5 free public-speaking courses (available worldwide)

Desktop Computer with WebcamLooking for free training
in public speaking?
Look no further!

In a previous post, I wrote about Ben Harvey’s free workshops on public speaking. Those are great if you’re in Sydney (like me), but of course the chances are very good that you’re not.

In this post then, you’ll find 5 free courses to help you with your presentations and speeches – no matter where you happen to live.

So here they are (in no particular order)

  • Two former world champions of public speaking (from Toastmasters, which itself is low-cost but not free) both offer 52 weekly tips to help you practise and improve. With both of these courses, you’ll get an email each week with a link to a short audio lesson, plus a transcript in a downloadable document in case you prefer (as I do) to read (offline) rather than listen (online).

  • Similarly, educator Conor Neill offers two free 10-week courses by email. He suggests you video your practice talks with a webcam (or other camera) so you can see how you’re doing, which I really like.

  • Lastly, here’s a free 10-week online course by the University of Washington (“UoW”). In it, you get dozens of short video lectures (in clips of about 5-10 minutes each for easy viewing).

    You can also (optionally) upload videos of your own short speeches to a private YouTube channel. Then, you give anonymous feedback to several students worldwide on their videos, and you get feedback on your own videos in return (from a different set of randomly-selected students).

    I’m finding the UoW course really helpful, and can see progress from one speech to the next. Mind you, I’ve not kept up with the 2 hours or so of video lecture clips (in total) every week, and instead am focusing on videoing my own speeches and giving feedback.

    (At the time of writing, this course is almost over, but it’s scheduled to run again in January 2014. By using the link below, you can get notified when the course is next offered.)

Over to you

Anyway, I hope you find those links as useful as I have! Do post a comment if you know of other great online training resources to help with presenting and public speaking.

Also check out…

8 thoughts on “5 free public-speaking courses (available worldwide)

  1. Hi Craig, thank you for sharing. I have actually put together a list of 4 best public speaking resources online in this post where I also included Toastmasters, Andrew Dlugan’s and others. I really think there are a lot of resources out there and we should be making good use of them.


  2. Great idea of taking a video of yourself and then asking for feedback. Another method is making sure you focus on the presentation rather than what’s happening internally to avoid you listening to your unconscious mind disturb your moment.


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