Southwest Airlines has apologized after a woman was forced to cover up an outfit that gate agents deemed “lewd, obscene and offensive.”
“Lewd” Dress Code Incident On Southwest Airlines
This is what Kayla Eubanks attempted to wear on her Southwest Airlines flight from New York La Guardia on Tuesday:
Y’all I was KICKED OFF my @SouthwestAir flight because my boobs are “lewd, obscene and offensive.” I was told that passengers may look at me in my attire and be offended. The attire in question:
— Kayla Eubanks (@UziSuzy) October 6, 2020
A gate agent stopped her, citing Southwest policy. When Eubanks pushed back and asked the agent to cite the policy, she ended up waiting over 20 minutes while the agent struggled to find it:
This @SouthwestAir employee practically did cartwheels to ensure that I wouldn’t get on this plane y’all. I was held at the gate for 30 minutes because of my shirt.
— Kayla Eubanks (@UziSuzy) October 6, 2020
Eubanks asked, “Because if it’s there, why can’t y’all find it? Y’all are refusing to put me on a plane because of a policy that y’all cannot find exists.”
The captain approached her and tried to make a joke, stating, “They’re hating on you because you’re looking good, is that right?” Eubanks was not amused:
The @SouthwestAir employee stopped looking for this policy and caught the Captain coming out of the bathroom and asked him to intervene. He literally comes out saying that they’re hating on me 🙃.
— Kayla Eubanks (@UziSuzy) October 6, 2020
I actually think the captain handled this very well. He was able to de-escalate the situation, get the flight out, and get Eubanks to her destination.
Upon landing, Southwest staff met Eubanks and again explained to her why the attire was not appropriate (she had taken off the captain’s shirt during the flight):
This video begins with me giving the captain back his shirt (after the flight). This is the conversation the 2 @SouthwestAir supervisors had with me. One of them told me to “Try it”.. listen to them… the tone in their voice and everything is flat out wrong. Make it make sense.
— Kayla Eubanks (@UziSuzy) October 6, 2020
What About The Policy?
But there’s still the issue of the policy. As a reminder, the Southwest Airlines dress code policy (via the Contract of Carriage) prohibits passengers from wearing clothing that is “lewd, obscene or patently offensive.” None of those terms are defined.
Southwest later stated:
“Our Employees are responsible for the Safety and comfort of everyone onboard the flight. We do our best to promote a family-centric environment, and we count on our Customers to use their good judgment and exercise discretion while traveling. Regarding our policies, each situation is very different, and our Employees are responsible for following our Contract of Carriage, available on our website.
“The Customer traveled on her scheduled itinerary, and we also reached out to her directly to apologize for her experience and provided a refund of her fare as a gesture of goodwill.”
Frankly, I don’t think what the woman was wearing was appropriate…I certainly would not want my wife to dress in such a way that draws attention to certain body parts. But would I have forced Eubanks to cover up and a made a big issue over it?
Kind of hard to do with a straight face when Southwest plasters scantily-clad Israeli model Bar Refaeli on the side of one of its Boeing 737s…

Southwest refuses to clarify its dress code policy, relying instead on the “good judgement” of passengers. I don’t think it is working…

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Would I wear that outfit? No. Do I care if she does? No. Do I care if my six-year old son sees it? NO. Because it is her body and she covered the parts up that we as society have deemed need to be covered (boobs and butt and reproductive areas). And I am teaching my son that people have body autonomy and should be okay in their own skin and decide what is comfortable and appropriate for them– not me or him or any other person. And hopefully he will grow up to believe that and not judge people by what they wear. This is so important now- when females who have been systemically judged for “being slutty” or “asking for it” based on clothes or even things like getting sent home for wearing spaghetti strap tank tops in school and other clothing choices that “might distract boys”. Umm shouldn’t we be teaching boys not to focus on that? So no, it is not okay to say this to someone.
And even kind of weird you’d say it about your own wife- “I certainly would not want my wife to dress in such a way that draws attention to certain body parts” Sorry, you are more qualified to tell your wife what to wear than she is to decide what is comfortable for herself? It is one thing if she asks for and values your opinion but jeez to just throw that out there, how about you say what YOU would feel comfortable wearing, instead?
Lara, I see an inherent contradiction in your statement that “she covered the parts up that we as society have deemed need to be covered” and “people have body autonomy and should be okay in their own skin and decide what is comfortable and appropriate for them– not me or him or any other person.”
The question…the struggle…is where the line should be drawn. I’m not one who gets upset over issues like this. Indeed, I look the other way and will teach my son the same thing. But does society have a right to set guidelines/standards based upon commonly-shared values (the “family-centric environment” Southwest mentions in its comment on this matter)? I think so. And I called Southwest out for its hypocrisy in targeting this woman while plastering a model in an even skimpier bikini on the side of one of their airplanes.
As for my own wife, I don’t want her drawing attention to herself in a way that reduces her to a sexual object by drawing attention to her beautiful curves in a close-knit environment like an airplane. Especially when I’ve witnessed so many tacky guys make advances on women over my many years of flying. She’s ultimately free to dress how she wants, but indeed respects my feelings and I respect hers. I got in trouble for the sauna post!
Male and female are held to a different standard and it isn’t always fair, but our anatomy is different as well.
Matthew, don’t forget there are plenty of dressing gowns that are classy and socially accepted as appropriate attire for a formal gala event which are more revealing than this lady’s outfit.
She’s wearing a full-length skirt. The issue seems to be that her cleavage is on display (as are her bare arms & part of her waist). She’s not even showing her navel.
I would not in a million years call that “inappropriate”, as you do in your article. Then again, I’m European; maybe we’re less prude on this side of the pond?
What country, Mike? Because I spend a lot of time in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands and people simply do not dress like that. In fact, they generally dress a whole lot classier than my dear American brother and sisters.
Good answer. But before I comment, I want to know if it is legal to film airline employees without consent
I am German, who has lived in USA for 30 years. Women in Europe like to dress to impress. We like to show a little bit skin , but we know when and where to do it. Exposure of the saggy breast don’t make anybody sexy, just show no taste and respect for your own body.
Matthew is a prissy little poop.
I’ve been called worse.
We can wear and say whatever the [redacted by admin] we want aint we the land of the free lmfao [redacted by admin] hating losers all around the world grow the [redacted by admin] up
If she would have bought won she would have never got this story. When are people going to realize that people will push the envelope now for this…..smh. this is non issue. Seriously. Not everything is such a bid deal. She got her money back isolated instance
…fucking smartphones and internet. Now everyone is someone….
Think about it. How would you feel of you phone didn’t tell you about this????
Thank you Matthew. I as a woman and a mother would be offended. I know people feel the need to express themselves and have rights but I too would like to think that I have rights to protect my children. If this was a man with a bikini suit it would be the same. This leaves a message and I dont think it is suitable in an environment where I cant run from it especially the person seated around her. There is a time and place for everything. She is beautiful but not considerate to others.
I found a document saying they wanted people dressed tastefully. That is not too much to ask. She had her carry on bag why not put something on from that.
I agree Meghan! Take out your own shirt, save the outfit for an after 5pm affair
When are people going to realize that people will push the envelope now for this…..smh. this is non issue. Seriously. Not everything is such a bid deal. She got her money back isolated instance
…fucking smartphones and internet. Now everyone is someone….
Think about it. How would you feel of you phone didn’t tell you about this???? Stop playing the machines game, only reason I’m here is to comment and to wake you guys up. Just because information is coming doesn’t make it quality information. We really should fix ourselves before we attempt to fix others.
We should be focusing on real issues like this virus the direction of our nation as well as the direction of our world. Please don’t forget this is one woman stepping on 1 plane the world is huge there’s billions and billions of people that could definitely use this energy and attention far more than her or this situation God blessing good day
I personally dont think that Booty Shorts should be allowed, but once again a double standard is always present. The unsanitary nature of wearing Booty Shorts with it without underwear is definitely more obscene as well as unsanitary let’s do better people
I’d love to see a social experiment where an actor is undercover as a passenger..
only, this time it’s a white woman.
Likey, they wouldn’t say anything [to her], and she would board the plane without issue.
Sincerely, a white woman.
The woman’s choice of dressing this way brings back the whole question about should I look or not look. If I were to look would it be considered rude? Does she want people to look? Or, if I’m a guy, can I look but not get caught looking? Too much to think about. Whomever commented that a man wearing a Speedo on a flight would be outrageous is right. Sorry, but I wouldn’t want to sit next to Ms. Kayla because I wouldn’t hear the safety lecture. OMG, now I’m being rude….I think
I do not think this is a race issue especially seeing how the woman who started this was a black southwest employee. I agree an actor would definitely get away with this but I do feel the same employee would have done this to any race.
Take the super skinny flat chested model in a bikini off the side of the planes. Then address proper attire. I didn’t see anything wrong with her attire. I saw an insecure ticket taker.
Call it what it really is…Racist. sexist act of body shaming a Black woman! SW have a White woman in a scant bikini painted on the side of the plane, but a Black woman boarding the plane in a halter top and maxi skirt is considered lewd and offensive?!…hypocrisy to the max!! Black women have ALWAYS been body shamed for our full breast, round hips and ample butts. This anatomy I just described is acceptable IF it’s “manufactured” on a White woman ie, the Kardashians. Y’all (white folks) wanna steal our culture, mimic our anatomy, steal our music and hair styles – you want everything Black except the Black struggle!!!… This young lady should sue their ass so maybe they’ll think twice before body shaming another Black woman boarding their plane!!
The naked woman you refer to on the side of the plane was a woman wearing a bikini used over a decade ago for a period of time on some planes. It was to promote their destinations to beach cities. That’s not the same as someone on board in close quarters. Guaranteed the model Bar Rafaelli from wears normal clothing on her flights.
The airline has a right to make their own rules as long as they apply to all equally and there is no evidence they didn’t.
As far as skinny flat chested women, it is true less shows when flat chested. This woman could have worn the same style as any flat chested person but larger size to cover more, but she chose a smaller size.
She was seeking attention when she wore it which is her perogative. But, she took the opportunity to gain even more attention when she was politely called out on it. I believe it’s called opportunism not fighting for the principle.
“Likely” you suck frog c### and swallowed. See what I did there? I totally made up something, just like you did.
I love this one
And I’m black but she has a point I would love to see
Oh come on now. You know as well as the rest of us do that your comment is so far off base, and if anything the exact opposite.
Stop creating racism you half wit. Stop enslaving yourself and others, no one likes it.
Calm down Karen.
To the person who said this wouldn’t have happened to a white woman. Shame on you. The gate attendants were black also. Furthermore to make an allegation of racism when there was zero evidence of it, you would need to show a similarly dressed white woman on board who was let in. But you can’t, because there wasn’t. Most people know that what is worn at the beach, the club, church, school, work etc….are not one and the same. Don’t you throw around the racism card when there are actual victims of racism. How hard was it to for the flight only throw on a sweater? Even if you disagree, the flight is being held up, do the right thing. The cabin is cold too. The principle here is weak in the absence of obvious personal discrimination being no one else likely came on board like that.
Bravo, well said!
15 minutes of fame…. She knew what she was doing, sage did it on purpose… Cell phone recording the whole time… Nice job cupcake… 15 minutes up…. Totally distasteful, and no class..
P.s. Nice job left seat!!
I agree! You are absolutely correct. Sincerely, a black woman!
The Captain has the final word on who gets on his/her aircraft.
She’s lewd and has no respect for herself or the difficulties in making passengers safe and just challenges for the sake of challenging. And her “titties” as she refers to them belong to a much older woman.
Where’s the LOL button?? Ha
If Earth has proven 1 fact, it is that there is a night and a day….I have a point….symbiotic relationship you could say. You cannot have one with out the other in the begin; for if there were no night what would we call day? My point….with out you there is no her….stop commentimg, reading or giving your energy to stories like this and eventually they will go away….we can change this one PERSON at a time.
Also remember we were born after day and night were created…we can not control our environment but we can control our minds.
Are you a night person or day person??? You sleep during one for a reason…you don’t stay up complaining about the time you don’t prefer as much as the other. I hope you don’t waste your WOKE time complaining either…..”sleep on these issues and feed your soul with nurshment.” My quote.
Also…what ever you precieve to keep you up is a preference causing you to prefer that time of day
..i.e. sacrifices….work,school,gym…etc. you prefer the results of those actions. Food for thought.
God bless…
Looking for trouble and a free fare in advance .
N922WN No longer has that livery it was temporarily back in 2009. Funny how author finds picture from a decade ago just to stir up an argument.
“Hello from LaGuardia Airport in New York City! I just witnessed one of the coolest plane events ever! We finally, after much speculation and anticipation, revealed the beautiful SI One. This plane, N922WN, is wrapped with a temporary decal featuring the cover model, from the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This definitely seals the deals on Southwest Airlines’ FUN and edgy factor!”
Your point? It’s far more risqué than what the passenger wore, even if it was temporary.
And the industry as a whole made flight attendants weight in ever month and dress in revealing uniforms. That was way in the past buddy. Is your next article going to knock on SWA because you can’t smoke on the flight anymore?
RU 4 real? OMG. My husband Steve, who has a wildly successful landscaping business, also has a [redacted] named Pedro Sanchez who mows lawns for him. Always arguing instead of shutting and saying yes sir. Is that you Pedro? Mmm-Hmm.
I’d ask the lady to watch her language. No racial slurs are allowed here.
@Paco: So you are saying that our culture and mores have become more conservative and strict over the last decade?
Don’t worry…less time on this more on improving yourself. Which in turn will improve the world. One better person is one better person. K8nkade
There is a time and place for certain clothing. At a beach you wear a bathing suit. At work you wear the work dress code. At school you wear whatever is within the school’s dress code standards. At an airport you are expected to dress at least somewhat professionally. No one is kicking you out for wearing a dirty t-shirt obviously but you should not have the same dress for the airport as you do for the beach.
Well Done, Southwest.
Trust society handled this. Now those who want you distracted ping your phone….look at this….she is wearing a bikini tip on the plane. How many of you know every persons name on your street? It is sad that we use this type of information as an excuse to create a community when you have one right outside your doors. Is a million different causes that could utilise all the attention of those on this forum I’m utilising a different cause I really not concerned about the women I am only concerned about the people on this forum
Thats messed up that you dont care if your 6 year old is exposed to that …maybe you ought to rethink that, keeping in mind that the childhood stage of life is the part that molds the rest of their life, and then consider whether you want your son to grow up to be a rapist.
Rapist? OMG get real lady.
Rape is a crime of rage, violence and control, not because a guy sees a woman in a certain style of fashion.
I think it is hysterical that SW was acting like attire police when the image on their plane is of a super skimpy clad woman! We Americans are often hypocritical with our morality….
She is dressed inappropriately for a flight. I appreciate the effort made by the airlines. I think it’s unfortunate the airlines found it necessary to apologize and comp her flight. I know I wouldn’t want to have to sit next to that on a flight that I paid for.
She should wear better clothes, no one wants to see her long breast , they really don’t look good , looks like someone who is in her seventies . I don’t get it , women theses days don’t have any respect for themselves , they wear these naked clothing with all parts of their private parts showing ! If women who lived in the 1820s should come out of their graves and see how the women of today dress! They would drop dead again . , I’m sorry but women of today simply have no moral and no shame .
Are you saying that if she had perkier breasts it would be okay? That only woman you deem attractive should have the right to show their bodies?
As a woman and a mother, I do not find that outfit inappropriate. She is not exposing herself in anyway and truly is not revealing much more skin than a tank top. It is typical for young teenagers to wear more revealing clothing than that anywhere, including airports and on planes. If it’s okay for other people (and children) to have more skin exposed, why can’t this lady wear her crop top and full-length skirt?
Basically one can be half naked and anyone who sees half naked should half shut their eyes and block or half block their thoughts and move on! If male organ gets stimulated by looking at raw curvey body, control it with your thoughts or tie your c…k with a rope n not let it be. One should be allowed to show off and just cover the parts that if one were to show would look gross and say I am not naked n my body my wish as long as I am confortable others should not have an issue. Wondering how humans are different than animals? If we start having open sex n it should be acceptable as long as people having open sky sex are comfortable, any third person should not have an issue. There is something called vision connected to your thoughts which is connected to your actions. Don’t encourage vision to see and get crazy thoughts and control your action. You would get less sexual thought if you were to look at fully dressed vs half naked. If you don’t agree you are lying to yourself . Grow up and stop fooling yourself. We are humans not animals. If have common sense you would not say one can do whatever they want as long as they are comfortable.
Your son will not think of this as an issue unless you teach him it is. You shouldn’t even have to teach this. Again why are issue out of non issues. The only lesson should be…son there will be things you see in life that will not be the same as you and may not understand them, be safe always be aware of your surrounds and give respect until that respect encroached on your safety and well being..
.see no pre determined issues. Just life is life
Please read or listen to Deepak Chopra!
Remember “you are a human and have the ability to be like or even reach higher than all those that have come before, that are now and have never been.” My quote
Be happy. Teach your son to open doors, say hello, look people in the eye and a phone is for phone calls and directions…not.for.identifying your self or determining life’s motivations…. i.e. social media. Good luck…stay woke.
Your son will not think of this as an issue unless you teach him it is. You shouldn’t even have to teach this. Again why are issue out of non issues. The only lesson should be…son there will be things you see in life that will not be the same as you and may not understand them, be safe always be aware of your surrounds and give respect until that respect encroached on your safety and well being..
.see no pre determined issues. Just life is life
Please read or listen to Deepak Chopra!
Remember “you are a human and have the ability to be like or even reach higher than all those that have come before, that are now and have never been.” My quote
Be happy. Teach your son to open doors, say hello, look people in the eye and a phone is for phone calls and directions…not.for.identifying your self or determining life’s motivations…. i.e. social media. Good luck…stay woke.
Abominational the way the USA always seems to side with the “stronger” ally when conflicts of occupation and invasion occur. why doesn’t SW Airlines have the models of Palestine on their planes? Jews call Blacks “monkeys” and “kushis”, amongst many other derogatory labels; of course Ms. Eubanks could be psychologically harassed on the plane, with no fear of repercussions. Garvey was right decades ago: “Do For Selves!”
Spare us all Lara. She dresses like a slut because she is simply crying out for attention. She is desperate and pathetic. Forget the way you think culture should be. You wear those clothes if you want people to look at you.
Stop womansplaining. It is nauseating to hear you defend this tawdry tramp. Show some respect for those around you. It’s not all about you, Lara. You are poisoning your poor son. He should be taught that people should dress with the reasonable sensibilities of others in mind and so as not to draw attention to themselves, especially in a prurient way.
@ Lars — You should show some respect by not calling this woman a “tawdry tramp.” That comment is undoubtedly offensive,.
Agreed. There’s absolutely no need for language like that.
Wait!!??- Southwest has a half naked girl blanketing the entire outside of their airplane – and they are judging this women for wearing a half-top and a skirt? smh….the hypocrisy
I support Lars. He is 100% correct.
Maybe we as a society should take accountability for teaching people to sexualize women (especially black women), instead of blaming women for being sexualized, which is completely out of their control. Put an attractive woman in an oversized burlap sack and she will still be seen as a sexual object.
Lorelei thats a bad mindset to get into. Society sexualizing women? Lets get real. Women are sexualizing women and complaining like the karens that they are when people call them out for it. No one should dress like that on any occasion. Especially not going on an airplane. I dont see men walking around without pants (with the odd exception) at the airport. People would consider that wrong but not a woman who has almost nothing on her upper half? What motivates a woman to even dress like that in the first place?! I mean im young and female and the only reason that makes sense is that she wants people to look at her. She is shamelessly showing off like a whore and whining when the airport employees, who must be able to tell if what she is wearing would be offensive simply by whether it attracts their attention, and it did, tell her its innapropriate (and it is). I haven’t got an issue with her dressing like that mainly because i cant stop her. But if your going to dress like a whore, expect to be treated like one. Smh
Yuk- why expose any skin to the germs and bacteria left behind from thousands who sat there before you!? I always wear slacks or a long skirt and long sleeves to cover any part of my skin that comes in contact with the seat – then change as soon as I arrive home or at hotel (and launder them).
I’ve read stories about disgusting things left behind by previous passengers- even a man on a business trip who sat in a seat left wet by an incontinent passenger!
Hey Matt-the pic of the model on the side of the plane is clearly photoshopped. Get your eyes checked.
It’s not. Google it. Sorry to pop your balloon.
Lars, you could not have said it better!
Conpletely agree with Lars. That is a skanky, attention grabbing outfit and the woman knew EXACTLY what reactions she would be getting out of that.
Lars, I totally agree with you 100%. Her outfit was lewd and disrespectful. She is going on a “family”plane, show a little respect for yourself and the families on board. She is purposely trying to draw attention to herself… well I guess she did that.
She was looking for attention , and a free flight ahead of time.
Lol.. this is so hypocritical.
Family plane that has a gigantic naked woman plastered on it. Smh.
But I guess its not Lewd and disrespectful to families if their children are looking at her large scale practically naked body out the airport windows.
So are the company Southwest Airlines lewd and disrespectful to families first?
Well Ofcourse not!! Lol
I am with Lars. That passenger wanted attention. She knew about the dress code and broke the law intentionally. Perhaps a lawsuit against the airline? Sorry, but I do not sympathize with her. Common sense is down the drain.
There’s no need for that talk. She’s a human being and is not here to be critiqued by anyone, least of by you, with your rude and vulgar language. If anyone is being “cheap and tawdry”, it’s you!
Sarah I guess you have not flown in a long time. The dress code for flying has been thrown out the window. SWA has planes displayed with women in itty bitty bikinis on their planes and makes a big deal of this young lady top? Please
We do not know anything about that woman other than from this article. For all we know, she used to weigh 300 lbs. and lost weight, and now is happy to be healthy and wear something that shows how she feels inside.
Try shopping in a Walmart. Some people struggle with esteem issues, some had no decent role model and others may just not care one iota what society thinks.
The woman in this article did NOT look as you say, ‘slutty’. But that’s my opinion.
Finally, the reason there are truobled young girls and women that end up in bad situations mistakenly believing they are only here for men to use and objectify…is largely because they were abused in childhood [usually] by men.
Perhaps society should stop blaming victims.
*Reiterating, the woman in this article had every right to question the ambiguous policy. If she had been white, I doubt the SWA agent would have responded that way, but I’m basing this on actual examples of women of color being treated differently (in a negative way) than white women like myself.
If I had my pre teen son or teen son or husband I would be a ticked off. How distasteful and immoral. A flight is not the club its not her pole dancing seem job in the air. Families couples and people with moral sense are on the flight. She is disgusting and what is wrong with our society. She fuels the portrayal of low life stereotypes in our minority community of blacks and Latinos.b know the place and the time for skank outfits. Kudos to the southwest team!!! Common decency should still be the norm.
This article is mainly about the lewd dress. He wears whatever clothes he likes. But I think the environment should be very important.
In all honesty, she dressed inappropriately. The ‘majority’ of her breasts were exposed. An ill-fitted bra/shirt, that looks like she’s wearing ‘no’ bra at all? Some cleavage is different than letting it virtually all hang out! Why not have respect for yourself and others, especially any children and/or elders aboard? I am a black woman who does not raise my daughter and nieces to believe lewd dress is appropriate. Ever. We have to have standards. I’m glad to see a line was drawn by the staff.
She very obviously does not have any respect for herself let alone otber paying flying customers.
And , who pm Gods earth dresses like that in public and then wears sneaker shoes , comeon , please have some decency and respect for yourself and others then you wont be slammed as a ×÷=%
The SW planes with Bar Refaeli were flying in 2009. It’s now 11 years later. IDK anything about the passenger dress code policy in 2009, but the only policy that is important to this woman is the passenger dress code policy in 2020. Passengers are responsible for knowing passenger policies shortly BEFORE they board a plane. If the policy is ambiguous, it’s up to the passenger to get clarification before going to the airport.
For those that find this offensive, please spare yourselves the stress of going to a beach or swimming pool. You’ll be so offended you might be sick.
It’s about context, you moron.
Is flying on a plane going to the beach or a pool? Idiot.
There is a time and place for certain clothing. At a beach you wear a bathing suit. At work you wear the work dress code. At school you wear whatever is within the school’s dress code standards. At an airport you are expected to dress at least somewhat professionally. No one is kicking you out for wearing a dirty t-shirt obviously but you should not have the same dress for the airport as you do for the beach.
I could almost guarantee that if she was white none of this would have happened.
I knew someone would pull the race card. How can you “guarantee” that? Southwest has thrown off white peoples as well for violating its dress code. Stop dividing the county over divisions that don’t actually exist.
And one of the SWA agents is black so there goes that argument.
Believe all women.
Why is it the women do most of the complaining about something like this?
Some people today don’t know etiquette or manners to know what’s appropriate for different situations. For example, clothes that are appropriate at the beach or a swimming pool are not appropriate at work or in a house of worship. @Nimesh, if it’s because of her race, note that the gate staff who stopped her in the first place was a black woman.
Manners or etiquette are simply a way of behaving that respect others around you and not make them uncomfortable. Let us be considerate of others. This includes covering up more modestly when you’re not at the beach or night club.
Wait!!??- Southwest has a half naked girl blanketing the entire outside of their airplane – and they are judging this women for wearing a half-top and a skirt? smh….the hypocrisy
I’ve seen far more skin at the grocery store. How many people would actually be exposed to her (ample!) cleavage once she took her seat? Much ado about nothing, well except her (ample!) cleavage. Wait, I mentioned that already…
I guess wearing bras as shirts is now considered mainstream enough to be acceptable….
Well, she obviously craved attention and she got it, thanks to SWA and bloggers like you. When I see someone who acts or dresses like they are so desperately seeking attention like a prepubescent teenage girl, I go out of my way to deny them the satisfaction. So please don’t write articles about such people anymore, you’re just encouraging them.
They couldn’t pull a needle out of your butt with a tractor, could they?
Everyone must understand that flying is a privilege not a right. The airlines has rules and policies whether you agree with them or not…And the airlines are within thier rights to enforce the policies and rules they feel is decent and that people can uphold.
TSA should have stopped her at that point and left Southwest or any other airlines out of this predicament.
The TSA?
Stop its a right that i pay for not some free gift your an idiot
Totally agree with Eli. I’m embarrassed for this person. I think she was just looking for her 15 minutes of fame. SW employees did the right thing, but it’s sad to hear the company caved and refunded her fare. They just reinforced this type of inappropriate behavior. SW should have refunded all of the passengers for having to deal with this chaos.
Nothing wrong with showing breasts. You see them by the poolside and it’s ok, see them on the beach and it’s ok, see them on a night out at restaurants, bars & clubs and it’s ok, see them on fashion runways and it’s ok.
God created them, gleefully clapped His hands and said IT IS VERY GOOD. So what is the problem. Western societal psychology is funny AND so twisted. USA on one hand is porn capital of the world, on the other y’all act like you gave Moses the 10 commandments on Mt Sinai. HYPOCRITES !
Well said
Ok. But let’s get back to the Southwest policy. DoES no one notice the bikini clad woman painted on the side of the AIRPLANE????
Why is that acceptable if that woman’s shirt is lewd and offensive?
This was a temporary paint job 11 years ago
So it was okay then but not okay now?
Another example of classless people traveling on commercial aircraft flights today. Was it absolutely necessary for that person to dress as such? No it wasn’t. Save that look for clubbing.
It’s just as bad as people traveling wearing pajamas and carrying a damn pillow aboard the aircraft.
I loathe flying today, especially on flights in America. What an embarrassing ordeal that is.
Omg I totally agree with Fed Up, there is no class in this country anymore sorry but she looked like a prostitute wearing just a bra to board a commercial airplane.
If a man reduces a woman to a sexual object because of her clothing, the problem is with the man, NOT with the woman or her choice of clothing.
The part about this that bugs me the most is that she is complaining to those poor staff people who know that there is a policy against it and have explained in a kind and considerate manner to her that her outfit wont cut it, and she is like “why haven’t yall found it yet. I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes”, instead of just…idk, changing your fricken clothes and stop being such a Karen…gosh
All of the airlines have some sort of dress code. They always have they don’t always enforce it. Her top is a glorified bikini top.
I think people love to cause drama. clearly she does or she would not have removed the shirt that the captain graciously gave her so that she could board during the flight.
In hour in to the flight I would of taken the shirt off if I was that woman …what would they do turn the plane around lol hahaha…..after 9/11 im not Surprise thats a policy smh im pretty sure there’s alot more stupid rules but who cares bro just get on plane it was that serious we got bigger problems in this world no body likes us like us Americans gezzzz why I say that ok facts
ebola=Africa are American people was over there helping and brought a virus back to us .. Africa tryd to kill us ok next
North Korea =threaten to bomb and go to war with us same with Russia
Oh let’s not forget what’s going on today
Covid 19 =the Chinese they started in there country and spread the virus to the whole world gezzz man with everything going on im not Surprise they have a rule like that on the airlines smh wake up ppl we have bigger fish to fry then to worry about some woman wanting to be half naked like the super model on the side of the plane from sports Illustrated ….. country are trying to take us out …. open ur eyes man….
Sure, but this aviation blog is a meant to be a diversion from the sad reality of our world.
We have bigger problems bro why is this even news omg let’s talk about the big problem on are earth
Global warming !!!!!!! Teach are kids about Environment,.. health not Ridiculous news stories like this i can’t believe this even poped on on my feed as news good lord
Coming from an older wiser bikini model, her outfit was not lewd or offensive but it was inappropriate to fly in. She could have at least had a t-shirt or a button-down shirt in her carry-on, to cover herself up a little even if she had an event to go to where she needed to be in that outfit immediately with no time to change after landing. After all isnt it always a bit chilly when flying? If not for that reason alone to bring some type of shirt. Her boobs were, are beautiful and she is proud of them. There is nothing wrong with that, But a simple button-down shirt even a short cropped one would have been appropriate especially since there are lewd, offensive and inappropriate people everywhere you look these days , to judge you. The SW plane with the bikini clad model makes this story more laughable & hypocritical than anything I’ve ever seen. Southwest had no right at all to stop her from that flight or say anything to her according to what they promote decaled on their planes.
Good for Southwest Airline! Women have lost their morals and self respect.
I don’t like the decal taken out context. A decade ago is a long time and and who knows how many planes it was on or for how long. It sounds like it was just a quick publicity stunt. That’s different than someone on board in your face in tight quarters.
The author ends by saying the policy isn’t working. I would argue it is working because they rely on passengers and staff to do the right thing. This issue happens rarely. You want a more detailed policy ? Ok so what is a mini skirt ? What is considered low cut ? If they get too specific then it’s actually more confusing. There is even more subjectivity. Will there be a tape measure at the gate measuring skirts ? What if someone wore a short skirt but low on their hips thus not as short as it appears versus the same length skirt worn high waisted ? Low cut top ? The same low cut for a small and large breasted person is not the same even if you measure because one spills out, the other does not so they show different amounts of skin. One 2 inch cleavage isn’t yours. So I feel the current policy works as best as it can. Nothing is perfect. I truly believe the staff were doing their best and it was not personal. They are likely trying to avoid complaints from other customers who are offended. Think how hard it is for them getting complaints either way. SW refunding and apologizing was as they say a measure of goodwill but hopefully she doesn’t take that to mean they feel staff was wrong. Problem is, everyone she flies will she be getting an apology and her money back ? I saw many clips of this and not one staff member was rude to her. She only humiliated herself screaming “what do you want me to do, leave my titties at home!!!!”
She’s lucky she didn’t have to pay extra for bringing two carry-on fun bags.
I dont think we are talking about the color of the shirt, just stick to the facts and not make it what it ia not. Maybe she should sit next to your man
I think her outfit is far more suited to either a beach or for practicing the world’s oldest profession, but I’m more disgusted that she’d want her bare skin in direct contact the airplane seat in which thousands of other people have sat, spilled food and drink, sweated, vomited, urinated, changed diapers, etc. I’d be worried about catching a lot more than Covid on the plane dressed like that. Also, I think she’s going to be cold onboard.
The worlds “oldest profession” is actually social work. So just for clarity, you’re insulting her because you think she’s a social worker, is that correct? Again, I’m just asking for clarity.
Please put some clothes and SIT DOWN. Your doing TOO MUCH.
All they want is a pay day. They do this on purpose and then play the race card.
“They”….interesting how you repeated it so many times like she represents a whole segment of the population. I never heard her say anything about race. You showed your whole hand with your obtuse comment.
Why is the card in the [redacted by admin] deck?
As a passenger, I would not be offended by that passenger’s way of dressing. I would be more concerned with body odor. It’s a fact with body odor is harder to prevent as one’s weight increases. I have read no reports whether the passenger had or did not have offensive body odor.
Also as a passenger, I commend the pilot for trying to help resolve the situation by offering his shirt.
As a fashion critic, I would not be offended but think that dressing that way is terrible and very unattractive. Ms. Rafaeli’s photo on the Southwest plane is attractive. Part of it is the lack of obesity.
I see the gate agent appears Black but there is no information whether the agent self identifies as Black or self identifies as a woman. However, it’s quite likely that there was no racism or sexism against the woman.
As a fan of airline safety, the way the woman is dressed adds risks. All passengers should be wearing shoes and, if possible, long sleeves in case of evacuation or fire. Singapore Airlines flight attendants wear sandals but put on shoes during landing and takeoff for safety reasons.
I agree wholeheartedly! In my opinion it IS lewd, and with the tight quarters on an airplane God forbid someone accidentally bumped into or touched one of those balloons. Next thing you know they are in handcuffs for indecent assault and this “lady” has a lawsuit going. I mean really, why does she film everything if she’s not just looking for attention
Looking for trouble and a free fare in advance .
It’s an airplane…not a job interview. If you are gonna be butt hurt because of her top .. find another way to travel. Y’all men & women on here are weird if you are STARING at her breasts. If you can’t look at her wearing this on a plane but ok if she wears this on a beach IN FRONT OF CHILDREN shows how idiotic many of you are & I feel bad for your children.
Y’all are mad because you can’t either wear the item like her or you men secretly stare at women’s bodies no matter what she wears …. Like a bunch of PEDOS.
Her top isn’t slutty…it’s fashion…and I bet your favorite actor or actress would wear this and get no slack behind it. Y’all would simply just be happy and let them keep moving.
Bunch of hypocrite ppl who have children who will never understand bodies and expression. The same ones complaining are the same ones who probably got little girls acting grown…wearing makeup and etc…without seeing someone dressed this way…wats your excuse then?
No one wants to see yo flabby ole knokkers.
oh – grow up.
Who wants to see saggy tits and ugly fat girl
I am not judging her; however, I am disappointed that she has no respect for herself and her family.
What the actual heck? You wouldn’t want your wife to wear that because it would pull people’s view to a certain body part? A non-sexual organ literally used to feed babies? Let’s just leave what she wears completely up to her seeing as she’s an individual person and not an object.
Take the super skinny flat chested model in a bikini off the side of the planes. Then address proper attire. I didn’t see anything wrong with her attire. I saw an insecure ticket taker.
I think you are very insecure about yourself if you would feel uncomfortable sitting next to this woman and feel the need to run and protect your kids, what exactly do you think you need to protect your kids from concerning this woman? Would you be uncomfortable seeing the woman in a bathing suit on the side of the plane are you uncomfortable when you see women half dressed on tv are you uncomfortable on a beach? I dont understand how it’s ok to make this woman uncomfortable about herself when it’s actually everyone else who is uncomfortable with themselves if this woman was at a pool noone would have had a problem who are we to tell someone when and where something is appropriate to wear. Its really a shame that she had to go through this, she put the captain’s shirt on and probably had to deal with people staring at her more then if she was just able to get on as she was!
As an African this is inappropriate dress in a flight but inconsistent from SWA. It was just over a year ago a flight from MDW airport to New York that a white girl with similar top outfit and short skirt was sitting next Aisle. Where the damn dress code was then? I see favoritism of color.
Look– there are dress codes everywhere we go, even in the workplace. Use some common sense. If I show up for work like that, I’m being sent home without pay, and possibly some disciplinary warning. I fly SW all the time, and the bikini clad lady mural is on certain routes that include beachy destinations. This isn’t about body shaming or what a man vs woman can get away with wearing a low bikini type top on an airplane, but rather what the environment doesn’t allow. Airlines can refuse to allow you to board for a number of reasons outside of disorderly conduct, even being barefoot and you being a smelly person. Although some of the rules are quite subjective than others, they are the rules. The question then is are the rules applied reasonably. The staff handled it calmly, and offered solutions to get her to her destination, and SW showed good customer service by refunding the price of the ticket–they did not say their staff did anything wrong.
Sorry Kayla it is disgusting except at the beach. I totally agree with the Airlines, it’s like a bra, rules in most Public Businesses are NO Shirt NO Service. No one on an airplane wants to see your bareness. Would you want to see others? Common Sense.
What you was wearing is no less than what I see coming off planes. Yoga pants so tight you wonder if it were literally paint. Can see each cellulite individually.
Wish for the day to just see cameltoe again.
Oh good grief. She looked fine. The model on the side of the Southwest plane is showing a lot more skin than she did. Ridiculous.
I agree.
Your son will not think of this as an issue unless you teach him it is. You shouldn’t even have to teach this. Again why are issue out of non issues. The only lesson should be…son there will be things you see in life that will not be the same as you and may not understand them, be safe always be aware of your surrounds and give respect until that respect encroached on your safety and well being..
.see no pre determined issues. Just life is life
Please read or listen to Deepak Chopra!
Remember “you are a human and have the ability to be like or even reach higher than all those that have come before, that are now and have never been.” My quote
Be happy. Teach your son to open doors, say hello, look people in the eye and a phone is for phone calls and directions…not.for.identifying your self or determining life’s motivations…. i.e. social media. Good luck…stay woke.
So I just showed the outfit to my 8 year old and asked if this is a good outfit for a plane ride. She looked at me like I was crazy! There is nothing inherently wrong with the outfit but setting means a lot! There’s no need to diss her and please worry about your own flab not hers. It’s just not a good outfit for a plane ride. Some people really don’t know any better. Some people do want to make posts and get attention. I think this was the later.
It doesn’t really matter what any one of us think about the policy. It’s their policy and it is at the discretion of the employees to enforce. I will always fly SWA because they are wonderful and I will always wear long sleeves because it is freezing.
I find this story and the contradiction of the airline wholly offensive. This story echoes just how the insidious nature of institutionalized racism and implicit bias works. There are very deeply rooted issues being exhumed here, I say exhumed because no matter how hard America tries to hide its racist and supremacist DNA, it can’t…no different than how DNA exposes a natural brunette passing as blonde.
Firstly, it is audacious for airline to have policies that are left to subjectivity, this is a breeding ground for and lends itself to discrimination, inequitable application and disparate impacts. But they know that, and do so with the fullest attempt of using the ambiguity as a shield and shroud, if necessary. The practice of subjectivity gives the enforcer/overseer unbridled discretion to enforce either with rigidity or leniency, at will, while claiming to operate within their latitude and purview. Ironically, overseers and unbridled discretion are two concepts that Africans/Americans have, and continue to be, subjugated.
Secondly, it is down right OFFENSIVE that the airline itself (not American or Delta or JetBlue) advertises scantily clad women, with less melanin concentration, on the side of its commercial vessels. This display of sexism has far more reach and far greater impact than this one traveler would ever have on any given day. If they are concerned about lewd, vulgar and patently offensive then whomever approved that marketing campaign needs to be fired. But introducing a deeper ideology, this is an exemplification of America’s constant attempt to castigate the Black woman and the beauty contained there of. The most salient message is an echo of the lifelong messaging of America’s standardization, denotations and connotations of beauty, which inherently demonizes Black beauty. More ironically, though, Black beauty inducing covetous desires by non-Blacks to culturally appropriate. I would like to induce thought, and maybe incite riot, if she were a Caucasian women displaying her new 46cc implants, would she had been met with the same level of “lewd, vulgar and patently offensive” patrol, especially considering ‘white beauty’ on display with the same airline on the same tarmack? More than likely not.
Finally, this story is the quintessential example how deep the deleterious roots and impacts the African Diaspora has been solely responsible for the disintegration and dismemberment of Black community and unity. Unsurprisingly, this story plays out like the house N’s against the field N’s where as light-skinned house slaves were given sense of power, authority and oversight of the field slaves. The house slaves were typically bi-racial, looking at the initiator and instigator of this situation, it is clear we are still dealing with that affect of slavery and Willie Lynch-ism. Regarding the traveler, would I wear what she was wearing? Probably not, but in a country where people still have the right to be patently hateful and blatantly racist -and arguably rewarded for it- while they wear hoods and carry burning tiki torches and crosses, I say her halter top is a far lesser evil to fight. Let’s focus on the forest and the trees used to make those torches and crosses. Signing off!
The gate agent that denied her boarding was a person of color. The pilot that lent his shirt was white. This isn’t a case of institutional racism.
Scantily clad white woman plastered across the plastered on the outside of the plane….
Black woman wearing more clothing then that Scantily clad white woman plastered across the outside of the plane is offensive…
The gate agent that made the determination and denied her boarding initially appeared to be of color.
As an AfrAm woman, I’m quite disgusted with this passenger and people like her. First of all, it ain’t like she’s got the goods to be flaunting! Bytch, your tits are sagging several inches due South, and your tummy ain’t flat. Secondly, it’s clear that she was mining, pining and WHINING for attention. I used to work for an airline (though not as a FA, thank God). People like Ms. Entitled Ella Pearl here are major time wasters!!! Time is money, and that captain, flight crew and gate agent had work to do, other passengers to tend and a schedule to keep. Ain’t nobody got time to be wasting time on this heifah’s look-at-me-I’m-bout-to-go-viral, ghetto-arse bullshyte! OMG, when did society become so chock full of attention whores?!?! And sad to say, AA’s can be the worst sometimes. Frankly, I feel sorry for women (of any race) who don’t have enough going on mentally, intellectually or otherwise and must use their bodies for attention and attempts to fill those inner voids. To them and this passenger, I say: Please learn to love yourself, and remember what the old people used to say: Anything you’re willing to show, you must be willing to share! Ho… (Cue eye roll.) Go have several seats, Saggquesha! Poor captain just lost what might’ve been his favorite t-shirt. UGH!!! 🙁 On this web site, it shows several posts of her digging her heels into her blame-game-woe-is-me-victim act. I’m sorry, I just don’t have patience for people and these kinds of tactics…
And to everybody using the model on the side of the plane as a defense/deflection, that model is a static image that is not moving about and infringing on other people’s right to a pleasant flight experience without such distractions. Said model ain’t holding up progress and wasting time on nonsense! She’s doing/has done her job. If Saggquesha needs to be seen that badly, let HER go sign up with an agency looking for saggy boobs, and maybe she can land a big ad job too. Though she best not hold her breath on that one…
She was out of place to start with. Not just because of her attire, but her mentality…Greyhound would’ve been more fitting for her. Have some class, for Pete’s sake!!!
I’m trying to understand the timeline here:
1) The plane was boarding
2) The GA determined her attire to be inappropriate
3) She was at the gate for 30 minutes
4) She then walked away from the GA so she could take a picture in the restroom for Social Media
5) She then returned to the GA to discuss the matter further
6) And then… the Captain comes out of the plane to resolve the situation
Given that WN has a very fast “turn time” (their average is 25 minutes) — I guess they didn’t care that the plane departed late. (I guess the people who needed to make connections were second priority.)
Maybe there is something incorrect in my logic.
In addition, she states that she was KICKED OFF (all caps) , but then goes on to say…
It’s the way I’m being held up at the gate for a policy they (the 4 workers) can not locate…
It’s the way I’ve missed my boarding group…
If she was KICKED OFF (all caps), then she didn’t “miss her boarding group.” She no longer had a “boarding group.” Am I missing something here?
That is NOT a shirt. It is a bra and a bad one at that. Wear whatever you want, but in general American society has agreed to not go out and about in underwear. Obviously there are exceptions, but a person should not be surprised if a business asks them to wear appropriate attire.