Register with The Bikerni
Hello and Welcome Bikerni prospect!!! :)
We have a few things to say before you get filling.

:Please Note:
To qualify as a full-time member you need to complete three mandatory rides with fellow members of The Bikerni.
You can only qualify for the official t-shirt after these rides are done.

We will be soon be taking a minimal membership fee to cover basic expenses like printing stickers, posters, purchasing emergency tool-kits and first-aid kits, reflective vests for sweeps, tails and leads, for example and maintaining them. This fee will go for association related purposes only.

The Bikerni allows members to ride on any brand, type or make of motorcycles.
We expect that when members ride together as a group, they will ensure that everyone is together at all times and look out for each other. We have seperate rides for scooter/moped class which are to short distances.

We are a family so please keep a friendly atmosphere at all times. If you have any doubt or issues, please discuss with admins or moderators directly.

Name *
(Kindly remember this will be your identity in the club and will not be changed)
Nickname/Alias *
The name you would like to use as your Bikerni identity
Date of Birth *
So, we can celebrate the birth of a Bikerni :)
Email ID *
(will not be disclosed to anyone. we need your email to keep you updated on club events, rides and meets)
Mobile Number *
(will not be disclosed to anyone. we need your number to keep you updated on club events, rides and meets. Add one number only, please do not add 0 or +91 before the number)
Current City of Residence *
No address please, only name of city.
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