Let's Talk Trading - Sydney - 02.03.2016
We are looking forward to hosting our ‘Let’s Talk Trading’ meetup on Wednesday the 2nd of March at 7:30pm.

On the night, you will be hearing form 3 of our traders, who will be giving some insight into their journey to becoming a professional trader, as well as demonstrating the following:

Rob -

Elements of our Core Strategy, FICM

Partha -

Market Structure, Dynamics and Mapping; and the strategies which have become “The Edge” for 40 Traders

Eddie -

How he built his first automated system, live back testing and optimisation.

We have had larger than expected registrations and would like to accommodate all traders who have registered previously, so have moved the event to Novotel Sydney Central (in the Spring Cove Room).

Due to limited space, we need to confirm final numbers of attendees.

If you would like to attend, please complete this registration form; we will call all registrants 1 week prior, to confirm your seat.

It will be a great night - We look forward to meeting you.

When:   Wednesday 2nd of March at 7:30pm to 9pm
Where : Novotel Sydney Central | 169 -179 Thomas Street 2000 SYDNEY NSW
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