TransforMap: Map your top spots and test the categories
TransforMap: mapping alternative economies & social innovation | please take 15 min to fill out this questionaire 3 - 5 times with your favorite spots of alternative economic activity & social innovation.
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Name of the project / intiative / space / place / organization you want to add: *
Address: *
street & number
Address: *
Address: *
zip code (postal code)
Address: *
country (& state if in the U.S.)
Phone number
Feel free to add additional information in your language (when the number is availiable, who...)
Email address of the project/initiative/organization
Opening hours
feel free to add this in your language
Please fill out and comment on the tagging-system
How would you tag* (*short keyword description) this project / intiative / space / place / organization and what it offers?* *
Please create your own tags for that item, you can write more than one. Here  some suggestions:    Community garden, organic store, hackerspace, community kitchen, booksharing, givebox, bicycle toolbox/kitchen, workshop for manufacture or repair of goods, Give-away shops, talent and time barter, carsharing, second hand shop, Open WIFI Hotspot, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), coworking space, empty house or land, ......
TransforMap Tagging System Label: "Needs fulfilled" by the project / initiative / organization: *
Comments on the "needs fulfilled" tag (optional)
TransforMap Tagging System Label: "Mode of Interaction" of the project / initiative / organization: *
Mode of economical interaction used to satisfy a need.
Comments on the "mode of interaction" tag (optional):
Is there a broader movement(s), trend or community the project relates to, or feels part of ? *
please use the following categories. Feel free to use more than one. AND/OR very important: feel free to write your own suggestion in the open category. This will help us to include more communities into the map! If you suggest a new category/community, please let us know your reasons.
Comments on the "community self description" tags (optional):
Please write a short summary to outline how this project  (point of interest) supports the local community and why it should be on the map of alternative economies (this will not be published).
Is there anything that should be edited, changed or removed from this list?
If so, why?
Additional Comments
What's your email?
 We would like to get back to you in case we have questions or comments. Thank you!
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