#7 Important Items Every Prepper Should Carry

The things you carry along with you in a time of crisis are those that you’d carry any other time except for two or three extra items.

When living in a war-struck zone or when disaster strikes, some things could make a world of difference.

Let’s take a look at a few of the essential items every prepper should carry…:

Cell Phone

While most of us are glued to our phones and cannot seem to tear ourselves away from our mobile devices, these handheld gadgets become incredibly crucial in times of a crisis or emergency.

Even when communication systems are out of order, and you cannot use your smartphone to send text messages or make calls, the good thing is that most of them come equipped with useful features such as a stopwatch and flashlight; features that can be useful in an emergency situation.

You can also use your phone to take notes, photos and do so much more. The things you can do with your phone are almost limitless; it all boils down to your level of imagination.

Make sure that your phone is always charged and the battery is still full because you never know when you might need it and you do not want it flat in your hour of need.


A flashlight is an essential item to have during dangerous times. In case street lamps go off during a hurricane or you are lost in the woods, a flashlight will be handy.

Searching for your vehicle in a poorly-lit parking lot can be quite unnerving. With a flashlight, you can illuminate your surroundings and be able to spot dodgy characters that may be lurking around preying on you.

Swiss Army Knife

Swiss Army knives are another essential tool to have on you. MacGyver always had one on him, and for a good reason too. These knives are highly versatile tools that you can use for clipping, cutting and chopping things up.

When getting one, look for those that have many features. These are the best as you can use them to handle a myriad of tasks.


This one’s obvious. Just remember to have your keys on you always. Don’t keep them in your fanny pack or handbag. What happens when someone steals it? You won’t be able to get into your home or start your car.

Things will get worse if your address and ID are in the pack or bag. Now the thief will not only have the keys to your house or car, but they’ll also know where you live.

Which is a whole new problem in itself! So, it is advisable that you always have your keys on you.


A paracord is a handy item for any prepper to have. You can use one as a clothesline, belt, dog leash, emergency tourniquet, a rope to tie things up with, a pulley line and so forth.

Though thin, a paracord is an extremely versatile, durable and lasting rope for use in different situations.


In times of emergency, having all the necessary identification documents like your ID, concealed carry permit, and driver’s license on you is important.

If you are in a war zone taken over by foreigners, make sure that you carry all of your identification documents everywhere you go.


If you own a gun and have a concealed carry permit, then consider carrying it with you for your protection – as long as you know how to handle one and practice often when you can.

If you do not like carrying firearms, consider always carrying a non-lethal weapon like a stun gun or pepper spray.

These self-defense items could save your life in the event someone attacked you.


Always carry and pack these essential prepper & survivalist items whenever you are leaving the house. Though it may sound like a bit of a hassle, you never know when they could come in handy.

It is better to have these items with you than to wish you had them on you in a time of need.

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