Request for Garden Advising
Have questions about gardening? Need some advise? We all start somewhere. Alchemical Nursery is open to requests for garden advising, connecting folks with more experienced gardeners and permaculture practitioners who can offer guidance, suggestions, and problem solving.  

We are members of the Experimental Farm Network's Cooperative Gardens Commission - A grassroots movement (formerly known as "Corona Victory Gardens") to share resources and get millions of people to grow food for themselves and their communities in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

All those requesting advice will be entered into our email database to receive further information on our products and services, you can decide to opt-out after you receive the first email contact.  By participating you also give us permission to use your questions and our answers to share with the public and the rest of our constituents so everyone can learn together from each other's experiences (NO names or personal info will be shared!).  We hope to reply to you within 48-72 hours, but it depends on the availability of our Advising volunteers.
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Email *
Telephone (optional)
What part of Central NY or Syracuse do you reside?  We'll try to connect you with someone closer rather than farther :>)
Tell us the type of information or advice you are looking for, and ask a specific question if you have one.
Anything else?
Are you able to support our organization financially by contributing $1 per month? (this does not affect our providing advising services to you!).  If you can, please visit *
How did you hear about our Free Virtual Garden Advising service?  Please be as specific as possible. *
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