Wall St. Protesters Shinny Up Flagpole, and Police Aren’t Amused

flag protestDaniel Medina, a tourist from Spain, posed in front of the bull statue. Protesters from the Rainforest Action Network scaled two 40-foot flagpoles behind the statue on Wall Street and hung a flag with “Foreclosed?” written on it. (Photos: Josh Haner/The New York Times)

Tourists in the financial district hoping for a good picture of the famous bull statue got an extra treat this afternoon: two urban climbers sliding up flagpoles and draping an anti-Wall Street banner between them.

The event took place shortly after noon, and quickly drew a ring of onlookers with cameras around their necks to Bowling Green at the foot of Broadway. It also drew, just as quickly, the police, including Emergency Service Unit officers. The very same officers are among more than 400 who have been ordered to undergo retraining in dealing with disturbed people after last week’s fatal encounter with a man atop a 10-foot ledge in Bedford-Stuyvesant. An officer shot the man, Iman Morales, 35, with a Taser gun, and he fell to his death.

Today’s encounter went smoothly enough to resemble a training exercise. The protesters had used straps and harnesses to climb about 40 feet to affix their banner, an American flag with the word “Foreclosed?” spread across the red and white stripes, and a Web site address (www.dirtymoney.org) along the bottom.

The Rainforest Action Network organized the protest. Samantha Corbin, one of the climbers, said in a written statement before the climb, “It is time to stop the risky financial behavior that is now mortgaging our homes and our planet.” Anything she had to say atop the pole was drowned out by the spectators and traffic.

Other groups arrived, including the Green Party, Code Pink and Billionaires for Bush, but mostly everyone watched to see what would happen to the climbers.

flag protestPolice officers arrested a protester, identified as Cy Waggoner.

Officers strapped on their own harnesses and hard hats, and one, Shawn Soler, 32, leaned a ladder against Ms. Corbin’s pole and climbed up. He spent several minutes talking to Ms. Corbin, gesturing with his hands, occasionally nodding and shrugging and patting the pole with his gloved hand. Finally, Ms. Corbin lowered herself onto the ladder, unclipped her harness and climbed down to be handcuffed and placed in a police van.

The other climber, identified by organizers as Cy Waggoner, climbed down mostly by himself, using a ladder for the last 10 feet, and was similarly arrested. Onlookers cheered. The van drove away.

Officer Soler took off his hard hat and recalled his conversation up the pole. “Pretty much what I was doing was walking her through how I wanted her to come down in the safest possible way,” he said. “She was listening to me.”

The flag stayed up while officers waited for a crane to arrive. No one was to climb up and cut it down. “You don’t know how stable those poles are,” Officer Soler said.

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At least they didn’t taser the dudes, which likely would have happened in Minneapolis. Meanwhile, how will the ESU deal with Wall Street traders jumping out of windows in the coming weeks? Committing seppuku to save face after destroying your clients’ investment portfolios is also illegal, right?

If they aren’t amused by a couple of people climbing a pole, how amused will they be when people start getting really upset? Wall Street needs to up some barricades.

This jumping out of windows cliche is getting old. They are not going to be jumping out of windows. They will be hired by emerging markets SWFs and governments to manage the investments in the formerly third world. Welcome, my friends, to the United States, the world’s newest emerging market.

Warren Howie Hughes October 1, 2008 · 5:24 pm

Police everywhere are easily amused, but virtually always at the expense of your average citizen!

I’m actually amazed there haven’t been more protests like this. Wall Street – which has spent several decades pushing for and getting widespread financial deregulation – has essentially mortgaged our economic future. And now we’re spending a trillion dollars bailing out the companies that got us into this mess, while Republicans are resisting efforts to allow judges to rewrite mortgage conditions and give the same benefit-of-the-doubt to bankrupt homeowners.

Personally, my patience is wearing thin. The police should be arresting the people inside Wall Street, not the protestors outside.

Check out more pictures from the event here: //flickr.com/photos/rainforestactionnetwork/

And for those asking “why” and have something to say, visit RAN’s blog: //understory.ran.org

I love the hate and blame for Wall St. Did Wall street not finance the mortgage you can’t afford to pay? (Herego your foreclosure) Did democratic politics not force this lending to people who never deserved credit? Wake up, liberals, and see that wealth is given by wall street, and taken away by the socialist government we live under.

I betcha that Flagpole is a lot more “stable” than the IDIOCRACY which has been ruling OUR Country during the Bush/Cheney years, & to be fair, during the Bill Clinton years, since he “triangulated” with the Republicans in Congress during HIS Presidency, to DE-REGULATE the Banking system, helping to pass those Peachy Keen “Fair Trade” agreements so American workers saw millions of good jobs “OUTSOURCED”.

And you betcha ordinary Americans are “DISTURBED”, we’re disturbed by the immoral, corrupt, unaccountable, unrepentant Architects of the dismantling of the American way of life, who have replaced the Nation I loved with a Police State where the PATRIOTS get arrested while the TRAITORS who are selling out my country, get rewarded with $700 Billion borrowed probably from Communist China, so they can turn around and buy up bits & pieces of cheap, foreclosed Real Estate in America. Like the Movie, America should be renamed “DISTURBIA”.

They should charge each protester $5 to climb the pole. Surround the pole with a safety net in case the protesters fall.

We can’t even climb up a pole without being arrested, and we have the chutzpah to call ourselves a “free country?”

Oh, yes, I almost forgot — we get to give away our vote once every four years to one of two people.


Duh… nothing in life is free…and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction…. where were you during these lessons?

I’m ready to see some proletarian justice hold court in the Street–isn’t it time the speculators and hedge-funders who flew the jumbo jet of finance into the mountainside (but not before donning parachutes and jumping to safety) were made to pay for their incompetence? Don’t pretend for a moment that a whole lot of folks didn’t get rich from this swindle, and will continue to do so. Let’s not forget that the deregulation movement has much to answer for as well. If 500,000 area residents showed up down at Broad and Wall to break up the furniture and “send a message,” I think it would be good for the future health of our society.

“Rainforest Action Network?” Sounds like something out of The Onion.

Bravo Rainforest Action Network! Nice to see citizens looking out for OUR interests! These dirty investors don’t deserve a bail-out. Stop risking our future and start investing in clean energy, Wall Street!