Use Dr. Jaffe's 3 powerful Principles to beat Your addiction forever And watch your whole world change!
Discover Why IGNTD Hero is the Leading Online Addiction Program
With Incredible Success That Finally Allows You To Achieve True Freedom!
Become the most respectable, present and proud version of yourself  and improve 
every relationship in your life simply by making this one commitment.
IGNTD Helps People Break Free From 
Their Addiction and Bad Habits 
Forever Without Shame
Did you know that 90% of people who struggle with addiction problems don't get help?
The Recovery Industry is Broken. 
That's Why IGNTD Does Things Differently...
The Recovery Industry is Broken. 
That's Why IGNTD Does Things Differently...
Dr. Adi Jaffe, Founder & CEO
There are many barriers people have to face when they need help for addiction (i.e. affordability, accessibility, abstinence) but for me, shame was the biggest baddest barrier of them all. 

When I was struggling with meth, anxiety and sex addiction, it was my shame that kept me feeling stuck & worthless. 

I tried AA, but it didn’t work for me long term. I couldn’t stand the shame it instilled in me and the fact that it made me feel even worse about myself. Fed up that I wasn't getting better, I decided to develop my own approach. The IGNTD Hero Program is a polished version of the methods and tools I used to overcome years of shame and repair my own relationship, self-esteem, and life.

The IGNTD Hero Program is NOT a rehab or treatment clinic, however, nor do I want it to be. Why? Because it’s better than that. Not only does the program cost considerably less than the average rehab, you don’t have to uproot your entire life to start. Hell, you can even do the program in your pajamas if you want. No shame, remember?

As seen on
Current Addiction Treatment Isn't Science-Based

The serious problem with the Disease & 12-Step Approaches

Harvard Professor and addiction expert Lance Dodes, M.D. says that alcoholism is not even a disease. Like me, he sees addiction as a symptom of a larger psychological issue — something happening in that person’s life. It's a compulsion, like gambling, and needs to be treated that way.

“I've probably treated a couple of thousand people who have one addiction or another. Almost all residential treatment programs in the United States are 12-Step-based, so their effectiveness will depend entirely on whether 12-Step programs work, and the statistics for AA are not good. It is helpful for 5‒10%, and that's a good thing; that's 5‒10% of people who are being helped by AA — it's a lot better than zero percent — but it shouldn't be thought of as the standard of treatment because it fails for most people — for the vast majority of people.”

90% of people see the cure as worse than the disease

Alcohol treatment programs have barely changed in the last 100 years... The medical profession and Alcoholics Anonymous call alcoholism a disease, asserting that some people ("alcoholics") have a condition called alcoholism, a chronic disease that never goes away. 

But research shows us that 85% of those who struggle with alcohol or drug issues DO NOT EVEN TRY to get treatment, while 90% never get professional help. My own UCLA research (Jaffe et al. 2014) shows that a big part of the reason that no one wants the help is a) the requirement to quit immediately and b) the incredible shame and resistance to being called names like "addict" and "alcoholic," which research has now shows us cause more problems than they've ever solved (Ashford et al., 2019; Broyles et al, 2014).

The terrible "powerlessness" disease models are harmful

Research has shown us that calling people “alcoholics” and "addicts" and making them believe they have a lifelong disease creates extreme shame and stigma. My own research, as well as that of others, found that this shame makes it LESS LIKELY that people will seek help and makes it MORE LIKELY that they will drop out early. 

The reality is that most people who have problems with alcohol or drugs absolutely have the power to change and take back control of their life.

Mark Willenbring, MD talking at the Nobel Conference on Addiction (14 mins)

The problem isn't the alcohol, drugs, food or porn...

As I mention in my best-selling book, The Abstinence Myth, the end behavior is NOT the problem to be solved - it is merely a symptom of more deeply rooted biological, psychological, environmental and spiritual issues. Uncover and address those, and you'll solve the drinking or using problem. In his incredibly popular TED talk, Johann Hari discusses the myth of the disease model.

Many people today simply do not believe they have a chronic disease, they don’t want to abstain for life, and they don’t want the stigma and shame of being labeled an alcoholic. They prefer to continue as they are, try quitting cold turkey or try using willpower to fight off cravings than go to Alcoholics Anonymous or rehab, so they simply don’t seek alcohol treatment. 30 million people in the U.S. have AUD, and another 30 million are either binge drinkers or heavy drinkers. Only 10% of people with AUD ever seek help and most of those are forced to by the courts or relatives. Many have multiple visits to multiple programs - the revolving door effect.

Neuroscientist Marc Lewis explains in easy to understand and entertaining language the learning model of craving and why it is not a disease, and that most people with the desire to change and the help of medication and tools can rewire their mind and kick the habit forever.

We need to stop using 
100-year-old treatment methods

In the United States, 85% of rehabs and essentially all sober living facilities utilize the 12-step approach and the abstinence-only disease model. Within this system, only 1 out of 100 individuals who struggle actually recover.

The problem is that, when this system was put in place, the telegraph was a new invention and light bulbs were still not present in all households. Neuroscience did not exist and we knew nothing about the brain; the field of psychology was in its infancy and we knew nothing about trauma. Physicians didn't even understand yet that bacteria and viruses cause diseases!!! Isn't it time that we updated our approach given the incredible advances we've had in the past century? 

IGNTD does exactly that by bringing science and technology to bare on a problem that has been completely misunderstood for far too long.

A Modern Approach

IGNTD Doesn't Tell You What MUST Work!

IGNTD Is agnostic as to the specific help that you need, and that's what makes our approach SO powerful - CBT, DBT, Mindfulness, Exercise, Medications, Mindset coaching, hypnosis and psychoeducation - we have it ALL! While supporters of specific approaches tout their own success rates, IGNTD believes that every person requires a unique mix of therapies, potential medications and end goals to be successful in life.

With IGNTD, YOU get to choose what's working for you and so more of that. No pressure from us - Just support and guidance. How refreshing is that?

"Most of it (treatment) can be done in primary care... I mean, a counselor with a GED preaching AA for four weeks is no backup for a physician... Medications are going to become increasingly important, that’s why the neuroscience research is so important... Most therapy - psychotherapy - will be provided on the web. So those are the future directions, and there is a lot to say about the use of technology as well. The future is bright, but we have to make treatment available, accessible, affordable, and attractive."

Mark Willenbring, MD
Former Director of the NIAAA Division of Treatment and Recovery Research

IGNTD does just this - providing online coaching and education that is SCIENCE based, flexible, affordable through telemedicine remote help. We make help accessible!

CBT Model

You've heard the term Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) before, right? But what does it mean?!

CBT focuses on helping people identify the connection between the events in their lives, their interpretations (thoughts + beliefs) about those events, and the results...

At the core of CBT is this - once you understand the impact your thoughts and beliefs have on your experience in life, you can start having control over them and become happier, more content and more fulfilled.

At IGNTD, we believe wholeheartedly in the power of CBT!


Mindfulness and the practice of meditation have been shown, over centuries and decades, to have a profound impact on wellbeing. Meditation has been found to help everything from your level of stress and anxiety to your overall happiness to your actual physical health (things like blood pressure, heart rate and risk for cancer are all reduced among those who practice meditation regularly).

But how do you get started and what is particularly relevant for YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS?

We'll help you figure that out!

Mindset Shift

Dr. Bruce Lipton (who presents a workshop in the program) is the author of the book The Biology of Belief, in which he presents evidence that the environment you live in affects the way your body functions and that your mindset regarding that relationship can have a PROFOUND effect on your level of happiness and satisfaction in life.

At IGNTD, we are focused on reducing shame and powerlessness, two mindset elements that have been repeatedly found to be related to depression, anxiety, addiction severity and a whole bunch of additional life struggles.

Along with CBT and mindfulness, mindset work helps open you up to completely new possibilities of happiness and joy!

Medication Support

There have been a number of medications that have been found to be incredibly effective for addiction help. Generally considered Medication Assisted Therapy/Treatment (MAT),  the combination of meds and counseling has been shown to be very powerful for some people.

At IGNTD, we don't recommend specific medications (remember that every person is different!) but we educate you non-judgmentally about the potential role and use of each one of the medications that has substantial research behind it.

We also help you connect to physicians that can support you if you choose to go that route!


Only about 10% of your cognitive work (your thinking) happens at the level of consciousness according to many experts. So how are you supposed to access the other 90% of your thoughts that you're not even aware of?!

That's where hypnosis can come in...

A deep-state relaxation technique that can be used by anyone to access thoughts that may simply be out of reach when you're in your more typical alert place.

Want to figure out how to align your conscious and subconscious? Try out some hypnosis with us!

Women and Alcohol Use

Everyone thinks that drinking is primarily a "man-thing" but between 2002 and 2013, the prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders increased by 83.7% among women in the United States (NIAAA). 

In younger age groups, women already drink significantly more than men, and it's having an increasingly visible effect on their overall health. 1 in 6 women admit to having driven drunk in the past year, and 70% are consistently drinking at unsafe levels according to the WHO. A 2018 study found a steep overall rise in the number of alcohol-related ER visits between 2006 and 2014, but the increase was notably greater for women than men.

About half of the IGNTD participants who seek help for alcohol are women and their drinking ranges from two daily bottles of wine to sporadic binges of 10 drinks or 3-4 nightly glasses. While some have never blacked out, others have had repeated memory loss from drinking for years.

Check out Julia's testimonial below for more!

Anxiety and Alcohol Use

Anxiety and Alcohol Use are often connected through a relationship that, for many people, started a long time ago. Many individuals struggle with anxiety and stress that is brought on by internal (fears, feelings of not fitting in, and reactions to social interactions) and external (work, family life, loss, changes in circumstances) pressures. These feelings of anxiety often drive people to drink, sometimes as early as 13 and sometimes as late as college or later. 

Relying on drinking for anxiety relief can cause tolerance and require additional drinking while causing a catch-22: the alcohol itself starts creating increased anxiety when a person isn't drinking and is in "withdrawal," which means more alcohol is needed... 

And the cycle continues...

Men and Alcohol Use

Between 2002 and 2013, Alcohol Use Disorder increased by 83.7% among women in the United States (NIAAA). In younger age groups, women already drink significantly more than men, and it's having an increasingly visible effect on their overall health. 1 in 6 women admit to having driven drunk in the past year, and 70% are consistently drinking at unsafe levels according to the WHO. A 2018 study found a steep overall rise in the number of alcohol-related ER visits between 2006 and 2014, but the increase was notably greater for women than men.

As a society, we often make the mistake of assuming over-drinking to be a male-dominated issue; up until 1961, women in Illinois were legally allowed to buy alcohol at 18 instead of 21, because it was believed that female drinking was never problematic. It's time we abandon these antiquated assumptions and face the truth: women are suffering now more than ever from problem-drinking, and must be supported.

Trauma & Drugs

A substantial portion of IGNTD participants have experienced past trauma that either brought on the substance use or made it worse. Sexual, physical and emotional abuse are only some of the negative life experiences that belong in this group. Parental divorce, medical problems, loss of a loved one as well as many others can create adverse early experiences that make addiction problems more likely.

As Dr. Gabor Mate writes in his book, In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts, much of addiction originates in trauma. And trying to repair one without the other is ineffective and potentially dangerous.

At IGNTD, we understand that there are REAL concerns that MUST be addressed and that ignoring them while trying to change your substance use is a terrible way to create real and lasting change.

The Science of Habits

Habits are created when behaviors are repeated over and over for an extended period of time. While they feel automatic, habits are simply learned behaviors that have become ingrained but ARE changeable.

There is a large body of literature that reveals the appropriate techniques and tools to use when trying to change existing habits (hint: Simply stopping yourself from engaging in the habit is not a very effective technique). Using these tools it is possible to change even the MOST automated habits - riding a bike, driving on the other side of the road, etc. 

Habit change is a science, and IGNTD is all about science.

Porn, Sex & Infidelity

Many of the participants who come to IGNTD reach us for sex-addiction or other sex-related compulsions. From watching too much porn to serial infidelity and more (prostitution, massage-parlors, online sex-chat), we view these issues as related to struggles with intimacy, communication and relationship building.

We've seen lives changed, relationships repaired and marriages saved by doing the deep and perspective-shifting work that is part of the IGNTD Nohab Hero Program. Sex addiction CAN be fixed with the right tools and support.

Compulsive Eating

In recent years we have seen an explosion of people seeking help for compulsive eating. These clients sometimes drink, but others don't struggle with alcohol at all. Nevertheless, the food consumption takes on an addiction-like form.

As with the other groups of IGNTD participants, we typically find that at the core of these struggles is repressed emotion, past trauma and/or unaddressed biological, psychological or environmental stressors. The work is therefore to uncover these, accept them and then go about changing them forever.

Many of our clients find near immediate reductions in their food consumption and love our F-Shame attitude and positive approach to resolving pain and moving forward in a proactive manner.

"I'm a firm believer that those of us who've broken and then healed are are actually stronger than people who've never been tested." 
- Dr. Adi Jaffe

I’ve been where you’ve been, and I've nearly lost it all... But then I came back stronger than ever and made sure I know EVERYTHING there is to know about addiction, so that I never go back. 

In addition to my two Master’s degrees and a PhD in psychology from UCLA, I’ve written a bestselling book called The Abstinence Myth: A New Approach for Overcoming Addiction Without Shame, Judgment, or Rules.

I’ve also made numerous television appearances as a mental health, addiction, relationships and shame expert over the years and have a column on Psychology Today where I strive to eliminate the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health issues through my writing, and a TEDx Talk under my belt. 

If you want to see more of my credentials, go ahead and Google my name or stalk my LinkedIn profile. But that’s not what makes me credible. You know what does? My own struggles with drugs, anxiety, sex addiction, and shame over the years. And the fact that I’ve overcome every single one of them.

I can help you do the same.
99 out of 100 people fail using the way we currently try to “fix” addiction.
  • COST
Dr. Adi Jaffe, Founder & CEO
There are many barriers people have to face when they need help for addiction (i.e. affordability, accessibility, abstinence) but for me, shame was the biggest baddest barrier of them all. 

When I was struggling with meth, anxiety and sex addiction, it was my shame that kept me feeling stuck & worthless. 

I tried AA, but it didn’t work for me long term. I couldn’t stand the shame it instilled in me and the fact that it made me feel even worse about myself. Fed up that I wasn't getting better, I decided to develop my own approach. The IGNTD Hero Program is a polished version of the methods and tools I used to overcome years of shame and repair my own relationship, self-esteem, and life.

The IGNTD Hero Program is NOT a rehab or treatment clinic, however, nor do I want it to be. Why? Because it’s better than that. Not only does the program cost considerably less than the average rehab, you don’t have to uproot your entire life to start. Hell, you can even do the program in your pajamas if you want. No shame, remember?

Current Addiction Treatment Isn't Science-Based

90% of people see the cure as worse than the disease

Alcohol treatment programs have barely changed in the last 100 years... The medical profession and Alcoholics Anonymous call alcoholism a disease, asserting that some people ("alcoholics") have a condition called alcoholism, a chronic disease
that never goes away. 

But research shows us that 85% of those who struggle with alcohol or drug issues DO NOT EVEN TRY to get treatment, while 90% never get professional help. My own UCLA research (Jaffe et al. 2014) shows that a big part of the reason that no one wants the help is a) the requirement to quit immediately and b) the incredible shame and resistance to being called names like "addict" and "alcoholic," which research has now shows us cause more problems than they've ever solved (Ashford et al., 2019; Broyles et al, 2014).

The serious problem with the Disease & 12-Step Approaches

Harvard Professor and addiction expert Lance Dodes, M.D. says that alcoholism is not even a disease. Like me, he sees addiction as a symptom of a larger psychological issue — something happening in that person’s life. It's a compulsion, like gambling, and needs to be treated that way.

“I've probably treated a couple of thousand people who have one addiction or another. Almost all residential treatment programs in the United States are 12-Step-based, so their effectiveness will depend entirely on whether 12-Step programs work, and the statistics for AA are not good. It is helpful for 5‒10%, and that's a good thing; that's 5‒10% of people who are being helped by AA — it's a lot better than zero percent — but it shouldn't be thought of as the standard of treatment because it fails for most people — for the vast majority of people.”

The terrible "powerlessness" disease models are harmful

Research has shown us that calling people “alcoholics” and "addicts" and making them believe they have a lifelong disease creates extreme shame and stigma. My own research, as well as that of others, found that this shame makes it LESS LIKELY that people will seek help and makes it MORE LIKELY that they will drop out early. 

The reality is that most people who have problems with alcohol or drugs absolutely have the power to change and take back control of their life.

Mark Willenbring, MD talking at the Nobel Conference on Addiction (14 mins)

The problem isn't the alcohol, drugs, food or porn...

As I mention in my best-selling book, The Abstinence Myth, the end behavior is NOT the problem to be solved - it is merely a symptom of more deeply rooted biological, psychological, environmental and spiritual issues. Uncover and address those, and you'll solve the drinking or using problem. In his incredibly popular TED talk, Johann Hari discusses the myth of the disease model.

Many people today simply do not believe they have a chronic disease, they don’t want to abstain for life, and they don’t want the stigma and shame of being labeled an alcoholic. They prefer to continue as they are, try quitting cold turkey or try using willpower to fight off cravings than go to Alcoholics Anonymous or rehab, so they simply don’t seek alcohol treatment. 30 million people in the U.S. have AUD, and another 30 million are either binge drinkers or heavy drinkers. Only 10% of people with AUD ever seek help and most of those are forced to by the courts or relatives. Many have multiple visits to multiple programs - the revolving door effect.

Neuroscientist Marc Lewis explains in easy to understand and entertaining language the learning model of craving and why it is not a disease, and that most people with the desire to change and the help of medication and tools can rewire their mind and kick the habit forever.

We need to stop using 
100-year-old treatment methods

In the United States, 85% of rehabs and essentially all sober living facilities utilize the 12-step approach and the abstinence-only disease model. Within this system, only 1 out of 100 individuals who struggle actually recover.

The problem is that, when this system was put in place, the telegraph was a new invention and light bulbs were still not present in all households. Neuroscience did not exist and we knew nothing about the brain; the field of psychology was in its infancy and we knew nothing about trauma. Physicians didn't even understand yet that bacteria and viruses cause diseases!!! Isn't it time that we updated our approach given the incredible advances we've had in the past century? 

IGNTD does exactly that by bringing science and technology to bare on a problem that has been completely misunderstood for far too long.

A Modern Approach

"Most of it (treatment) can be done in primary care... I mean, a counselor with a GED preaching AA for four weeks is no backup for a physician... Medications are going to become increasingly important, that’s why the neuroscience research is so important... Most therapy - psychotherapy - will be provided on the web. So those are the future directions, and there is a lot to say about the use of technology as well. The future is bright, but we have to make treatment available, accessible, affordable, and attractive."

Mark Willenbring, MD
Former Director of the NIAAA Division of Treatment and Recovery Research

IGNTD does just this - providing online coaching and education that is SCIENCE based, flexible, affordable through telemedicine remote help. We make help accessible!

IGNTD Doesn't Tell You What MUST Work!

IGNTD Is agnostic as to the specific help that you need, and that's what makes our approach SO powerful - CBT, DBT, Mindfulness, Exercise, Medications, Mindset coaching, hypnosis and psychoeducation - we have it ALL! While supporters of specific approaches tout their own success rates, IGNTD believes that every person requires a unique mix of therapies, potential medications and end goals to be successful in life.

With IGNTD, YOU get to choose what's working for you and so more of that. No pressure from us - Just support and guidance. How refreshing is that?

CBT Model

You've heard the term Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) before, right? But what does it mean?!

CBT focuses on helping people identify the connection between the events in their lives, their interpretations (thoughts + beliefs) about those events, and the results...

At the core of CBT is this - once you understand the impact your thoughts and beliefs have on your experience in life, you can start having control over them and become happier, more content and more fulfilled.

At IGNTD, we believe wholeheartedly in the power of CBT!


Mindfulness and the practice of meditation have been shown, over centuries and decades, to have a profound impact on wellbeing. Meditation has been found to help everything from your level of stress and anxiety to your overall happiness to your actual physical health (things like blood pressure, heart rate and risk for cancer are all reduced among those who practice meditation regularly).

But how do you get started and what is particularly relevant for YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS?

We'll help you figure that out!

Mindset Shift

Dr. Bruce Lipton (who presents a workshop in the program) is the author of the book The Biology of Belief, in which he presents evidence that the environment you live in affects the way your body functions and that your mindset regarding that relationship can have a PROFOUND effect on your level of happiness and satisfaction in life.

At IGNTD, we are focused on reducing shame and powerlessness, two mindset elements that have been repeatedly found to be related to depression, anxiety, addiction severity and a whole bunch of additional life struggles.

Along with CBT and mindfulness, mindset work helps open you up to completely new possibilities of happiness and joy!

Medication Support

There have been a number of medications that have been found to be incredibly effective for addiction help. Generally considered Medication Assisted Therapy/Treatment (MAT),  the combination of meds and counseling has been shown to be very powerful for some people.

At IGNTD, we don't recommend specific medications (remember that every person is different!) but we educate you non-judgmentally about the potential role and use of each one of the medications that has substantial research behind it.

We also help you connect to physicians that can support you if you choose to go that route!


Only about 10% of your cognitive work (your thinking) happens at the level of consciousness according to many experts. So how are you supposed to access the other 90% of your thoughts that you're not even aware of?!

That's where hypnosis can come in...

A deep-state relaxation technique that can be used by anyone to access thoughts that may simply be out of reach when you're in your more typical alert place.

Want to figure out how to align your conscious and subconscious? Try out some hypnosis with us!

Our Solution
Here's Everything You Get
Here's Everything You Get
The Complete IGNTD Recovery "Nohab" Course
After finding recovery myself using the most non-traditional routes, and spending 2003-2010 finishing my UCLA Masters and PhD in Psychology in order to TRULY understand addiction, I created the IGNTD Recovery system. I wanted to create a program that was easy to follow, judgement free and accessible to anyone. 

After the studies came the methods, which I first put to use in my own rehab facility. Once we saw incredible progress at this high-end facility, I wrote my best selling book - The Abstinence Myth - so that anyone could have access to the methods without spending tens of thousands of dollars. 

The IGNTD system focuses on reducing and eliminating shame, addressing TRUE underlying issues and providing comprehensive support with no judgment as a way to help people Beat Addiction Forever, just as I did.

This IGNTD Recovery "Nohab" Course walks you step by step through the exact same work I put to use with my high-end clients who pay $10,000 or more for an intensive week with me, All laid out for you in simple language with videos and worksheets that guide you through the process of finally finding your own freedom.
The Complete "Nohab" RESET COURSE
After finding recovery myself using the most non-traditional routes, and spending 2003-2010 finishing my UCLA Masters and PhD in Psychology in order to TRULY understand addiction, I created the IGNTD Recovery system. I wanted to create a program that was easy to follow, judgement free and accessible to anyone. 

After the studies came the methods, which I first put to use in my own rehab facility. Once we saw incredible progress at this high-end facility, I wrote my best selling book - The Abstinence Myth - so that anyone could have access to the methods without spending tens of thousands of dollars. 

The IGNTD system focuses on reducing and eliminating shame, addressing TRUE underlying issues and providing comprehensive support with no judgment as a way to help people Beat Addiction Forever, just as I did.

This IGNTD Recovery "Nohab" Course walks you step by step through the exact same work I put to use with my high-end clients who pay $10,000 or more for an intensive week with me, All laid out for you in simple language with videos and worksheets that guide you through the process of finally finding your own freedom.
Ultimate Support 
Accountability Pack

One of the things that EVERYONE wants when they start on a life-improvement process like this is for someone to be there to help them along. And we deliver by providing you YOUR OWN Accountability Coach. 

It all starts with a detailed initial call to make sure that you HAVE EVERYTHING you need to get started the right way (you didn't think we'd give you anything but the best, did you?). Then you'll get weekly calls and personal emails to make sure you have support along the entire way. Not only that, but our expert Accountability Coaches will help you by taking you through our EXCLUSIVE IGNTD Hero Code - a revolutionary system that will guide you step by step through complete life transformation from "addict" or "alcoholic" (who still uses these old terms?) to Hero! 
"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addition is connection." -Johann Hari

We believe that connection and support from others is crucial in your recovery. This is a non-negotiable and that's why we give you a private online support group in order to form relationships in a non-judgmental, non-shaming way. Plus, one of the best parts about this group is that it's online, so you don't have to drive somewhere, spend your time, and also don't have to engage until you're entirely ready to!

Not only do other friends and participants support each other in the group, but it's another place that Dr. Jaffe and the IGNTD coaches can help you every day! 
When Dr. Jaffe started IGNTD, he wanted to find a way to impact more lives than ever before. The secret juice that makes the IGNTD Hero program the best there is out there are these Weekly "Happy Hour" Chats where Heroes get to have support directly from Dr. Jaffe and the IGNTD coaches team. 

Direct, personal and there to help you become your best self! This part of the program is one of the course members' absolute favorite and where they find a ton of value, week over week. If you cannot make the live groups, they are also available in the course content with outlines so you can watch them when it's most convenient for you.
Meet Your IGNTD Coaches
Meet Your IGNTD Coaches
Dr. Adi Jaffe's work and research focus on changing the way we think about, and deal with mental health issues. He is passionate about the role of shame in destroying lives and aims to greatly reduce the stigma of mental health. Adi uses his personal experience with addiction as an incredibly effective inspirational and motivational tool.

Kate is passionate about proactively giving people the tools they need for sustainable wellbeing. She is using her lived experience to create positive change. Her twelve year struggle with gambling addiction almost took her life. She has turned her experience into a mission to educate, inspire and create change in the addiction industry. She is passionate about 
the importance of resilience and as a mom of six, 
she provides exceptional support to parents.

 Jennifer's mission is to provide more people the opportunity to transform their lives into their true purpose has come to fruition. Jennifer is widely known for her expertise in behavioral health treatment, group facilitation, creating retreats and workshops focusing on the awareness and empowerment of women in particular, and her 
unique approach to coaching.  

BONUS: World Expert Archive
Here's the amazing thing about having Dr. Jaffe along for your recovery journey - you also gain access to the knowledge of his talented friends -- many of whom are highly experts in their respective fields.

From world-renowned psychologists & psychiatrists to experts in self-improvement, biology, spirituality, nutrition & purpose, our Bonus sessions are designed specifically for our Heroes (that’s YOU)! 

Other Bonus material is derived from include in-person workshops, online challenges, IGNTD Glow live event talks, retreats and so much more. And you get access to all of this FOR FREE just for signing up to this program!
Spiritual guide to the stars (including Goop's Gwyneth Paltrow, BulletProof's Dave Asprey and more!) and all around master of the spiritual connection, Durek Spends time to walk our participants through finding their spiritual happy place and connecting to the good that's inside. For so many of our participants, who have been made to feel like they are worthless and hopeless, this session is like an uplifting pick me up from the heavens (literally).

World-renowned biology expert and best selling author of a number books including The Biology of belief. Dr. Lipton talks to us about the power of the subconscious mind in LITERALLY changing your biology and what we can do to change it! So many of our participants have been saddled with negative early-life experiences and this session will show you the impact of these experiences on your daily experience through the subconscious AND the way out of automatic self-destruction.
A master of family relationships and dynamic, Jeff walks us through the impact of long-standing family relationships and conflict and talks with Dr. Jaffe about ways to master control over the non-helpful relationships that can cause so much harm for so many who struggle with addiction. If you've ever had family conflict (can I get an AMEN?!) you're going to LOVE this session!
Ultimate Support Accountability Pack
Ultimate Support 
Accountability Pack

One of the things that EVERYONE wants when they start on a life-improvement process like this is for someone to be there to help them along. And we deliver by providing you YOUR OWN Accountability Coach. 

It all starts with a detailed initial call to make sure that you HAVE EVERYTHING you need to get started the right way (you didn't think we'd give you anything but the best, did you?). Then you'll get weekly calls and personal emails to make sure you have support along the entire way. Not only that, but our expert Accountability Coaches will help you by taking you through our EXCLUSIVE IGNTD Hero Code - a revolutionary system that will guide you step by step through complete life transformation from "addict" or "alcoholic" (who still uses these old terms?) to Hero! 
"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addition is connection." -Johann Hari

We believe that connection and support from others is crucial in your recovery. This is a non-negotiable and that's why we give you a private online support group in order to form relationships in a non-judgmental, non-shaming way. Plus, one of the best parts about this group is that it's online, so you don't have to drive somewhere, spend your time, and also don't have to engage until you're entirely ready to!

Not only do other friends and participants support each other in the group, but it's another place that Dr. Jaffe and the IGNTD coaches can help you every day! 
When Dr. Jaffe started IGNTD, he wanted to find a way to impact more lives than ever before. The secret juice that makes the IGNTD Hero program the best there is out there are these Weekly "Happy Hour" Chats 3X per week where Heroes get to have support directly from Dr. Jaffe and the IGNTD coaches team. 

Direct, personal and there to help you become your best self! This part of the program is one of the course members' absolute favorite and where they find a ton of value, week over week. If you cannot make the live groups, they are also available in the course content with outlines so you can watch them when it's most convenient for you.
BONUS: World Expert Archive
BONUS: World Expert Archive
Here's the amazing thing about having Dr. Jaffe along for your recovery journey - you also gain access to the knowledge of his talented friends -- many of whom are highly experts in their respective fields.

From world-renowned psychologists & psychiatrists to experts in self-improvement, biology, spirituality, nutrition & purpose, our Bonus sessions are designed specifically for our Heroes (that’s YOU)! 

Other Bonus material is derived from include in-person workshops, online challenges, IGNTD Glow live event talks, retreats and so much more. And you get access to all of this FOR FREE just for signing up to this program!
Spiritual guide to the stars (including Goop's Gwyneth Paltrow, BulletProof's Dave Asprey and more!) and all around master of the spiritual connection, Durek Spends time to walk our participants through finding their spiritual happy place and connecting to the good that's inside. For so many of our participants, who have been made to feel like they are worthless and hopeless, this session is like an uplifting pick me up from the heavens (literally).

World-renowned biology expert and best selling author of a number books including The Biology of belief. Dr. Lipton talks to us about the power of the subconscious mind in LITERALLY changing your biology and what we can do to change it! So many of our participants have been saddled with negative early-life experiences and this session will show you the impact of these experiences on your daily experience through the subconscious AND the way out of automatic self-destruction.
A master of family relationships and dynamic, Jeff walks us through the impact of long-standing family relationships and conflict and talks with Dr. Jaffe about ways to master control over the non-helpful relationships that can cause so much harm for so many who struggle with addiction. If you've ever had family conflict (can I get an AMEN?!) you're going to LOVE this session!
You Get All of This for Just $275
  • Full-Year Access to the IGNTD "Nohab" Reset Course
Introduction: Discovering Your True Path to Success
Modules 1: Identifying Your Subconscious Barriers
Module 2: Resetting Your Subconscious Programming

$11,189 Value
  • Ultimate Support + Accountability Pack
Weekly Calls With Your Own Accountability Coach!
Private Online 24/7 Group Support with other IGNTD Heroes
2-Week Email Support & Motivation
A Free Week of Weekly Live Group Chats + Recordings (3x per week)
$2,391 Value
  • BONUS: World Expert Workshop Archive
Shaman Durek: Self Love + Spirituality
Dr. Bruce Lipton: Mastering Your Beliefs
Jeff Jones: Family Dynamics
More added all the time...
$1,499 Value
  • BONUS: FREE Access To Monthly 🔥 Sessions
Dr. Jaffe continues to release incredible NEW workshops nearly monthly. IGNTD Hero Nohab Reset participants get to request specific topics and receive free access to all these additional live training (as well as ask questions live!). It's like having us create custom training for you for free for a year!

$2,495 Value
$1,620 Value
$839 Value
$1,499 Value
$1,620 Value
You Get All of This for Just $275
  • Full-Year Access to the IGNTD "Nohab" Reset Course
Introduction: Discovering Your True Path to Success
Modules 1: Identifying Your Subconscious Barriers
Module 2: Resetting Your Subconscious Programming

$11,189 Value
  • Ultimate Support + Accountability Pack
Weekly Calls With Your Own Accountability Coach!
Private Online 24/7 Group Support with other IGNTD Heroes
2-Week Email Support & Motivation
A Free Week of Weekly Live Group Chats + Recordings (3x per week)
$2,391 Value
  • BONUS: World Expert Workshop Archive
Shaman Durek: Self Love + Spirituality
Dr. Bruce Lipton: Mastering Your Beliefs
Jeff Jones: Family Dynamics
More added all the time...
$1,499 Value
  • BONUS: FREE Access To Monthly 🔥 Sessions
Dr. Jaffe continues to release incredible NEW workshops nearly monthly. IGNTD Hero Nohab Reset participants get to request specific topics and receive free access to all these additional live training (as well as ask questions live!). It's like having us create custom training for you for free for a year!

$2,495 Value
$1,620 Value
$839 Value
$1,499 Value
$1,620 Value
Your price: $97 for 12 Months
OR One Payment of $997 
(93% SAVINGS!)
Total Value: $6,453
Your price: 
$97 for 3 Months 
A One-Time Payment of $275
👉 You save $19,828! 👈
👉 You save $6,178! 👈
People Are Changing Their Lives!
(Hear their Full Stories in the Free Workshop)
Are You Ready to Get 
Your Life Back?
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The IGNTD Hero "nohab" reset program Includes:
  • Full-Year Access to the IGNTD "Nohab" Reset Course 
  • Ultimate Support + Accountability Pack
  • BONUS: World Expert Workshop Archive
  • BONUS: FREE Access To Monthly 🔥 Group Sessions
Total Value: 6,453
Your price: 
$97 for 3 Months 
A One-Time Payment of $275
👉 You save $6,178! 👈

Secure Payment

All orders are through a our very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way and we never share it. We respect your privacy...

30 Day Guarantee

No question asked 7 day refund guaranteed. If you complete the exercises in the program and are unhappy for any reason, you get your money back. 
Copyright 2018 | IGNTD | All Rights Reserved.
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