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Interview Coaching | Interview Skills | Interview Preparation

Introduction / Course Content

Your CV may get your foot in the door but you’re on your own in the interview.

Over the past 17 years we have coached hundreds of candidates in sharpening their interview skills, ensuring that they have all the tools needed for their interview preparation.

We have coached individuals across various sectors, with a specific focus, but not limited to executives, senior and middle-managers, who need to fine-tune their interview skills.

In our interview coaching programme we provide you with personal feedback and guidance to ensure that you feel confident in tackling any interview, able to answer any question and know that you have presented your skills and abilities in the best manner. Interview skills coaching has become a highly specialized area, and it can be your secret weapon, especially in a competitive market.

Our interview coaching programme covers:

  • Understanding the psychology of interviewing
  • Types of interviewing styles and how to answer them
  • Defining your value proposition and how to position yourself
  • Self-awareness
  • A simple yet effective guide to answering competency-based interviews - what they really want to know
  • Dealing with tough questions
  • Asking questions - what YOU need to be asking to ensure that the role is right for YOU

Who would benefit from interview coaching?

Individuals at all levels, from graduates to executives, will benefit from our interview skills coaching programme. If you have been struggling with any of the following in the interview process, we can assist you:

  • What to expect in an interview
  • How to prepare for the interview
  • Presenting your core skills and value you bring to an organisation
  • Answering competency based questions - demonstrating and articulating your skills and abilities
  • You have gaps in your career that are raising tough questions
  • Dealing with sensitive questions
  • You have had challenging situations that may be perceived negatively when brought up in the interview

Why buy interview coaching?

  • Take the opportunity to invest in yourself to reach your career goals. The difference between in improving your interview skills, even if in just one area, could have a significant impact in the long term.
  • You want to know that you've given everything you've got in the interview process. How many times have you walked away from an interview thinking - "I could have..." or "I should have..." or "They didn't ask about..."? Unfortunately, there aren't always second chances. You have to make the ones you have count.
  • Our interview coaching programme is personalised, and we will focus on your core issues.
  • Take advantage of our experience and insights – we have worked with many organisations, assisting individuals with their interview preparation with human resource partners, direct line managers and managing executives. Each one has their own mandate – we can help you align and present yourself accordingly.
  • Our interview coaching programme can assist you in identifying obstacles or blind spots that you are not even aware of. If you have been on a number of interviews with no success, we can assess where in the process it is going wrong for you and address the issue quickly.
  • There is no better feeling than feeling prepared and confident. You don't know who you are up against in the interview process and you can only do the best that you can. Your job is to focus on presenting you in the best light possible.

We offer virtual coaching sessions via Zoom. Send us a message to find out how we can help you.

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