1-Day Huna Workshop
About this Course

Topics covered during the Video Webinar run by Marilyn Devonish include:

* What is Huna and why choose it as a path
* The Huna lineage an ancient history
* The power of the Huna chants and their hidden meanings
* The correspondences to Huna with other spiritual paths
* Real-life experiences of Huna magic
* An experience of the Huna symbols in action
* An introduction to Higher Self Therapy and Ho’oponopono (The Forgiveness Process)
* The Waking Meditation
* The basic Ahi Ritual for releasing what you wish to be free of
* Practical Huna processes you can incorporate into your daily life

A mixture of theory, background and practice, participants will leave with tools and practices that they can immediately apply in their day-to-day life. There will also be a series of group energy processes and clearings so that everyone also gets to experience some Huna magic in action, and have an opportunity to release and let go of some emotional, ancestral, and physical baggage.

We also go beyond the words commonly associated with Ho'oponopono.


"Great webinar Marilyn - AMAZING value. Thank you :) "  Dave Pumfrey

"Yes, totally agree with Dave - great webinar - a lot of content to take in!"

"Had a big smile on my face finishing this exercise and feel peaceful."


Huna is the modern label given to an ancient system. Meaning secret or hidden knowledge, it is said to encompass one of the original forms of healing and spiritual development. It is believed to be over 35,000 years old, and part of the original teachings which shaped the world in which we live today. Originally called Ho’oman; Ho’o means to make, Mana means life force, taken together the word Ho’omana means empowerment or to empower.

Not aligned to any religious belief system, Huna is about personal empowerment and enlightenment, helping you more profoundly experience a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual connection to the world and energies around you. It is about awakening those who were meant to ‘live’ Huna in this lifetime.

With the combination of the Huna and Access Consciousness, we are clearing old issues in minutes, and my clients often notice the different immediately.

Workshop Running Time: 8 Hours
The 1-Day Workshop has 2 Parts
  • Huna Foundation Meaning & Energy Symbols
    Huna Video Webinar Workshop Part 1
    Saturday, April 13, 2019 · 10:00 AM BST
    During the first Workshop Session we explore what is Huna? Background history, foundations, Huna Energy Symbols, Miraculous TranceFormations, and Correspondences.
  • Assumptions of Huna Magic & Ho'oponopono
    Huna Video Webinar Workshop Part 2
    Saturday, April 13, 2019 · 2:00 PM BST
    In Part 2 of this 1-Day Workshop we cover the 13 of the Assumptions of Huna Magic, Higher Self Therapy, Ho'oponopono, and Group Experiential Exercises and Energy Clearing Processes.
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