then knowing how to store items won’t do you much good.

Break-ins happen frequently, and unfortunately, the above scenario plays out so much. When people are desperate for supplies and foods, they will do what they can to get it.

This includes stealing, assaulting or killing others to get what they want..

If supplies are hard to come by, then crime will become rampant. We’ve all seen what happens during riots and in areas where the crime rate is at extremely high levels. If you’re not prepared, then this can get ugly very quickly.

With all that said, we are going to discuss five principles of unarmed self-defense. Firearms are the preferred choice. However, if you don’t own one or want one, then these tips will come in handy.

1. Make Every Single Blow Count

In real-life confrontations, things last for seconds or only for a minute. During this time, you can quickly become wounded, dead or knocked unconscious. This is in contrast to MMA tournaments and boxing matches.

In a real fight, you need to make every blow count. Aim for the most vulnerable parts of the body and try to get the soft tissues. These parts include the nose, eyes, and throats.

Unless you know where to strike, avoid hitting the assailant in the torso. Kidney shots can be devastating, but not many people are trained to land effective strikes in the area.

It’s easier said than done, especially when you are in a real combat situation.

2. Offense Is The Best Defense

In some martial arts, the focus is on using techniques that are complicated to learn and include things such as blocking, followed by striking.

Arts like Krav Maga and Kali are better. This is because these arts have defenses that cause just as much damage as an offense.

If you learn Kali, then you will smash your elbow right into a person’s fist when they throw a punch at you.

You’ll be protecting your face, and you could potentially break their fist. Choose a self-defense course that’s based in real-life situations.

3. Continuous Striking

You’ll want to focus on throwing 3-4 strikes in quick successions, as this is how you’ll increase your chances of knocking your opponent down.

You’ll be moving forward and throwing strike after strike very quickly. This may cause the assailant to run in the other direction.

When your opponent hits the ground, you should flee the area. The goal is to get out with your life. As soon as you have the opportunity to escape, you’ll want to take it.

4. Decisiveness

Do not let the attacker strike you first. If you’re in a situation that is increasingly getting hostile, then hit first. After you make the first strike, you can make a run for it.

For example, you can land a palm strike on the nose. This will send the other person reeling. Alternatively, you can throw a swift kick to the groin area. Just make sure you escape afterward.

5. Practice

The key to reacting instinctively is to practice. You want to memorize the moves.

Remember, there’s no time to think when a real altercation takes place; therefore you want to learn the steps and act instinctively if you’re in a fight. This is how you’ll effectively protect yourself.


These five unarmed self-defense tips can come in handy. If you implement them, you’ll have a good chance of surviving in a dangerous and hostile situation.

You’ll probably make it out with minimum injury too, but you do want to keep on practicing moves on a regular basis.

In fact, you should practice on a daily basis because the more practice you get, the better prepared you will be in the event you find yourself confronted by a hostile party.

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