Teacher Self-Assessment Scales (TSAS)
THANK YOU for taking the time to fill out this self-assessment questionnaire.  Your responses will be held in strict confidence and your name/identity is NOT requested and will NOT be included in any related reports provided to the project sponsor or the public.  Only the Center for Positive Practices (CPP) project staff and the project sponsor are allowed to see any individual entries, and only group-level data may be seen and used by schools, districts, and the public for research, planning and implementing services, and for assessing program effectiveness.

Implied Consent.  Filling in the form below affirms that you are over 18 years of age, and that you consent to have your group-level responses to this questionnaire included in related technical assistance processes, research, and/or technical reports.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Joseph P. Martínez (CPP Project Evaluator) at info@nmcpp.com  Thank you!

You can find more information and resources about this questionnaire at http://positivepractices.com/tsas/
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INSTRUCTIONS.  Below are several questions designed to help you express your level of confidence for successfully completing the designated tasks.  The tasks-related questions are derived from the upper levels of the NMTEACH Classroom Observation Protocol/Rubric.   Keep in mind, this questionnaire is fully confidential, and we need to know the true feelings of all participants, so please be as honest as you can.

Any reference to “all students” includes culturally and linguistically diverse students, English learners (ELs), and students with disabilities (SWD).  Any reference to New Mexico adopted standards includes the 2012 Amplification of WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards when serving English language learners (ELL), and Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals when serving students with disabilities.

Each question is based on a scale of 1 to 100, with 1 being no confidence and 100 being complete confidence.  If you enter a zero, it may be counted as a blank, or non-response.  Similarly, simply entering 90 or 100 across the board may cause the statistical system to discard the entire set of responses as not sufficiently variable.

Each question is preceded by the stem 'I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers...' which is not necessarily an assessment of your future potential but rather your own self-assessment of your confidence to successfully demonstrate to observers the specified tasks at this point in time.

Domain 1: Preparation and Planning
Domain 1 Overview:  To what level is content communicated in the lesson plan and resulting lesson?

No Confidence..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....Some Confidence..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....Complete Confidence
0.......... 10.......... 20.......... 30.......... 40.......... 50........... 60.......... 70.......... 80.......... 90.......... 100
Example: I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I can convince parents to set aside adequate time in the evening for their children to do their homework.
1A.  Demonstrating Knowledge of Content.  I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that my lesson plans... *
reflect extensive knowledge of the content area(s) being taught, including academic language demands, and that they correlate IEP objectives with lesson plans, when applicable; • incorporate research and resources related to all NM adopted standards as well as evidence-based specialized instruction according to the IEP, when applicable; • create opportunities for students to contribute to the lesson design and content; and • include opportunities for modifications in the IEP or language proficiency levels to be implemented across content areas, when applicable.
1B. Designing Coherent Instruction. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that my lesson plans contain... *
pedagogical practices that include flexible grouping and differentiated instruction, based on student levels and IEP goals, as applicable; • questions to reinforce and extend student learning and engagement to include real-world and application-based experiences, while including purposeful scaffolding of questions based on students' level of academic language; • learning activities that, when possible, incorporate students' use of their first and second languages to make connections to real-world application and include learning activities that progress coherently, are research-based, and are relevant to students and the instructional/IEP goals, as applicable; • opportunities to incorporate student-centered learning as an instructional tool; and • research-based practices, including sheltered and differentiated instructional strategies, with a variety of specially designed instructional materials.
1C. Setting Instructional Outcomes. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that my lesson plans contain instructional outcomes that... *
align rigorous instructional processes and learning activities to all NM adopted standards and to IEP goals, as applicable; • contain modifications, as required to ensure students are able to complete the instructional outcomes; • include differentiated language demands based on individual students' academic language proficiency levels; • involve students in the process of developing instructional outcomes, based on all NM adopted standards; and • address IEP goals, reflect high expectations, are clearly stated, and can be measured, as applicable.
1D. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I... *
seek out and use resources available beyond the school and district—including those from professional organizations, the internet, and/or from community resources—to enhance my content knowledge and to use in teaching all students and especially those who demonstrate specific needs; • strategically present information and implement strategies obtained through professional development to address individual learning styles, rates and levels of learning, students' cultural backgrounds, and/or their English language proficiency; and • create lessons that reduce barriers, optimize levels of challenge and support, meet the needs of all learners, and increase access to grade-level curricula.

1E. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I... *
have extensive knowledge of students' backgrounds, cultures, skills, academic language development, interests, and special needs—including present levels of performance for applicable content areas and behavioral issues, as well as accommodations and modification for individual students;  • include students in the planning of culturally-sensitive strategies and incorporate those into instructional practice; • provide strong evidence of using student achievement data to differentiate instruction, including the use of ACCESS scores to support and monitor the progress of English Learners (ELs) and to differentiate their instruction according to English language proficiency levels; and • use a wide repertoire of strategies to integrate a variety of learning styles into lessons and activities.
1F. Designing Student Assessment. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I... *
ensure full alignment between the instructional outcomes, all NM adopted standards, IEP goals, success criteria, and assessment tools; • provide opportunities for students to demonstrate and/or record where they are in their own learning; • share clearly-aligned rubrics with students and that I support students to monitor their own academic and linguistic growth; and • document current levels of student performance using measurable goals and objectives with written discussion about performance in the regular classroom and/or provide the sponsor teacher with student progress.
Domain 2: Creating an Environment for Learning
Domain 2 Overview:  To what level are interactions in the classroom positive and productive?  To what level are all student groups respected and valued in the classroom?

No Confidence..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....Some Confidence..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....Complete Confidence
0.......... 10.......... 20.......... 30.......... 40.......... 50........... 60.......... 70.......... 80.......... 90.......... 100
2A. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that classroom interactions between me and my students and among students themselves... *
exhibit a high degree of respect; • reflect warmth and caring; • reflect a high degree of sensitivity to students' cultures that may include purposeful teacher-student or student-student dialog in multiple languages; and • reflect a high degree of sensitivity to students' levels of development.
2B. Organizing Physical Space. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I organize my classroom in such a way that... *
visuals, graphics, and/or technology are accessible for students to use and to adapt to advance their learning and engage them at varying levels of academic content including English language proficiency; and • students can contribute to the use or adaptation of the physical environment, such as preferential seating, study carrels, quiet areas, etc. to advance their own learning.
2C. Establishing a Culture for Learning. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that my classroom culture is characterized by... *
high levels of enthusiasm for the subject by me and my students; • students seeking support and initiating improvements to their efforts (may vary depending on subgroup population, e.g., ID, ED); and • students being encouraged to reflect on their personal learning and growth.
2D. Managing Classroom Procedures. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that almost my classroom instructional time is maximized because... *
my students' are internalizing their daily routines; • my students' are taking the initiative for and contributing to the seamless operation of the classroom and classroom procedures, including those that pertain to developmentally appropriate cooperative learning activities; and • my implementation of a well-organized system of transitions in which students lead effective routines, including the distribution and collection of materials and manipulatives.
2E. Managing Student Behavior. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I... *
allow student ownership of the instructional plan; • create opportunities for students to lead the implementation of the student behavior management plan; • provide evidence of students' participation in setting conduct standards and monitoring their own behavior; • monitor student behavior and am sensitive to individual student learning needs, including the needs of students with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds and identities; and • respond with sensitivity to individual student needs according to their Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA/BIP), when applicable.
Domain 3: Teaching for Learning
Domain 3 Overview:  To what level are directions clearly delivered and understandable?  To what level is content communicated in a clear, concise manner?

No Confidence..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....Some Confidence..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....Complete Confidence
0.......... 10.......... 20.......... 30.......... 40.......... 50........... 60.......... 70.......... 80.......... 90.......... 100
3A.  Communicating with Students in a Manner that is Appropriate to their Culture and Level of Development.  I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that my communication and delivery of expectations for learning, directions, procedures, and explanations of content with students include... *
strategies for students to interact with each other and offer feedback to their peers; • grade-level appropriate, understandable language with scaffolds that support students' language and academic proficiency levels and IEP goals for content and explanation of academic tasks; • ensuring understanding of idioms and figurative language by clarifying and rephrasing when necessary; • intentionally creating connections to students' cultural and linguistic background knowledge; and • opportunities for students to lead and direct lesson components.
3B. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques to Support Classroom Discourse. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that my questioning techniques... *
allow for consistent, analytical, and collaborative approaches to understanding; • scaffold for a deep understanding of concepts, using academic language; • create opportunities for student-led discussion and debate of key concepts; • allow students to take ownership or to lead, ensuring that all voices are heard in classroom and group discussions; • incorporate student-generated, high-level questions that are within the specialized instruction and are content- specific; and • include the use of prompts to support students' responses to questions that can include repeating and rephrasing the question as well as for modeling responses for less-proficient students.
3C. Engaging Students in Learning. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that my activities, assignments, materials, pacing, and grouping of students are fully appropriate to the learning outcomes, language proficiency levels, and applicable IEP goals, resulting in high intellectual student engagement in which... *
I provide opportunities for students to lead reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities throughout the lesson; • students incorporate cognitive, developmental, linguistic, and cultural experiences to support learning; • the lesson incorporates multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement; • I encourage students to negotiate meaning and clarify understanding with their peers, which may be supported using a language other than English, as appropriate; and • I consistently assess student engagement and understanding and immediately adapt methods for improved learning when needed.
3D. Assessment in Instruction. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that my assessments are used in a sophisticated manner to drive instruction, and that there is a method to... *
establish, support, and model the use of assessments as tools for improved learning and communication to students; • engage students in analyzing and evaluating assessment data and information to improve learning; • systematically gather and use assessment data to inform and guide instruction; • ensure that students can articulate their level of performance using the criteria and scoring guidelines provided; • provide feedback that can be used by students in their learning; • support students in monitoring their progress towards mastery of content standards and/or specialized instruction, using informal and formal classroom assessments; • involve students in establishing assessment criteria; • engage students in setting and monitoring targets for learning and academic language development related to the content; and • support students in monitoring their progress with evidence-based strategies that include a combination of self and peer assessments.
3E. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I modify instruction during the lesson/class period by... *
seizing opportunities to enhance learning by building on a spontaneous event or student interests; • creating opportunities for student-led instruction, discussion, and/or questioning; • appealing to student interests and making cultural connections to learning outcomes; and • ensuring the success of all students by using an extensive repertoire of instructional strategies in order to anchor instruction and help students make sense of content.
Domain 4: Professionalism
Domain 4 Overview:  How well does the teacher engage families in the instructional program?  To what level is the teacher’s communication (both formal and informal) with families frequent and culturally appropriate?

No Confidence..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....Some Confidence..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....Complete Confidence
0.......... 10.......... 20.......... 30.......... 40.......... 50........... 60.......... 70.......... 80.......... 90.......... 100
4A. Communicating with Families. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I… *
go beyond the district's/school's requirements for communicating with families by providing them with frequent information about their children as learners, such as updates on student progress, instruction, and assessment—including the ACCESS for ELL Parent Report, if applicable; • clearly communicate and define IEP goals (academic and/or behavioral) and progress towards those goals when supporting SWD, using specific examples of student progress based on data in parent-friendly language, as applicable; and • respond to family concerns with professionalism and cultural sensitivity.
4B. Participating in a Professional Community. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I... *
make a substantial contribution to the professional community and in school and district events and projects; • share knowledge of, and proactively seek, opportunities to learn more about techniques and strategies to work with all students, which may include cultural perspectives and strategies for sheltering academic language and research-based strategies that address student learning; and • work with other teachers to monitor IEP objectives addressed in the regular classroom.
4C. Reflecting on Teaching. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I… *
consistently reflect on instructional practices thoughtfully and accurately with specific evidence, such as progress monitoring within evidence-based specialized instruction; • draw from an extensive repertoire of instructional practices in support of all students; • suggest alternative instructional practices and predict the likely success of each; and • use assessment data as a primary resource to inform the quality and effectiveness of instructional practices.
4D. Demonstrating Professionalism. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I… *
assume a leadership role in ensuring the highest-level of professional practice by all members of the learning community; • work with colleagues to create activities promoting a positive school environment; • assist in designing school practices that honor all students and the goals and mission of the learning community; and • model advocacy for, and instruct, all students in self-advocacy skills, making particular effort to challenge negative attitudes and to ensure that all students are honored and valued.
4E. Growing and Developing Professionally. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I… *
actively pursue professional development opportunities; • initiate activities to share expertise with others, including evidence-based instruction; • seek out feedback and best practices from supervisors and colleagues/specialists in areas such as Indian Education, ELs, special education, and bilingual education, as applicable, in order to make instruction accessible and understandable for all students; and • expand on feedback from supervisors/colleagues and use it to directly improve instruction.
4F. Maintaining Accurate Records. I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers that I… *
support students to efficiently maintain personal instructional and non-instructional records; • maintain accurate and up-to-date records that are used constructively by students and teachers; • support the ability of students to contribute information and interpret their own instructional records; • share language development and IEP objectives and goals clearly with all stakeholders, as applicable; and • provide and share accurate documentation to support student progress towards goals with stakeholders.

5. Please enter the *full name* of your school(s): *
Please be specific because the dataset may contain other schools with similar names.
6. Please enter the *full name* of your district: *
Note: The questions that follow are NOT associated with NMTEACH
7. Please indicate your school level(s):
Select all that apply.
8. Number of years teaching:
Please select from options below.
Clear selection
9. Level of Teaching License:
This is a project specific question.  If you know the question and have an answer, you can enter it here; otherwise, please go back to your project-specific form and answer it there.
Clear selection
10. Number of training hours you have had for working with the state-adopted academic standards:
Select the one answer that makes the most sense to you.
Clear selection
11. Number of training hours for working with the state standardized assessment(s):
Clear selection
12. Number of training hours for supporting culturally and linguistically diverse students:
Clear selection
13. Certifications and Endorsement(s):
Select all that apply.
14. Percent of students in your classroom(s) who are Fully English Proficient:
Select the one answer that makes the most sense to you.  Rough estimates and immediate best guesses are acceptable.
Clear selection
15. Percent of students in your classroom(s) who are Limited English Proficient / English Learners:
Rough estimates and best guesses are acceptable.
Clear selection
16. Percent of students in your classroom(s) who are Bilingual or Emerging Bilingual:
Rough estimates and best guesses are acceptable.
Clear selection
17. In the last 12 months did you receive training from the sponsor giving you this questionnaire?
Clear selection
18. Form Location (Q #18 is 'Today's Date' on hard copy versions)
If you know it, please enter the domain where the current form is located.
Last Question. Humans -versus- Robots. *
Most fastfood restaurants sell a round sandwich called a... (hint: not a hotdog, all lowercase text):
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