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Or, Better Yet, Get Help from
One of our Destination Experts.
Always At No Cost.
It’s just like using a real estate agent.
Our Venue Experts will consult with you to learn you and your fiance’s vision for your big day, then use their expertise to match your vision and budget to the few venues that meet your needs. In addition, they will plan all of the details of your guests’ travel, so that you can focus on the fun stuff.
Get Free Help From a Destination Expert
Or Call Us at: 800-403-8526
Why Couples Love
Our Destination Experts

Destination Wedding Experts. Our Destination Experts specialize in helping couples find their perfect wedding venue. They have personally visited each and every venue we recommend, so they know which venue is a Perfect Match for you and your fiance.

Exclusive Pricing & Perks. We help over 15,000 couples a year find their perfect wedding venue, which, along with our personal relationship with our venues, allows us to get exclusive pricing and perks for our customers.

Peace of Mind. Our destination experts only recommend the best venues - ensuring an amazing and memorable wedding for you and all of your guests. They will plan all of the details of your guest’s travel, so that you can focus on the fun stuff.

See What Other Brides Had to Say
my wedding venue expert. She has been so helpful and amazing through this experience! I honestly don’t even know
if I’d be having a wedding if it weren’t for her help! She has taken all the stress off of me and made this a very exciting experience!”
- Katie B., Wedding Date: 2/27/2014

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