Colorado Academy Board of Trustees: Endowment Advisory Committee Update for April 6, 2016

Updated: May 4, 2016

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I apologize, but I do not have final performance numbers for Q1 2016, but I am happy to say that the numbers will be "ok" (or better) given defensive positioning of the Endowment.

"Official" remarks re: EAC update for Board
Is it really possible for the Endowment to lose less than 10% if the Equity Markets are down 30%?

Yes, reducing Equity exposure to 50% (currently at 58%, reduced from 63% per March 16th meeting) and increasing U.S. Treasury bonds to 20% could reduce losses to approximately -12%.

Gold is the Wildcard. At a 10% weighting, IF Gold were to surge by 50% driven by safe-haven buying, then it would add a positive 5% return to the total portfolio - thereby reducing total losses to less than 10%.

Need to read the fine print in this theoretical model. IF gold is a 10% weighting (it is 1% now) and if Gold goes up 50% (when S&P is down 30%), then the portfolio would benefit significantly from this market hedge.
  • Ticker: SPX | S&P 500
  • Year-to-Date Performance: +0.06%
  • Endowment is overweight U.S. Large Cap equities
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for the S&P 500
This is the 5-year chart
  • Ticker: SX5E | Euro STOXX 50 Index, priced in Euros
  • Year-to-Date Performance: -11.5%
  • Endowment is underweight International Developed markets
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for SX5E | Euro STOXX 50 Index, in Euros
This is the Five Year performance chart for SX5E | Euro STOXX 50 Index, in Euros

EMERGING MARKETS | Endowment holds ~8% exposure to Emerging and Developed Markets through the Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund and the Causeway Emerging Markets Fund

  • Ticker: EEM | iShares MSCI Emerging Markets
  • Year-To-Date Performance: +2.8%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for EEM | iShares MSCI Emerging Markets
This is the Five Year performance chart for EEM | iShares MSCI Emerging Markets
  • Ticker: MAPTX | Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund
  • Year-To-Date Performance: -1%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for MAPTX | Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund
This is the Five Year performance chart for MAPTX | Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund
  • Ticker: CEMIX | Causeway Emerging Markets Fund
  • Year-To-Date Performance: +1%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for CEMIX | Causeway Emerging Markets Fund
This is the Five Year performance chart for CEMIX | Causeway Emerging Markets Fund
Fixed Income Review

Leveraged Loan Closed-End Funds The recent rebound in oil prices have lifted high-yield, helping these funds to close their discounts to NAV

  • Ticker: BSL | BlackRock/GSO Senior Floating Rate Term Fund
  • Current dividend yield is 7.6%
  • Year-to-Date Performance: +3.4%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for BSL | BlackRock/GSO Senior Floating Rate Term Fund
This is the Five Year performance chart for BSL | BlackRock/GSO Senior Floating Rate Term Fund
  • Ticker: BGT | BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust Fund
  • Dividend Yield = 5.5%
  • Year-To-Date Performance: +1.0%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for BGT | BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust
This is the Five Year performance chart for BGT | BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust
  • Ticker: TLI | Western Asset Corporate Loan Fund
  • Dividend Yield = 9.0%
  • Year-To-Date Performance: -2.3%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for TLI | Western Asset Corporate Loan Fund
This is the Five Year performance chart for TLI | Western Asset Corporate Loan Fund
  • Ticker: FRA | BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund
  • Dividend yield = 5.7%
  • Year-To-Date Performance: Flat +0.0%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for FRA | BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund
This is the Five Year performance chart for FRA | BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund
  • Ticker: LQD | iShares iBoxx Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF
  • Yield = 3.6%
  • Year-To-Date Performance: +4.6%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for LQD | iShares iBoxx Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF
This is the Five Year performance chart for LQD | iShares iBoxx Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF

Ticker: MLPI | UBS ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index ETN. MLP sector is a 4% opportunistic trade in the Endowment. AMLP is the Alerian MLP Index and is the benchmark for this sector. The Endowment owns AMLP and MLPI.

This is the Five Year performance chart for AMLP | Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index
  • Ticker: MLPI | UBS ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index ETN
  • Dividend Yield = 10.8%
  • Year-To-Date Performance: -12%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for MLPI | UBS ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index ETN
This is the Five Year performance chart for MLPI | UBS ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index ETN

Gold is rebounding, with a 16% gain in Q1. Endowment holds gold exposure (1.3% position size) through the Sprott Phyisical Gold Trust, ticker PHYS

This is the Five Year performance chart for Gold
  • Ticker: PHYS | Sprott Physical Gold Trust
  • Year-To-Date Performance: +16%
This is the Year-To-Date performance chart for PHYS | Sprott Physical Gold Trust
This is the Five Year performance chart for PHYS | Sprott Physical Gold Trust
China remains a Key Focus

The Chinese equity markets continue to struggle . . . Though not discussed in this presentation, the US Dollar - Renminbi exchange rate is a key focus point

This is the Five Year performance chart for SHCOMP | Shanghai Composite
Wall Street inspiration in Shanghai
Oil remains in Focus. New market adage: So goes Oil, so goes the Market.

Brent is trading off its recent 50% rally from $28 to $42. This rally coincided with very dovish remarks from Fed Chair Yellen. The dovish Fed has allowed the dollar to weaken (for now) which has relieved pressure on dollar-influenced markets, including Emerging Markets and commodities.

One year ago, Brent traded at $58 - still another $20 above where we are today

The oil bear market has triggered credit defaults in the Energy sector, which has locked up the High Yield debt ("junk bonds") market. Exacerbating this credit squeeze is the lack of Financial Capital traditionally available to Wall Street's bond trading houses. In the past, they would make markets. Now, they simply place orders. As a result there is no liquidity in fixed income markets, and junk bond illiquidity spills into higher-rated corporate bonds.

Saudi Oil Minister Al-Naimi whipsawing short term oil trading - will Saudi freeze, or not freeze?
The next OPEC meeting is an interim meeting scheduled for April 17th
One Final Point of Interest

Laptop computers came into existence 25 years ago

We are less than 10 years into the Mobile Computing Revolution (smartphones). I remain super bullish long term on the American economy for our collective ingenuity, management expertise and entrepreneurial spirit.

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