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This daily report is created by the Strategic Communications Team within the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency
Management. Additional reports and graphics are available in the attached pdf document. NSTR = Nothing Significant to Report.
Colorado Daily Status Report May 11, 2017
Information in this report was gathered prior to 8:30 a.m.
National Terrorism Advisory System: No Current Alerts | Bulletin
State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) Activation Level: Normal Operations
Current Disasters/Large Incidents:
DHSEM supporting Prowers and Baca County following the April 28-29 winter storm.
The Southwest Regional Field Manager is providing support and monitoring impacts
from the Western Excelsior plant fire in Mancos.
DHSEM supporting the Pueblo County, Custer County and Huerfano County Flooding.
Major Road Impacts/Closures: None
Colorado Regional Updates
Field Services Manager - Bruce Holloman - 720-852-6614
Deputy Field Services Manager – Paul Eller - 303-870-6893
The Field Services Manager (FSM) is supporting the flooding incident in Pueblo County. He will
also be attending a South region recovery meeting in Westcliff this afternoon. The FSM and
Deputy FSM remain available for technical support and assistance to the state.
Northwest - Chuck Vale - 970-846-3912
Counties: Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Jackson, Mesa, Moffat, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, Summit
The Regional Field Manager is available for technical support and assistance to the west and
northwest regions.
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This daily report is created by the Strategic Communications Team within the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency
Management. Additional reports and graphics are available in the attached pdf document. NSTR = Nothing Significant to Report.
West - Drew Petersen - 970-633-0201
Counties: Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel
The Regional Field Manager is on annual leave until May 15. RFM Chuck Vale is available for
technical support and assistance to the region.
Southwest - Trevor Denney - 970-247-7674
Counties: Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, San Juan, Southern Ute Indian Tribe and
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe
The Regional Field Manager continues to monitor impacts from the Western Excelsior plant fire
in Mancos and will be supporting an Archuleta County Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC)
meeting today in Pagosa Springs. He remains available for technical support and assistance to
the region.
San Luis Valley - David Osborn – 719-587-5213
Counties: Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande, Saguache
The Regional Field Manager (RFM) will participate in the statewide Public Health Emergency
Dispensing Exercise (PHED EX) planning meeting in Alamosa. He remains available for
technical support and assistance to the region.
South East - Riley Frazee – 719-510-2388
Counties: Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero, Prowers
The Regional Field Manager continues to provide support to Baca and Prowers Counties due to
the snow storm incident on April 28-29. He is also supporting Otero County and the Town of
Fowler for flooding that occurred on May 8, 2017 as additional rain accumulation is expected.
He remains available for technical support and assistance to the region.
South - Christe Coleman – 970-250-0440
Counties: Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Las Animas, Pueblo
The Regional Field Manager is supporting Huerfano County for the Cucharas River flooding
also monitoring and supporting Beulah Hill and Junkins Fire burn scar flooding. She will also
attend the South Region ESF 5 and Homeland Security Grant meeting and Wildfire
Recovery/Mitigation Meeting in Custer. She remains available for technical support and
assistance to the region.
South Central – Mark Boley - 720-415-4502
Counties: Chaffee, El Paso, Lake, Park, Teller
The Regional Field Manager is available for technical support and assistance to the region.