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Texas startup events in your area
We all know that everything is BIGGER in Texas, so it's hard to know what's happening in your city, and harder still to know what's over yonder. This list is designed to keep you informed and up-to-date on startup focused events in your area. Sign up here for the weekly Texas-Squared Startup Newsletter
Austin-area CPG brands, retailers, service providers and local enthusiasts are welcome to join us for a lively discussion about the CPG scene and helping each other grow our businesses and community.
Fourth Thursdays of the Month, with exceptions for holidays Thursday, November 21st (Third Thursday due to Thanksgiving) and Thursday, December 27th (Fourth Friday due to Christmas)
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Cosmic Coffee + Beer Garden
121 Pickle Rd, Ste 111
Austin, Texas 78704 [map] Add to Google Calendar