Puzzle & Dragons - A Collaborative Community Guide
Everything you wanted to know about Puzzle & Dragons but were too embarrassed to ask!
Old URL: https://goo.gl/8z32XC | Google Docs version: http://bit.ly/2lbmXnX
Last Updated: February 12th (removed outdated info about coin dungeons)
Welcome to the Guide! This is a beginner’s guide written by dedicated members of Puzzle Dragon X. Here, you can find information that may help you demystify the complex game of PAD that we love! |
Contributors: Reni, Kennori, Chu2, That One Guy, Nhanagon, Appgle, DreamInCombos, BrachyBean, Cat, AncientMews Proofreading / Ideas: aFireBlaze, Mizutani, Cate, Girthzilla, Upc, lest |
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Before we really start...This guide is long - it’s 60 pages! We do not expect you to understand all this in one go. Use this as your reference when you hear something new and don’t understand. We hope that this can clear up confusion and help everyone with getting familiar to the complex game of PAD! With that, let’s begin! Getting StartedEarly Game GoalsYour first priority should be progressing through Normal and Technical dungeons to accumulate stones for a Godfest, while also working to increase your rank and leveling your accrued rolls. Many of the game’s features are locked until you reach a specific rank threshold, and there are special egg machine reward rolls at ranks 150, 250, and 500.
Backing up your game data After you feel content and start making your way into the game, you may want to consider backing up your data. More information can be found here. Rank and StaminaRank is your account’s level, and it dictates what dungeons are available, team slots available, max team cost, and max stamina. As you complete dungeons you’ll earn EXP, and the building up of EXP leads to a rank up where your stamina refreshes to full. Note: Pay attention to your current EXP and Stamina! If you’re close to ranking up, it’s best to burn any excess stamina on farming resources before ranking. Leftover stamina does not carry over on rank up!
Login BonusesPAD has two types of bonuses for logging into the game - cumulative logins and daily consecutive login. Cumulative LoginCumulative login bonuses are rewards given for every day you have logged into PAD. Below is a table of the bonuses you’ll earn at each milestone. Unlike Daily Consecutive Login Bonuses, these do not reset if you miss a day, but they also don’t progress if you don’t log in; so it’s possible to have a PAD account that has been logged in for 30 days, but is actually 3 years old.
Daily Consecutive LoginDaily Consecutive Login Bonuses increase for every day you login consecutively, up to the maximum bonus at seven days. After the seventh day, rewards will stay at the max bonus. If you miss a day, the login bonus counter will go down by one day (not fully reset).
In-Game CurrencyCoinsCoins are the basic currency that can be acquired in-game. They are used for Power-Up Fusions, trades, and assigning Assists. Since some tasks require more coins than others, having a sizable coin pile is recommended. Coins can be obtained by selling cards, clearing dungeons, and in-game rewards from events and Quests. Different monsters in dungeons give different amounts of coins.
Pal PointsPal Points (PP) are an in game currency you use to roll in the Pal Egg Machine. You gain Pal Points by using different friend leads, playing multiplayer, or from events and Quests. One roll in the PEM costs 500 PP. PP caps at total of 25,000 points, or 50 total rolls. Magic StonesMagic Stones are the game’s premium currency and can be earned in-game or purchased through microtransactions. To earn them, you can do the following: clear all floors of a dungeon for the first time, log in during events, or collect from Cumulative Login Bonuses. Below is a list of uses Magic Stones have in-game:
Stoning for stamina or continuesNEVER stone for continues. Instead of continuing, you can refresh your stamina to attempt the dungeon again. You will often be able to clear that dungeon and have leftover stamina from the refresh. This applies to both IAP and NIAP players. Do NOT be wasteful with your stones.
Monster points (and when to spend them)Monster points (MP) are obtained from selling any cards in game. Each card has an MP value, where most farmables is generally worth 0-99 MP, and REM cards worth 3,000-50,000 MP. The MP value of a card is not simply based on rarity of cards, but also whether a card is a Godfest Exclusive card.
For IAP Players
For NIAP Players
A few of the cards you can buy with MP are very powerful leaders, such as Light Hera Dragon or Fire Myr. Even though these cards are good, they still require specific sets of cards to use as subs before they can be used to their fullest potential. Always ask for opinions before spending MP on large purchases. Monster BoxYour monster box is where you store your cards. Whenever you get a new card, it’s automatically placed in your box. As you progress, defeat bosses, and roll on the REM, your box will get progressively larger. Enabling the Manage Boxes option will help you navigate through your monster box. How to enable Box Management:What does this do? It adds a nice little management system at the top of your box! In the image above, you’ll notice there are seven different options.
Box organization is an extremely useful option for managing your box once you accumulate more cards! When should you increase your Monster Box Space?For IAP playersGenerally you want to have an hour’s worth of open box space. This means farming for at least one hour (the full duration of a guerilla) with no breaks to feed or sell monsters. The amount of space required for a “whole hour’s worth” varies; A full hour of super king carnival (skc) requires about 500 open box space whereas a full hour of star thieves treasure den (sttd) requires about 300 open slots.
For NIAP playersThe amount of open box space you keep will increase with rank, but you should eventually aim to have 100 open box space at rank 600. This is a good amount for running guerilla dungeons with both IAP and NIAP friends. With this amount of box space, you won’t have to clear your box as frequently, but you will also not waste box space. CardsCards are a way to refer to the monsters you obtain. Pressing a card’s icon outside of a dungeon will give the following screen: Active skillCards have active skills that you can use in dungeons to turn the tide in your favor. These abilities include stat boosts, orb changers, healing skills, damage amplifiers, and more. Note: Buffs of the same type of actives do not stack. The last buff used will replace the previous buff of the same type. Enemy debuffs may be canceled by using a buff active of the same type, though not all enemy debuffs have an active counterpart. Buff/Debuff Types:
Here is a list of all active skills in PAD. Leader skillLeader skills are passive bonuses that help to clear dungeons. Some LS are harder to activate than others. In the beginning stages of the game, it is important to understand the leader skills that your cards have. As your box expands, you will learn about other leader skills. Leader skills give bonuses to your team (such as boosted stats, shields, etc.) when specific conditions are met.
Awoken skillsAwoken Skills, or “Awakenings”, are passive effects that each card has. These typically come locked when you obtain the card.
To unlock an awoken skill, you must feed a card Tamadras/Baby Tamadras, King Tamadra, or dupes of that card. DO NOT FEED DUPES OF REM CARDS INTO EACH OTHER, THIS IS PROBABLY THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO WITH DUPLICATES. What are the green star? Gold star? Look below at the assist section. Super AwakeningsCertain cards (specifically cards that are Limit Broken) can obtain a tenth special awakening known as a Super Awoken Skill (Super Awakenings). This new awakening will appear on a new column to the left of the current Awakenings. Keep in mind that this awakening is only for solo gameplay (including becoming solo gameplay during co-op). In order to unlock this new ability, a card must:
Once these requirements are met, the Super Awakening slot should be available (will be a [?] box on 2nd column of awakenings, see below). Without a +297 on the card, this box will not be visible. Note that Max leveling the card to Lv. 110 is not required!! After this, whenever you feed excess pluses to the card, it’ll charge up. Once you have fed it a total of 297 pluses, it’ll obtain one of its 3 super awakenings.
Keep in mind that just because you can Limit Break doesn't mean they will have Super Awakenings!! Ensure there's the [?] box before trying for Super Awakenings. For a list of monsters with Super Awakenings, see the Subreddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PuzzleAndDragons/wiki/sawakening Latent awakeningsLatent awakenings are special abilities that can be placed on any card (with one small limitation). These appear as numbers/stars in blue circles. All monsters begin with 6 Latent slots! For a more detailed guide see: https://goo.gl/jrTFUh AssistAlso known as “Inherits.” Assists pass on their active skill to the base card that you inherit it onto. The assisted card’s Active Skill is granted to the base card, giving that card a secondary active skill. The second skill doesn’t begin to charge until the card’s primary skill is fully charged. Once the secondary skill is charged, it becomes active, at which point you cannot use the base cards primary skill! Having an assist on a base card can also counter Skill Delay mechanic in dungeons. Instead of your base card’s Active Skill gets a longer cooldown, your assist will be hit with the cooldown increase. This means you can still use your first active skill in that turn! While you can feed Skill Delay Resist (SDR) Tamadras to the base card for the same effect, these Tamadras are rare and it can be difficult to have enough for multiple teams. This is also why assists are often called “poverty SDR” by some. Assisting a card onto another card with the same attribute will bestow the following stat boosts (Based on the assisted card):
Requirements for assists are as follows:
CostHow much a card costs to be placed on a team. As you’re starting out, your maximum allowed team cost will be fairly low, but as you rank it’ll increase. Check out the Rank Chart for more details on when team costs increase. Card EvolutionsAs you evolve cards, you’ll notice that sometimes certain cards will require different conditions to be met. This is due to the type of evolution the card has available to it. You can click here for an infographic on the different types of evolutions a card can obtain and what each type of evolution means. It should be noted that not all cards have the same type of evolution line. Some go from Base straight into Awoken, while some cards don’t have an Awoken evolution. Evolution (Evolve from base form, Evo)The basic form of evolving a card. A card must be max level before you can Evolve it in this way. After evolving, the card’s level resets to 1. Ultimate Evolution (UEvo, Uvo)Sometimes referred to as “Split Ults”. At a certain point in a card’s evolution line, you’ll be able to have it go through an Ultimate evolution. Doing this doesn’t require the card to be max level. It’s at the point the card’s skill may change, causing the skill level to reset. This evolution does not cause a level reset. Should you ever change your mind about choosing between a split evo or an Awoken Evo, you can devolve the card; This is not permanent. UUEvo (SUvo)Or “Ultimate Ultimate Evolution”. Once again, it doesn’t require the card to be max level, and has the chance to change skills. Check skill names! Much like Ultimate Evolutions, this does not cause a level reset. You can also reverse this evolution, and choose a different one. Awoken EvolutionThese evolutions typically require two farmable cards that you can find in Technical dungeons or Special Descends in order to evolve. The active skill always changes with an Awoken Evo. Like UEvo and UUEvo’s, you don’t need to have the card max leveled to evolve it. This does not cause a level reset. Like UEvo, you can reverse the evolution and choose a different one. Reincarnation Evolution (Revo)Reincarnation Evolutions are an Awoken card’s final form. The active skill does not change. The Awoken card must be max level (Lv. 99) before a Reincarnation evolution can take place. Typically Revo requires simple tier 1 masks to evolve, but resets the card’s level to Lv. 1. Keep in mind that this evolution cannot be reversed, so think this over before evolving. Assist EvolutionIn addition, there’s a sixth evolution not shown in the image above known as an Assist or “Equip” Evolution. These evolutions are made to be assists, as they not only transfer their active skill, but their awakenings as well! All assist evolution cards have this awakening: . The Awoken Skills a card has underneath this are all transferred to the base card, when it’s used as an assist. Warning! Assist evolutions cannot be reversed, much like Reincarnation Evolutions. Categorizing cards: Pantheons and GFEs
When it's safe to sell dupes: Duplicate cards are worthwhile to keep, as teams often have to rely on duplicates of the best sub and multiple board/orb changing actives. Thus, you should not consider selling anything until your 5th dupe. Even then, some actives like Indra’s are great inherits for almost any team. What can you use cards for?Cards in PAD can be used as leaders, subs, or assists. Leaders: The value of leaders depend on their multipliers, and consistency/ease of activation. Although damage multipliers are very important, many dungeons become considerably easier with health and recovery multipliers. Some cards, such as Awoken Krishna, have difficult leader skills to activate. For this reason, Awoken Krishna is almost never used as a lead. Subs: The value of subs depend on their stats, active skills, awakenings, and typings. Higher stats increase the raw power of your team. Active skills are often valued for utility (such as bind clear/shield), or damage (such as spikes and board changes). Awakenings are an incredibly important part of subs and are often overlooked by new players. Typings are useful for some leader skills and latent awakening killers which can be found toward endgame content. Assists (Inherits): The value of assists depend on their stats/color, and active skill. Assisting a card with another card that has the same primary color gives a small boost to stats. Useful assist cards typically have incredibly valuable active skills but subpar awakenings. It is common to assist cards with high cooldowns as pseudo skill delay resist.
Fusing CardsIn order for cards to gain EXP, Awakenings, or skill ups, you must fuse appropriate cards into the card you would like to improve. Fusing for EXPYou typically want to use fodder when fusing a card into the base card for EXP, and use fodder with the same attribute for increased EXP gain. More info here. Fusing for AwakeningsUnlocking awoken skills can be done when you feed a card a Tamadra, Baby Tamadra, or a duplicate of that card. More info here. Fusing for SkillupsThere are multiple ways to level the skill of a card through fusion, though some are better than others depending on situation. But in any case: NEVER FUSE REM CARDS. THIS IS WORSE THAN SELLING THEM! RECOMMENDED WAYS: 1. Fusing another card with the same skill name (Feeling lucky?) This is often the route to go for, if the skillup fodder (the card with the same skill name as the base card) is easy to obtain. This is because skillup chances are, at standard, only 10% (with no fusion rate up). If this is the method you choose, wait for a special event that increases skillup rates (4x rate or higher). 2. King Tans (100% Skillup) If the skillup fodder is hard to obtain, it’s best to use a King Tan along with your skillup fodders. King Tans increase the skill up chance to 100%, when fed alongside cards with the same skill as the card you are fusing onto. Keep in mind that the King Tan's attribute must match the main attribute of the base card. Since this is attribute dependent, there are 5 attributes of King Tans available: King Flamtan, King Bubtan, King Woodtan, King Shyntan, King Badtan. Example: Here we are trying to skill up Medjedra, and Medjedra can be easily obtained from its Descended Dungeon. We fuse 1 King Tan and 4 Skillup fodders (Medjedras), and this will give 4 guaranteed skillups (not 5). Note: Fusing multiple King Tans will not grant extra skillups. Only one is required per fusion. King Tans can be obtained by evolution (from Tans, using 5 of the same colored Tan), event gift dungeons, Quests, Ranking dungeon rewards, or as drops from certain events where they have 100% appearance in Descended Dungeons. 3. Pys (100% Skillup) Pys (sometimes called Piis) can be fed to any card with a matching main attribute, and will grant the card a skill up. Five Py fed this way will grant 5 skill ups. This is best for cards that does not have skillup fodders, such as Awoken or Reincarnated evolutions of many cards, or cards that are difficult to obtain skillup fodders for. There are 5 colors of Pys available, for each attribute: Flampy, Bubpy, Woodpy, Shynpy, Badpy. A rarer sixth Py called Rainbow Py is also available, and can grant 2 skillups to base card of ANY attributes when fused. In the image below, we are feeding Shynpy to Light Kali, which grants one skillup. Though there is a skillup fodder available for Light Kali, it’s not available at all times (Her skillup is on an Evo Material, and their skills rotate). This is why Pys are handy! The five regular Pys can be obtained from dungeons (Ultimate Arena, Technical dungeon), Quests, event gift dungeons, or as drops from certain events where they have 100% appearance in Rogue Dungeons. Also keep in mind that Pys are tradable! Rainbow Pys are rarer: they are available in event gift dungeons, Quest reward, or drop from Alt. Ultimate Arena. Level Limit Breakthrough (Limit Break)Level Limit Breakthrough is breaking the level limit so that you can get beyond Lv. 99 on certain monsters, so that the monster can level up to Lv. 110. You do this by feeding Super Snow Globe Dragon to monsters (at Lv. 99) that CAN Limit Break. See Super Snow Globe Dragon for details and how to get them. Keep in mind that NOT EVERYTHING CAN LIMIT BREAK! Monsters that can Limit Break have their level shown in BLUE text. Why do you need Limit Break?
Making a TeamFor a detailed guide on team building, see Cate’s Team Building Guide! Read on for beginner’s team building. Teams are made up of your Leader, four Subs, and a Friend Leader. When starting out, it’s best to try to fit subs that work with your first leader. Make sure the attributes and types work with the leader skill and you’ll be good for the entire span of the early game. As you obtain new and better cards from the Rare Egg Machine, your box will expand and you can update your first team or even make new ones. Team building is a skill that takes experience and time. This is an exercise that you will have to do by yourself or with others, and the more you work on it, the better you’ll become. Your priorities change as you gain more options. Below are just some things to consider when building a team:
Team CostWhen putting together teams it is also important to take note of what your maximum allowed Team Cost is. Your max Team Cost is based off of rank and can only be increased by ranking or by obtaining specific Awoken Badges. Look at the Cards section on where to find a card’s cost. A card’s cost affects the exp earned in rogue dungeons and that affects the level of the cards in the dungeon. Awoken BadgesAwoken Badges are equippable awoken skills that you can choose from and equip to different teams. The effects of the Badge persists throughout the dungeon, and can not be negated. Badges can be earned through specific quests, and can be equipped to multiple teams. Notes:
(Click on the currently equipped Badge to change it) Egg Machines (AKA: How to Get Addicted to PAD)Pal Egg Machine (PEM): The green dragonPal Points are in game currency you use to roll on the Pal Egg Machine. You can accumulate Pal Points by using different friend leads, playing multiplayer, or through in-game mail from events and Quests. PP caps at total of 25,000 points. The Pal Egg Machine is where players spend the Pal Points they acquire while playing the game. The PEM rotates what it can dispense on fridays. Rotations are as followed:
Tamadras and Plus Egg Rotations may happen in between the others. It is dependent on when the event takes place. Rare Egg Machine (REM): Shaking the gold dragon’s hand (and rubbing its nose/belly)The Rare Egg Machine, or the REM, is where you acquire most of the game’s best cards. You can pull monsters of 5★ and 6★ rarity. Cards pulled from this machine have an MP value of 3,000 up to 50,000 MP! Click here for our thoughts on selling cards for MP. Weekly Line Up RotationsEvery week, a different set of monsters will be made available in the rem. Not monsters are available all the time so be sure to check the current line up and roll rates using the Lineup button. A certain group of cards is featured that week, which increases their rates. Godfests and what they mean to youGodfests(GF) are events that occur twice a month (typically in the middle and at the end) where godfest exclusive (GFE) cards become available from the Rare Egg Machine for two days. Keep in mind that not all GFEs are available every godfest, once again check Lineup to see what is featured. Note: The weekly featured cards do not get their rate up during godfest, so while we recommend always rolling godfest while your box is limited for a greater chance at strong 6★ cards in general, consider rolling outside of godfest if you really want the highlighted cards of the week. Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF)PCGF is an event where players decide what cards are featured in the upcoming Godfest. Voting for the PCGF lasts one week. The godfest begins one week after voting ends (two weeks from the beginning of voting). Players can vote for any card in a specific Pantheon or any Godfest Exclusive. The top 25 cards become the featured cards in the Godfest and gain increased rates during the event. This event lasts between two to three days. The two top voted cards gain increased rates on top of the bonuses they already have. These increased rates are active for a limited time, one at a time.
Note: PCGF may see some overhauls in the future. Collab/Seasonal REMs (aka Traps)With a few exceptions, Collab REMs and Seasonal REMs are a bad idea to roll in. Many collab/seasonal rems lock away utility behind elusive 6/7* cards. Others are simply bad. If something looks good, it’s always a good idea to ask if it’s worth rolling in or not. Our recommendation: Rolling in “Max level max awakenings 10 stone” Egg Machines isn’t good. The reason behind this is because this (actually rare) egg machine gives pantheon cards that are max awoken/max skilled. However, most of the time you'd make Reincarnated evolution, and skill level resets.
When you first start the game, you will be prompted to roll from the gold dragon (Rare Egg Machine). This first roll will usually be the card that you use to progress through most of the early game. If you don’t like what you get, you can reroll. Rerolling is the act of resetting your game data by reinstalling the game, going through the tutorial again, and rolling again until something decent pops out.
DungeonsTypes of dungeonsNormal, Technical, Conditionals, Special (Rogues), Annihilation, Complete Annihilation, Ranking, and Campaign. NormalsNormal dungeons are your vanilla, entry level dungeons you begin the game playing. They consist of simple encounters that require no special techniques to overcome. Most Normal dungeons (the dungeons listed in the “Normal Dungeons” category) can be done only in solo play; while the Normal dungeons found in the “Special Dungeons” category can be done in 2-player mode. TechnicalsTechnicals, or “Techs”, are a set of dungeons that are more advanced than Normals. Whereas the monsters you faced in Normals would simply attack, the monsters in Technical Dungeons may have special abilities, making them more difficult than Normals. It’s best to look the dungeon up in PDX if it gives you too much trouble. All dungeon types past this will have progressively harder mechanics. Tri-Monster ChallengeTri-Monster Challenges are unlocked after you clear Castle of Satan and Castle of Satan in the Abyss, and clear an entire dungeon acquiring the magic stone for completing it the first time. The dungeon remains the same except with the added limitation of restricting your team to a leader and two subs. In order to access this, you simply select the dungeon, scroll all the way down to the bottom, and select “Tri-Monster Challenge” You can then select a friend leader and attempt the dungeon. All Dungeons under the Normal and Technical Dungeon categories can be re-cleared via the Tri-Monster Challenge for an additional Magic Stone. Special Dungeons with ScoresCertain dungeon series have a score on the Mythical difficulty of the Dungeon Series. Upon the first clear of the dungeon with an S-Rank score, the user will be rewarded with a Tamadra. While scoring requirements are changed based on the overall difficulty of the Dungeon, all scores are calculated based on the same three categories:
S-Rank Renewal In version 13.0, the S-Rank system is updated:
ConditionalsConditionals are dungeons that have special requirements or penalties on entry, such as “All Attributes Required”, “Leader skills invalid”, or “Awoken skills invalid”. Special (Rogues)Sometimes referred to as “Rogues”, these Special dungeons set your cards’ levels to 1 at the beginning(only for this dungeon). As you clear floors, your cards will gain EXP by defeating enemies and level up as you progress through the dungeon. Cards with higher EXP curves and higher cost will level much more slowly than other cards, so keep this in mind when choosing teams! Bonus stats gained through assists, pluses, and stat awakenings are not scaled down. AnnihilationAnnihilation dungeons are extremely difficult challenges that should not be taken lightly. Attempting these blindly without careful planning will most likely result in failure. Dungeons such as the Arenas, Machine Descends, Ultimate Descended Rush, and Time Trials fall under this category. Complete AnnihilationComplete Annihilation dungeons are even harder than Annihilation dungeons, and are found in the Multiplayer Mode only (3-player co-op). As expected, don’t attempt these dungeons without careful planning. The Cosmic Trinity floor of Multiplayer Descended Rush is one of the few in this category. RankingRanking dungeons are event-only competitive dungeons that pit players’ skill and/or wallets against each other. These are solo-only dungeons where players are scored based on performance. Scores determine the rewards players get when the ranking dungeon ends. Those who score in the very top 1-7% (depending on the tournament) will receive fancy crowns on the orbs next to their names. More info about ranking dungeon specifics and crowns are available here. CampaignCampaign dungeons will give you a reward for your first time clear. Most of the time, the reward is a PreDRA which can be sold for MP. These dungeons typically have a requirement of “Teams of 4 or less” (not including friend leader). These dungeons can be completed in 2-player mode. Guerilla DungeonsGuerillas are limited time dungeons that appear in the Special Dungeons category for one hour per day per player group. Guerillas often contain rare evolution materials (such as Radar Dragons, Spirit Jewels, or awakening materials), Tans, Latents, and more! Upcoming Guerillas for the next two days can be found here, under “Metal Schedule”. You can also check which player group you belong to by entering your player ID here. Another way of checking for Guerillas is to check the “LTD” tab in the upper right hand corner of your game screen, as shown below: The dungeons that appear each day currently seem to be set on a random rotation. These dungeons can be completed in 2-player mode, and only the host needs to have the Guerilla active. Gift DungeonsGift Dungeons are special dungeons that appear for a limited time during special events. These give varying rewards and can appear in multiples of two or more when multiple events occur simultaneously. Besides One-Shot Challenges (99 stamina needed), Gift Dungeons are often fairly easy. Newer players should have no problem completing most of them. These also give a stone upon completion every time you see them, even if you’ve done them before (these dungeons appear every day). A big hint is to check the stamina required for the dungeon: 10 stamina dungeons are real gifts; 99 stamina is a hard-to-get gift (One-Shot Challenge). Gift dungeons are a one-time clear and can only be cleared in solo play. Pro Tip: One of the most common Gift Dungeons is Experience of a Lifetime, which gives 200,000 EXP upon completion. Make good use of friends’ Ganesha leader (and yours, if you have one) for boosted EXP, so that you can rank up even more! One-Shot ChallengesAlso known as OSC’s, these dungeons are difficult gift dungeons that give special rewards upon completion. Each OSC is presented in a different way, where some have multiple dungeons to complete where completing one unlocks the next. Others are single dungeons with many floors. In either case, players need to exercise caution when attempting these. Egg Machinedra (Gachadra)Egg Machinedra (more commonly known as Gachadra) was something that was JP-only for a long time, but since April 2018 it is available on NA! It’s an event where you kill the egg machines, and when the challenges are accomplished, you will get rewards including numerous free egg machine rolls! Both challenges are based off on how many of each type of egg machines you defeat. The two challenges are server-wide challenge and individual challenge! See the next section for information.
The dungeon can be done on co-op. Help your friends! The harder the dungeon, the better chance for a Gachadra Invade. As well, REMDra will only appear in Master+, and the special REMDra (Ney REMDra, for this time) will only appear in Mythical difficulty. Challenge #1: Server Wide Egg MachineDra Challenge Every time a player defeats an gachadra, it'll be added to a cumulative pool of victories acquired by all players on the NA server! When the challenge goals are reached, everyone in the server will receive the reward immediately. Note that your victories will not count toward the Server Wide Total unless you defeat each of the three Gachadras at least once. That means if you cleared the dungeon without an invade of the egg machine, it doesn’t count towards the victories. Also, you must beat the particular egg machine once to receive the reward. For example, if Round 1 goal of REMDra was accomplished but you have not beaten one yet, you will not receive the reward until you beat one (can be any time during event).
Below are the server-wide rewards given for April 2018: Challenge #2: Individual Egg MachineDra Challenge On top of the server-wide challenges, you can earn the following rewards for clearing the appropriate number of Gachadras! Looking at the rewards list below, this means that you should beat each gachadra 6 times before you stop! Just like server-wide rewards, these are immediate rewards.You will receive them in your mail once the goal is accomplished. Below are the individual rewards given for April 2018:
Dungeon DifficultiesOnce you begin to complete special dungeons, you will notice that there are varying degrees of difficulties. Below is a list of the difficulties you may encounter as you play, in order from easiest to hardest.
At each step up, monsters in each dungeon will have more HP, hit harder, and have more dangerous abilities, and potentially different mechanics. In some dungeons, a higher difficulty may even add an additional floor. Dungeons within these difficulty levels may vary wildly in difficulty depending on when they were created. Dungeon MechanicsTechnical and Special dungeons start add new and difficult mechanics. There are active skills that can help counter each mechanic, however these skills are often found on rare cards. Elemental Coverage: Each monster you face in a dungeon will have one or two elements. Each element has a weakness as follows: (effective damage is doubled, weak damage is halved)
Combo Shield: Monsters heal from your damage if you do not hit above the combo shield number. Actives that add to combo count or using leaders that give a 7x6 board can help. Damage Void: Monsters take no damage from individual hits that exceed the damage void number. Have good damage control or use cards with a Damage Void Null awakening, which requires matching a 3x3 block of orbs. Classic examples are Kopis in Serket Descended, and Gaia Dragon in Ultimate Arena 3. Damage Absorb: Monsters heal from your damage above the damage absorb number. Have good damage control or use a damage absorb null skill (such as Fujin). Classic example is Awoken Sopdet in Sphinx Descended and Ultimate Arena 1 (dying to her is commonly nicknamed as Sopdeath). Color Absorb: Monsters will heal from all damage from a certain color. Avoid matching that color, bring subs without that color, or use a color absorb null skill (Beach Artemis, for example). Resolve: Monsters will not die if you oneshot it. Typically if you do try to one-shot them, they will one-shot you in return. Examples include Kaguya-hime (Kaguya-hime Descended) and Zhou Yu (Zhou Yu Descended). Depending on the enemy, there are a few ways to solve this: Follow-up attack (FUA) is the easiest amongst all. In some cases, you can do any of the the following: use a delay skill, hit below the resolve threshold, or use a poison skill. Note that delay and poison do not work on enemies with immunity against status effects. Skill Delay: Monsters will increase the cooldown of the active skills of one or more cards. Gravity: Monsters will hit you for a certain percent of your current health. Shield: Monsters will be shielded from a certain percent of your attacks. Status Effect Shield: Monsters will not be affected by poisons or delays. However, poison that is applied during status effect shield will damage after the shield wears off. Game ResourcesExperience FodderAlthough everything in PAD gives EXP, the cards below are most common feeds for more EXP. 1. Metal Dragons
Metal Dragons are the most readily available way of farming EXP for your cards. Feeding these dragons to cards of the same attribute increases the EXP gain by 1.5 times. You can access daily metal dragon dungeons Monday through Friday. Each day showcases a different color dragon (Note: It is recommended to farm the lower tier floor for EXP as it is more stamina efficient, though it consumes more time).
In addition to these daily dungeons, there are also Guerillas one can run to farm EXP (Super King Carnival, or commonly known as SKC). However these are not recommended as weekday dungeons have higher efficiencies. 2. Extreme King Metal Dragons Extreme King Metal Dragon (available at Coin and Guerilla dungeons) is also good fodder to use for leveling cards. It is also used as an Evolution Material, so keeping a few on hand is recommended. 3. Snow Globe Dragons Snow Globe Dragons are a special type of fodder typically given out during events (Gift Dungeons) or as Quest Rewards. These each give different amounts, as noted below:
Super Snow Globes DragonSuper Snow Globe Dragons are special, and only meant to be used on specific cards that can undergo Level Limit Breakthrough (commonly referred to as Limit Break, see Limit Break). This break the card’s level cap limit (Lv. 99) and increase it to Lv. 110! Fusing it also gives EXP like regular Snow Globes Dragons. Hunt for more Super Snow Globe Dragons?There are a couple of dungeons that will give these special dragons.
Another way to level your cards: Solo levelingBy running a card in your team, they gain exp as you clear dungeons. The formula is 500 * (number of floors) * (stamina cost). Training Arena ignores that formula and gives 6 million monster exp. Monsters also have a small chance to skill up if you encounter a spawn with the same monster. Special skill up dungeons with 100% skill up rate also exist. Evo Materials and Weekday DungeonsBesides Metal Dragons, basic evolution materials also appear during the week according to the following list:
Some evolutions require specific cards to evolve them. These include farmable cards such as Cu Chulainn or Descended cards, like Athena or Linthia. This usually applies to Awoken Evolutions. Sometimes a card will require a “Jewel” to evolve. These can be obtained through quests, the “Rare Monster Infestation” Guerilla dungeon, or the “Spirit Jewel Rush” Guerilla dungeon.
Rare Stones
A recent addition to the game was the inclusion of Evolution or “Rare Stones”. These evolution materials are obtainable via the Monster Exchange, with each size comes a specific set of monsters you can exchange. In addition to these three sizes, certain cards (most notably Descended cards), have their own Unique Rare Stone obtainable through the Rare Evolution tab of the Monster Exchange.
For more information and for a full list of redeemable cards, click here. Tamadras / Baby Tamadras
Most cards have Awoken skills (awakenings) that are, under normal circumstances, locked when you first obtain that card. To unlock these skills, use power-up fusion with a Tamadra or Baby Tamadra. Feeding a card a Tamadra guarantees one of its awoken skills will unlock, while feeding a Baby Tamadra has a 50% chance to unlock the skill.
Tamadras are best obtained by farming the “Tamadra Village” Special Dungeon w/ a co-op partner, as co-op halves the amount of stamina required. Tamadras can also be obtained through events such as Gift Dungeons (events) or Quest Rewards. King TamadrasThese are special type of Tamadras that grants a base card all of its awoken skills (only at the base card’s current evolution) when fused. These Tamadras are rare and only obtained from selected Quests. +Point (Plus Eggs, +eggs)Some dungeons may drop eggs with a “+” above it. This means it has one or more improved stats. Each stat can have a total of +99, for a total of +297. If you “+297” your best and most used cards, they will be stronger. It can be a good idea to have some set aside for emergencies or trading purposes.
What are +Points used for?
Getting +Points+Points can easily be obtained during special events. Examples of these events are: the “Star Treasure Thieves' Den” Guerilla dungeon (which no one runs anymore), +Points Cave, and special REM Carnivals where cards will often appear with +75 or more. Currently the best way to obtain +’s are during certain events, when Descended bosses drop as +30 on each run. (Co-op to make your stamina worthwhile too!) The Plus BankThe Plus Bank stores pluses used to further enhance monsters. Using the Plus Bank, players can manipulate what stats they enhance on their card; adding onto cards, but not taking away pluses. Pluses are added to the bank in one of two ways: Pluses acquired through dungeon drops Monsters that drop from dungeons with one or more pluses on them will automatically have their pluses added to the Plus Bank upon dungeon completion. Selling cards with pluses on them. You might already have cards with pluses on them, selling those cards will add their pluses to the plus bank. Selling REM cards to store their pluses is not recommended!! Using the Plus Bank The Plus Bank can be accessed through the “monsters” menu in game. Once there, players can select the card which they wish to enhance, and then add or remove pluses on that card up to the standard maximum of +99 in each stat.
More information on the Plus Bank can be found here. Monster Exchange
During collabs there are often farmable tokens that you can exchange. (If you have a card required for trading, it will appear lit up. Other cards required that you don’t possess, will appear dim) A full explanation on the Monster Exchange can be found here.
You have a mailbox! This is where you go to check on friend requests and to collect rewards from Campaign Dungeons, Quests, and Events. When just starting out, it can be daunting and constricting to attempt to redeem all of your rewards from the mail. Instead of redeeming your loot immediately, you can leave them in your mailbox for up to 60 days, after which it will expire. So, if you choose to use the mail as a temporary storage, do not forget this!
QuestsQuests are achievements to work towards as you play the game. As you accomplish these tasks, you’ll earn rewards that you can redeem and pick up in your in-game mailbox. These rewards can come in the form of bonus dungeons, rare monsters, or even in-game currency.
Monthly Quests Every month, a new Special Dungeon is released with 30 dungeons within it. By completing these challenges, you earn limited time rewards that are redeemable in the Monthly Quests menu, accessible from the Quests tab.
CrownsOccasionally, a different dungeon type, called a “Ranking Dungeon” will be available for a period of time (typically one week). The goals you should keep in mind while clearing the dungeon are:
These three factors combined will give you a score with which to rank you against other members of the server. If you happen to fail to clear the dungeon or wish to try for a better score, you can run the dungeon as much as you’d like until the cutoff time (if you have the stamina). The top 1% (or 2-3%, depending on the dungeon) of players in each ranking dungeon will receive a crown over the orb next to their name. Each additional crown will upgrade the crown. Friends and Multiplayer ModeFriend listBest friends: Starting at Rank 50, you may select one of your friends in your list to be your BFF. Being BFFs with someone means that you will be able to constantly use their leaders in team slots 1, 2 and the most recently used one, as long as they have logged in within the past 24 hours. Once you choose a BF, you're stuck with them as they become your BFForever unless one of you deletes the other. You can receive, and have as many BFFs as you have friend slots, but you can only choose one until a refresh happens. Here are some things you may want to consider when choosing a best friend:
Best Friend Reset: During major events, Gungho may refresh the option to select a best friend. If you have used your previous selection already, this reset allows you to choose an additional player to be your BFF. It’s unsure when GungHo does this, so it’s still a good idea to choose your best friends wisely. Friend leaders, and how to set yours: All friends can see the leader you currently have selected. Friends over rank 40 can see the leader in your first slot. Best friends can see the leader in your second team. Multiplayer (2p, 3p co-op)Below is a table comparing solo, 2-player, and 3-player co-op:
Basic EtiquetteThe following are some things to keep in mind when playing in multiplayer mode.
How to pass to partnerPress Menu, and select “Pass turn”. Press “Pass”. How to turn on combo skipThis can be done either in Others → Options, or (while in a solo dungeon) in the Menu button. See below: TradingYes, you can trade cards with other players, but just to make this clear: Not REM cards! Trading is a great way to get things like EXP fodder, that one descended card you need to evo, more +297 fodders, or getting latent tamadras. The requirements for trading are as followed:
PRICES WILL ALWAYS VARY FROM PERSON TO PERSON! Think carefully about each trade before you make it. Data Backup / RecoveryBacking up your game data is probably the most important thing you can do as data corruption or device issues (such as your device going missing, or breaking) can happen. While Android and iOS devices have methods to backup game data, it’s handy to keep your Secret Code in a safe place in case something bad happens. Below are the processes on how to backup your game data on either Android or iOS products, Find your Secret CodeIn PAD, go to Others > Support. Press Display to show your Secret Code. This will show a 9-digit combination of numbers and letters. How to Backup on AndroidBefore going forward, ensure you’re signed into your Google Account on the device that you’re playing Puzzle and Dragons on. Afterwards, from the main menu you need to go to Others > User Info > Game Data Migration; then select “Yes” on the prompt. After doing this, you’ll simply need your Puzzle and Dragon’s ID when setting up on a new device. Note: Kindle devices DO NOT have a backup method, despite being on Android system. How to Backup on iOSBefore going forward, ensure you’re signed into your Apple account. The, on your iOS device, go to Settings > Select ‘iCloud’ > Ensure P&D or PAD (or both if you play on multiple regions) are enabled for automatic backup. Recover a Lost AccountIf you already lost your account and did not have a backup, there is a possibility that GungHo can help. If this is the case, please visit the official GungHo support page for Data Recovery: http://www.gunghoonline.com/data-recovery/. This process generally takes ~1 week. You will need the following:
You may also need to tell GungHo about the last few events that occurred on your account (last purchase from the Magic Stone Shop, last card pulled from the REM, etc.). The PuzzlesOrb types (WIP section, not done)Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark, and Heart orbs |
Term | Definition |
7c | Common name for the Enhance Combos awoken skill. Can also refer to making 7 combos on a board. |
Active / Active Skill / AS | See Active Skill. |
A1, A2, A3 | Refers to the three floors of the “Ultimate Arena” dungeon (Technical dungeon). Commonly farmed for Pys and Killer Latents. |
Assist / Inherit | A card that is used on top of a base card, such that the active skill from one card is placed on top of another card’s normal skill. See Assist. |
Awakening | Common name for Awoken skills. See Awoken Skills. |
Badge | An equipable bonus that is unlocked through quests. Badges can only be utilized in Solo gameplay. |
Bomb | A type of orb that explodes, deals damage, and wipes parts of the board if they are not matched. |
Burst/Spike | An active skill that gives a boost to your team's damage. Some skills may affect all types of damage, while others may boost damage from certain attributes or certain monster types. |
Button | A card whose active skill is able to wipe a floor without matching any orbs. |
Collab | A set of non-PAD monsters that Gungho created cards for. Usually based off a game or popular series (Ex: Clash of Clans, Bleach). |
CD / Cooldown | The number of turns between a skill’s use and the next time it can be used again. |
DC | Can refer to the term “Disconnect”, which is when a co-op partner leaves the game while it’s in progress. Can also refer to the DC comics collab. |
Enhanced Attribute | Also stands for Row Awakenings. . These increase the attack of their respective attribute by 10% for each row you make of that color. These stack additively. |
Evo | A second stage that a card can be “evolved” to. All evolutions require certain materials. See Evolution. |
Farmable | A card that can be obtained without rolling an egg machine. However, cards can have extremely low drop rates and still be considered farmable. |
Fodder | Cards that give EXP when fused with a base card. Mainly refers to Metal Dragons or Snow Globes. |
FUA | Short for Follow-Up Attack (Officially called Bonus Attack). This gives 1 bonus damage after your team attacks, and is the best counter towards enemies with Resolve. |
GFE | Short for Godfest Exclusive, a card in a special series that only becomes available during Godfests, special egg machines, or selected carnivals. |
Godfest | An event during which certain Pantheons/Godfest Exclusives will have increased rates. Typically 2 Godfests happen per month: middle of month and end of month. See Godfest. |
Gravity | An active skill that reduces a percentage of the targets’’ current or maximum HP. |
Guerilla | Common name for Limited Time Dungeons, especially commonly used in Japanese. These are dungeons that are only available for a certain hour(s) in a day (typically 1 hour). |
Haste | An effect that lowers the cooldowns of certain active skills. |
Hypermax / hmax | Refers to a card that has the following conditions fulfilled:
IAP | Short for In-app Purchase: Refers to the act of purchasing Magic Stones. |
KC | Refers to the dungeon, King Carnival. |
Jewel | Short for Jewel of Fire/Water/Wood/Light/Dark (Cards # 1325 - 1329), commonly used as evolution materials or skillup materials. |
Killer | A normal or latent awakening that boosts a card’s damage against a certain type of enemy. |
Laser | Usually refers to active skills that inflicts a fixed amount of damage, ignoring enemy’s defense. |
Latent | A special type of awakening that customized by feeding a latent tamadra. All cards have 6 latent slots. |
Leader | A card that is placed in the first slot of a team. The team utilizes this card’s leader skill. |
Leader Skill / LS | See Leader Skill. |
Limit Break | Short for Level Limit Breakthrough. See Super Snow Globes. |
Monster Points / MP | Currency earned through selling cards or can be rewarded from certain Quests. These points can be used to purchase cards in the monster point shop. |
MS | Short for Max skilled. Referred to cards that has their active skill level maxed (lowest cooldown). |
NIAP | Short for Non-In-App Purchase: Refers to a player preference to never use real currency for Magic Stones. |
OE | Short for Orb Enhance, typically referring to the awakening. |
OSC | Short for One-Shot Challenge. See One-Shot Challenges. |
Pack | The maximum number of stones that can be purchased in one transaction (85). |
PCGF | Short for Player’s Choice Godfest, a special type of Godfest where players vote in featured cards that happens 2-3 times a year. See Player’s Choice Godfest. |
PEM | The Pal Egg Machine, which requires Pal Points to roll in. This usually rotates between evo carnival, enhance carnival, and rare monster carnival. See Pal Egg Machine. |
Pentamax | Refers to a card that has the following conditions fulfilled:
Py / Pii | A card that guarantees a skillup when used as fusion material to a card, only when the main attributes match. Typically used on cards that do not have any skillup materials. |
REM | The Rare Egg Machine, or egg machines that cost five or ten stones to roll in. Generally refers to the standard gold dragon. See Rare Egg Machine. |
Rogue | A special type of dungeon where starts all player cards at level one. Cards level up as the dungeon progresses. See Special Dungeon. |
Rows | An awakening that increases damage by 10% (additively) when a row of that color is matched. |
SB | Skill Boost awoken skill. |
SBR | Skill Bind Resist awoken skill. |
SDR | 1: Skill Delay Resist, a latent awakening that counters increase in cooldown of active skills. This latent awakening can be obtained by fusing a Skill Delay Resist Latent Tamadra. 2: Refers to the dungeon, Special Descended Rush. |
SKC | Refers to the dungeon, Super King Carnival. |
Skills | Active skill that a card can use in dungeons. See Active Skill. |
Skillup / SU | Decreasing the cooldown for a card by one turn, or refers to the card that can reduce the cooldown of card. |
Skyfall | Refers to the appearance of new orbs on the board after matching. Sometimes also refers to additional matches beyond those matched on board, generated from the new orbs that appear after matching (can also be called “skillfall”) |
Stone | Common name of Magic Stone. Currency used for dungeon continues, stamina refreshes, and rolling cards. See Magic Stone. |
Suicide | An active skill that reduces the player’s HP to 1. |
Tamadra / Tamadora | A special card that unlocks one Awoken skill (awakening) of a base card when fused. See Tamadra. In Japanese, “tama” (tamago) means egg, and “dra/dora” is short for dragon. |
Tan / King Tan | Tans can evolve into King Tans. King Tans increase the skill up rate of Skill Fodder to 100%. Do not use with Pys. See Fusing for Skill Up. |
TE | Short for Time Extend awakening or Latent awakening. |
TPA | Short for Two Pronged Attack: an awakening that increases a card’s attack by 1.5 times and has them attack two monsters instead of just one when you connect no more than 4 orbs of the same attribute. Multiple TPA awakenings stack multiplicatively. |
UDR | Stands for Ultimate Descended Rush. |
UEvo/Ult | Ultimate evolution, an evolution that does not require the base to be max level. |
UUEvo (SUvo) [Bankai] | Ultimate2 / Super Ultimate evolution, an ultimate evolution of an ultimate evolution. Unofficially called a ‘Bankai’ (from Bleach) as it described a similar power up, but then Bleach collab actually happened. |
YamaP / TemaP | Producer Yamamoto of GungHo. |
Below is a list of “How To” videos, created by community member Appgle.
Skilling Up cards using Tans and Pys: https://youtu.be/w_tNKL-0Os4
Activate a “Row” Awakening: https://youtu.be/Ny69iugW9OE
How to activate a “Box” Awakening: https://youtu.be/GmI4wOX05QY
Activate a “Bonus Attack” or FUA Awakening: https://youtu.be/PdrpWZLX0vI
Activate a “Recover Bind” or Heart Row Awakening: https://youtu.be/8-eIfKizTas
Activate a “Two Pronged Attack” or TPA Awakening: https://youtu.be/SJ86rqx_uds
Official web pages
NA Website: https://www.puzzleanddragons.us/
The official website for Puzzle and Dragons with announcements and updates.
North America (NA): https://www.facebook.com/PuzzleAndDragonsOfficial/
The official Facebook pages for Puzzle and Dragons with newest updates and announcements.
North America (NA): https://twitter.com/PuzzDragNA
The official Twitter pages for Puzzle and Dragons. Because of timezones, EU tend to be faster than NA for news, but some events may be named differently in NA.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/puzzleanddragons_official/.
This is where high-resolution pictures of upcoming monsters are posted. New evolutions are often posted in Japanese, English, and sometimes Korean.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gunghoamerica
Every 1-2 months (sometimes longer) there are 1 hour live streams from GungHo staff, where news are announced. Some gameplay of new dungeons are shown as well, and successful clears often result in rewards for every PAD player on NA/EU!
Some streams also comes with viewers rewards, where you enter your (and friends’) PAD ID at a particular GungHo web page within a certain time period to receive in-game rewards. This is announced during stream, and not every stream will have this.
PAD FAQ: http://www.gunghoonline.com/pad-faq/
Official FAQ with official answers from GungHo.
Unofficial web pages
Puzzle Dragon X: http://www.puzzledragonx.com/.
NA-oriented Database with information of all cards, dungeons, or events.
r/PuzzleandDragons: https://www.reddit.com/r/PuzzleAndDragons/
Subreddit for PAD, with both NA and JP news.
Puzzle and Dragons Forum: https://puzzleanddragonsforum.com/
Old forum where we hang out in the past.
Mass Attack: An NA PAD Blog (by aFireBlaze and irinya): https://massattackpad.blogspot.com/
Setsu’s PAD Blog (Ended July 2017): https://setsupad.wordpress.com/
Setsu’s blog had a lot of great resources that is still relevant today (such as the optimal board setups).
Sorano PAD: https://soranopad.wordpress.com/
BakaData PAD (Tier lists): http://www.bakadata.com/puzzle--dragons
Puzzles and Kupo Guides and more: https://gl1tch3d.com/
Mantastic PAD: https://mantasticpad.com/
Reni’s translations to PAD, Japanese version: https://pad.protic.site.
All information on PAD Japanese version in one site. JP news, translated! This has translations to almost all the in-game screens, links to game resources (Japanese/English/Chinese webpages), how to backup data, full translation to account recovery form… you name it!
PAD Blog (Chinese): http://www.padpadblog.com/
Chinese blog for Japanese version of PAD, features latest news and updates, some short card reviews, and a daily diary series about the author’s own account.
Discord is where most of the PAD players hang out, find out the latest news, and discuss about PAD. Think of it as a giant chatroom, like the old IRC chats. You can use Discord in a browser, on the desktop app, or on the mobile app!
PDX Discord: https://discord.gg/Bcz5p45
The official Discord server for Puzzle Dragon X, the web-based unofficial database.
PAD Community Discord: https://discord.gg/pad
Largest community of PAD players. A good place to look for co-op partners for various farming needs or clearing descended dungeons.
For an extensive list of servers (including leader-specific ones and streamers), see Reddit page.
Puzzled PAD Simulator: https://candyninja001.github.io/Puzzled/
Modified/Upgraded version of Dawnglare. Web-based board simulation to practice your boards. New mechanics such as bombs and clouds can be found!
Dawnglare PAD Simulator: http://pad.dawnglare.com/
An online board app for practice. This can also be used to share puzzling boards with others. Although newer mechanics such as spinners are not included, generally this is the most used practice app.
PadHerder: https://www.padherder.com/
An online app that can help you manage your box and evolution materials needed. Great for sharing what cards you have with other players to help building teams.
Puzzle Damage Calc (PDC, app in Japanese) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.corombo13.paddamagecal&hl=en
A Japanese mobile phone app that can help with damage calculations when team building in the late game.
Serizawa: (Japanese) http://serizawa.web5.jp/puzzdra_theory_maker/
Another online app that allows you to test and work on theories (this webpage is in Japanese).
Q: When is Godfest / When do Godfests happen?
A: Two Godfests happen every month - Mid-month (~15th) and end of month.
Q: How do I favorite a card so I don’t accidently fuse/sell it?
A: On the upper right hand corner of the card is a button that says “Off”, press it once to favorite it (it should say “On” when you favorite it).
Q: How do I turn on boxes/box organization?
A: Others > Options > System > Manage Boxes. More information (with images) available here.
Q: When can I use [insert rank locked function here]?
A: When you reach the appropriate rank.
Q: When should I use [insert random fodder here]?
A: Depends on the rarity, if it's easy to come by (like a Metal Dragon or Tamadra) then whenever, but if it's a more rare material (Like a Snow Globe Dragon or Ancient Tri-God Mask), might be best to wait and ask another player for advice.
Q: If I skill up a card before evolving it, will it stay leveled after I evolve it?
A: Depends. If the name and description of the active skill is the same, then yes; Otherwise no, it does not.
Q: What are Tans/Kingtans used for?
A: Tans can be evolved into Kingtan when you have 5 more Tans of the same attribute. When a Kingtan is fused with skillup materials (cards with same active skill), the chances of skillup increases to 100%. See skill up section, or watch our Demo Video.
Q: How many seconds do we have to move orbs?
A: Currently 4 seconds by default, before accounting for Time Extend awakenings. After version 13.0 update (JP-only for now), the default will be 5 seconds.
You may also see how many seconds you have for orb movement, simply by holding onto an orb on the board (without moving the orb).
Q: Do I need my Secret Code to recover my account from GungHo?
A: Fortunately, no. Secret Code does help speeding up the process (it confirms that you are the account owner), but if you have other means to prove that the account is yours, you may still get your account back.
Q: What’s the font used in the game?
A: The interface uses a Japanese-based font named Kurokane EB. The title uses the font Rowdy.
Good luck! Have fun PAD-ing!