Public consultation – priority datasets of public administration
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Your full name *
Feel free to use diacritics anywhere in this form, if needed.
On whose behalf are you filling out the form?
If you're filling out the form on behalf of somebody else (e.g. an organization), please include organization details: name, size, location, etc..
Which data from Slovakia (which is currently unavailable) would you like to see published? *
Please list any data, datasets or databases currently processed by public administration in the Slovak Republic that isn't available for re-use. Arrange the items in order of significance for public disclosure, as you see fit. If you know which organization is responsible for managing this data, please let us know (this is not required but greatly helps us to address the issue).
Which data (from Slovakia) needs improvements in quality?
Not required. List any data, datasets or databases already available but in limited way or in limited quality, along with suggestions for improvement. Arrange items in order of significance. Some options for improvement include: • public availability (i.e., not through individual FOIA requests) • publishing in machine-readable formats • friendlier rules for data use (where restrictive licensing or other conditions apply) • structural improvements for the data (e.g. change in the structure, use of standardized code lists or identifiers, linking with other data) • infrastructure improvements (e.g. faster servers, more responsive information systems).
How do you currently use open data or how would you like to use it?
Not required but helps us better understand your needs.
Is there any way you would like to contribute to the open data ecosystem yourself?
Not required. Examples include: publishing your data, sharing your experience with others,...
May we publish your name and organization? *
If you give us your consent, we will include your name and organization in the published results (along with the other answers, which we plan to publish in any case). We promote openness in communication and we believe that it may significantly improve the discussion.
Public notes
Not required. These notes will be published along with your other answers.
Private notes and contact
Not required. If you'd like to leave a message for us, write it here. If you include your contact e-mail, we will be happy to stay in touch. Let us know how we can be of help.
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