look at the description, it says that u need to do something before that u need to follow these steps :
// Samsung Android 12+ Avoid Signal 9 issue //
1. Go to website: https://developer.android.com/tools/r...
2. Click on Download SDK Platform-Tools for Windows
3. Accept term and conditions
4. Click on Download to download platform-tools
5. Extract platform-tools to a directory that is comfortable for you.
6. Open a Powershell shell in the platform-tools directory
On Phone
7. Go to settings.
8. Scroll down to About phone and press on it.
9. Press on Software information.
10. Tap Build number 7 times to enable developer mode.
11. Press back twice.
12. Press on Developer options.
13. Enable USB debugging
14. Attach phone to computer with cable
On phone
15. "Allow USB Debugging"
On Computer
16. See if your device has been picked up. Run ./adb devices
17. If your command picks up your device as authorized you can continue. Else now accept "Allow USB Debugging" on your phone.
18. Run the command ./adb shell "/system/bin/device_config set_sync_disabled_for_tests persistent; /system/bin/device_config put activity_manager max_phantom_processes 2147483647"
19. You should now not have any problems with child processes signal 9 on Samsung running Android 12+ (im not a professional neither did i try it but i think that is the problem then idk)
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