Residential compost pick up

For a weekly donation of $5 we'll take away your table scraps and turn it into rich compost so gardens throughout Sacramento can grow healthy, organic food and climate-resilient neighborhoods.

All residential pickups are done via bicycle either every week or every other week, your choice. Here's how it works:
1. Sign up with the form below
2. We'll reach out to schedule your pick up day based on your neighborhood and trade you a 2 gallon bucket for a one-time $5 deposit
3. You put out your bucket on the morning of your pick up day. We ride by and swap it out for you with a fresh bucket.
4. Together, we'll grow a regenerative food community right here in the farm-to-fork capital!

If you have any questions at all, shoot us a note at
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Do you live within our bike servicing area in Sacramento?
We're going to pick your scraps via bike so our range is limited to part of Sacramento at the moment. You can see our service zone here:
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