IBM Innovation Culture +

330 million books, one piece of tape.

We’ve got a new world record in storage capacity, folks. Sony Storage Media Solutions, in collaboration with IBM scientists, recorded 201 gigabits of uncompressed data onto a square inch of magnetic tape. When those square inches are wound into a single palm-sized cartridge they’re capable of storing 330 terabytes of information, or the equivalent of about 330 million books. Better start reading.

See how it works - >

6 years ago

126 notes

  1. jordanes-nmix-blog reblogged this from ibmblr and added:
    Really cool that they can put so much onto such a little device. Maybe could be a good way to get higher literacy rates...
  2. 201s101 reblogged this from ibmblr
  3. vesme40 said: I want one please.
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  7. zzzzzzzzzzzzzui reblogged this from ibmblr and added:
    Tape Tape Tape !!!
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