(formerly the Analysis of ICANN Fellowship Programme page)


The ICANN Stakeholder Tool was developed by Dev Anand Teelucksingh (based on work by Glenn McKnight)  which is a Google Spreadsheet which allows for the ability to search by country:

  • At-Large Representation, At-Large Structures and Individuals
  • ccNSO membership
  • GAC Membership
  • NCUC Membership (Persons and Organisations)
  • NPOC Organisations
  • Business Constituency,
  • ISP and Connectivity Providers Constituency,
  • Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG),
  • The Number of Fellowships
  • Nextgen
  • Accredited Registrars

AND also do a Regional or worldwide analysis on At-Large, ccNSO, GAC, Fellowship and accredited registrars.

At ICANN63, the ICANN Stakeholder Tool was presented on October 23 2018. View the ICANN63 - ICANN Stakeholder Tool.pdf presentation

Latest Version v8.95 (published March 1 2024)

view ICANN Stakeholder Analysis Tool (At-Large, GAC, ccNSO, NCUC, Fellowships, NextGen, Registrars) by Country or by Region

or visit



  1. Merci à [~glenn.mcknight] ET [~devanand.teelucksing] pour ce travail formidable.
  2. Great job! But I checked my country Iran and some data seems to be incomplete; I got two fellowships myself for the ICANN54 and ICANN55 which are not indicated.

    1. Hi Mahdi, are you looking at the version 5 (as of Dec 2017) of the tool, because it does have that information.

  3. I read consciensously this tools. Its a precious elements for evaluation and self evaluation.


      1. Hi Folks

        We took the information from the ICANN website.  If  it was incomplete or we did a bad job transcribing the information  we need to recognize the issue that  we the volunteers did a job that was ignored by ICANN staff .   We tried to provide a tool that  illustrated transparency. We have tried again and again for  ICANN to take over this tool.  Silence is the answer.  I don't  know what Dev wants to do.  I am not doing anymore work on this.  I saw it a great tool Thanks to Dev for his work . 


  4. Great stuff, Dev!

  5. Hi very good job. Thanks . but there is a problem. you have to add Guadeloupe as country now (wink) oki Dev Anand Teelucksingh  (tongue)

  6. Hello Betty Fausta The update to At-Large was done (wink)