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'GIVE' Community Airdrop
GIVE is an upcoming Community driven Decentralized Airdrop Platform intended to make the process of applying for Airdrops seamless. This is a Pre-Airdrop only for our Community members. Public airdrop and eventually an ICO will follow. Stay tuned we will keep you updated with the progress.
How to participate:
1. Subscribe to our Telegram -
2. Subscribe to our email list -
Earn extra:
1. Refer other users using your Telegram id to get bonus 50 tokens. Create your own referral link by replacing 'bigairdrops' in the below url with your own telegram id:
2. 25 tokens for every promotion of our Airdrop - BTT Forum post/ Telegram promotion/ Medium Post/ Steemit/ Youtube/ Tweet etc.
3. Volunteer for us - Become early supporter (no donations) and get rewarded in tokens as well as in community positions - Click below:
Warning: We will manually (& programmatically!) verify all submissions. No cheating, remember we are building a genuine community!
Note: We support true anonymity and will never ask for any information that identifies who you are. Strictly 'No KYC'.
* Indicates required question
Telegram [Subscribe
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Have you subscribed? - Mandatory to subscribe.
Telegram -
Email -
Your ERC-20 ETH Address
Your answer
Airdrop Promotion (Optional) - Link of BTT Forum post/ Telegram promotion/ Tweet/ Medium/ Steemit/ Youtube etc.
Your answer
Who referred you? (Telegram Id) - Optional
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