We are very happy to announce the release of a report on the world denim industry. We had been working on this report titled “ World Denim Market – Production and Consumption Report 2012” and researched and collected information from various parts of the world gathering real time data from over 100 denim professionals in the last few months and diving deep into our database. It helped that I am associated with the denim industry since 1993 and running Denimsandjeans.com since last 5 years.
The report shows the breakup of over 7 billion yards of denim capacity worldwide by Continent –> Country –> Individual companies. It analyses the future growth of the industry by region and shows where the production of over 9 billion yards would be done in 2021and also the consumption of the same.. It covers capacity /key persons/contacts and other details on over 300 denim mills worldwide . The report runs in 170 pages, has over 50,000 words and is a large compendium on worldwide denim industry. It is divided into 5 chapters . A large number of tables and graphs accompany the information provided to help in easy understanding of the global denim scenario including how the world market for denim jeans is currently valued at over US$66 billion . Here are details on some contents of the report.Chapter 1 : Global Denim Production
- Continent and country wise breakup of denim capacities
- Actual Productions of denim fabrics (estimated) in 2011 – by country and total for the world.
- Top 10 Denim groups worldwide.
- A note on 8 Transnational corporations having denim productions in multiple countries /continents alongwith details of their capacities in each country .
Chapter 2: Global Denim Consumption
- Region wise breakup of denim fabric consumption.
- A note on denim production and consumption in some major regions worldwide.
- US – denim production and consumption – a note.
- EU- denim production and consumption – a note.
- China- denim production and consumption – a note.
- India- production and consumption – a note.
- Japan- denim production and consumption – a note.
- Brazil- denim production and consumption – a note.
- Russia – denim consumption – a note
- Forecast of denim production and consumptions in 2014,2016 and 2021
- Estimated growth rates in increase of denim capacities in different regions 2011-14, 2014-16,2016-21 and 2011-21.
- Estimated denim capacities in different regions of the world 2011-14, 2014-16,2016-21 and 2011-21.
- Estimated growth rates in consumption in different regions 2011-14, 2014-16,2016-21 and 2011-21.
- Estimated actual consumption in different regions of the world 2011-14, 2014-16,2016-21 and 2011-21.
- Per capita consumption of denim fabric in different regions 2011 Projection of per capita consumption of denim fabric in meters in different regions in 2021.
- % share of US, EU and other regions in the total market of jeans (by value and by volume)
Chapter 3: World denim capacity changes
- Denim mills /capacities shut down in recent years.
- Proposed expansions / new denim mills coming up in various regions around the world (this section will be updated again in few months for the buyers of this report)
Chapter 3: List and details of Denim Mills Worldwide
- List of over 300 denim mills alongwith a short note on each.
- Countrywise breakup of mill wise denim capacities.
- Key Persons/ contacts in the companies .
- Address/ phone/ fax / email etc coordinates in tabular form.
Chapter 5: Data Section
- US Import data for denim apparel , men’s denim and women’s denim jeans in US 2000-2012 with volumes , value and average prices.
- EU Import data for denim apparel , men’s denim and women’s denim jeans in US 2000-2012 with volumes , value and average prices. (more details are given in list of tables below)
- Japan – Exports and Imports of denim fabrics 2011-12
- Exports of denim fabrics from Mexico 2011 Imports of denim fabrics into Mexico 2008-2011
List of tables and Graphs
The report has a large number of tables numbering over 75 and a number of charts and graphs .
Here is the list of tables (not exhaustive).
- Denim fabric production capacities – by country
- Country wise actual denim fabric production –2011
- Top 10 denim companies worldwide – by capacities
- Tavex denim production units with capacities
- Vicunha denim production units with capacities
- ITG denim production units with capacities
- Santana denim production units with capacities
- Raymond UCO denim production units with capacities
- Kaltex denim production units with capacities
- Nien Hsing denim production units with capacities
- Gap Guneydogu denim production units with capacities
- Region wise breakup of denim fabric consumption
- Imports of all denim apparel into US 2000-2012 : Value, volume , average prices.
- Imports of denim apparel into USA – Jan-July 2012 vs Jan-July 2012
- Fabric Consumption in USA
- Denim Apparel Consumption In USA: 2009-2011
- US Men’s Vs Women’s Jeans market ratio
- Top denim fabric exporting countries to USA
- Jeans Consumption in EU 27 Countries
- Men’s-Boys’ and Women’s-Girls’ Jeans market in EU – a ratio based on imports
- Production Capacities in India 2007-11
- Denim Apparel Consumption in Japan –2011
- Projected Denim Fabric Productions :2011-14, 2014-16,2011-2021
- Projected Growth Rates of Denim Fabric Production Worldwide in % age 2011-14,2014-16,2011-21
- World Denim Consumption Forecast 2011-2021
- Per Capita Consumption Of Denim Fabrics Worldwide in 2021
- Capacities Shut Down In Recent Times
- Proposed Expansions / New Mills
- 32 Tables for denim mills in each country with capacities
- Data section
1) Report on Imports of Men’s / Boys’ Denim Apparel to US: 2000-2012
2) Report on Imports of Womens Jeans to US: 2000-2012
3) 6 tables Top Exporting Countries to US 2012(Jan-June) For All Denim Apparel, mens jeans, womens jeans for 2011 and 2012
4) Imports of All Women’s Jeans Into EU : 2001:2012
5)Top Exporting Countries to EU27 for All Jeans : 2011 and 2012 (Jany- May)
6) Top Exporting Countries to EU27 for Mens’ Jeans/Breeches : 2011 and for 2012 (Jan-May)
7) Top Exporting Countries to EU27 for womens’ Jeans/Breeches : 2011 and for 2012 (Jan-May)
8) Top Exporting Countries to EU27 for Denim Fabrics : 2011 and 2012 (Jan-May)
9) Exports of Denim Fabrics from Japan – Worldwide : Jan- June 2012 vs 2011
10) Imports of Denim Fabrics into Japan from around the world : Jan- June 2012 vs 2011
11) Exports of Denim Fabrics in 2011 from Japan to major countries in the world
12) Japanese Imports of Denim fabrics from around the world in 2011 – Top Few Countries
13) Denim Fabric Exports From Mexico – worldwide in 2011
14) Mexico Imports of Denim Fabrics 2008- 2011 and more charts and tables.
Price of the report
The report, in pdf format, is priced at US $1900 for Company use license (within a single office ) license and US$2900 for Enterprise use License( for use in multi location offices).. However, for some of our readers who are early birds , we are giving some copies at a discount and for the same discount coupons are mentioned below :
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