# Usage: # heat -v stack-create $YOUR_STACK_NAME \ # --template-file /path/to/grafana.template \ # -P rax_tenant=$RAX_TENANT_ID \ # -P rax_username=$RAX_USER_NAME \ # -P rax_apikey=$RAX_API_KEY # -P host_name=$WHAT_YOU_WANT_TO_CALL_IT # # What to expect: # A Cloud Server with a self-contained Grafana 3.1.1 installation that serves metrics # from the Rackspace Cloud Metrics API. A default dashboard will be configured # to serve metrics from the server you spin up. # # Grafana will be protected with basic authentication, user=grafana, pass=$RANDOM_TEXT. # # You may need to request that the Cloud Metrics API endpoints be added to your # tenant. Contact support@rackspace.com for that. heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: > Puts together a server that will run Grafana 3.1.1 using Cloud Metrics data. parameter_groups: - label: 'Server Settings' parameters: - flavor - image - host_name - es_version - rax_tenant - rax_username - rax_apikey - label: 'Apache Settings' parameters: - apache_auth_user parameters: image: default: 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) (Orchestration)' label: 'Operating System' type: string description: 'Server image that will be used' constraints: - description: 'supported os versions' allowed_values: - 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) (Orchestration)' flavor: default: '2GB Standard Instance' label: 'Server Size' type: string description: 'Cloud Server flavor (size) to use' constraints: - description: 'supported server sizes. should have at least 2G RAM' allowed_values: - '2 GB Performance' - '4 GB Performance' - '8 GB Performance' - '15 GB Performance' - '30 GB Performance' - '2GB Standard Instance' - '4GB Standard Instance' - '8GB Standard Instance' - '15GB Standard Instance' - '30GB Standard Instance' host_name: default: grafana type: string description: 'Server hostname' label: 'Server hostname' apache_auth_user: default: grafana type: string description: 'User name used to authenticate into Apache (which serves Grafana).' label: 'Username' es_version: default: '1.3.4' type: string description: 'Elasticsearch version' label: 'Elasticsearch version' rax_tenant: default: 'notavalidtenantdkw93ddkwl' type: string description: 'Rackspace tenant ID' label: 'tenant ID' rax_username: default: 'notavaliduserskldk2e' type: string description: 'Rackspace user name' label: 'username' rax_apikey: default: 'notavalidapikeykslkdjlkj2' type: string description: 'Rackspace account API key' label: 'API key' outputs: private_key: description: 'SSH private key' value: { get_attr: [ssh_key, private_key ] } apache_auth_user: description: 'Grafana auth user.' value: get_param: apache_auth_user apache_auth_password: description: 'Grafana auth password.' value: { get_attr: [apache_auth_password, value ] } public_ip: description: IP Address value: { get_attr: [cloud_server, accessIPv4] } resources: cloud_server: type: OS::Nova::Server depends_on: [ apache_auth_password ] properties: key_name: { get_resource: ssh_key } flavor: { get_param: flavor } name: { get_param: [host_name, value] } image: { get_param: image } user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG config_drive: true software_config_transport: POLL_TEMP_URL metadata: rax-heat: { get_param: "OS::stack_id" } grafana_config: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: script config: str_replace: template: | #!/bin/bash -x exec 2>&1 exec 1>/tmp/bash-debug.log ps auxwwef sleep 120 echo after sleep ps auxwwef rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive echo debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | debconf-set-selections echo debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 seen true | debconf-set-selections add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java apt-get update -y --force-yes sleep 5 echo installing packages now, one at a time. for i in wget oracle-java7-installer vim git nginx nginx-extras apache2-utils python-dev python-setuptools python-pip build-essential libcairo2-dev libffi-dev python-virtualenv python-dateutil ; do echo installing "$i" apt-get install -y $i --force-yes 2>&1 | tee /tmp/$i.install.log done curl -o /tmp/elasticsearch-es_version.deb https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-es_version.deb dpkg -i /tmp/elasticsearch-es_version.deb update-rc.d elasticsearch defaults 95 10 mv /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-default.yml echo cluster.name: es_grafana > /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml echo network.host: >> /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start wget https://grafanarel.s3.amazonaws.com/builds/grafana_3.1.1-1470047149_amd64.deb apt-get install -y adduser libfontconfig dpkg -i grafana_3.1.1-1470047149_amd64.deb service grafana-server start sleep 5 grafana-cli plugins install rackerlabs-blueflood-datasource sed -i '/allow_sign_up = true/c\allow_sign_up = false' /usr/share/grafana/conf/defaults.ini service grafana-server restart rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default export heat_one_parameter='$1' export heat_host_parameter='$host' cat > /etc/nginx/sites-available/grafana << EOL upstream graphite { server; } upstream elasticsearch { server; } server { listen 80; location /graphite/ { rewrite /graphite/(.*) /$heat_one_parameter break; proxy_pass http://graphite; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $heat_host_parameter; } location /elasticsearch/ { rewrite /elasticsearch/(.*) /$heat_one_parameter break; proxy_pass http://elasticsearch; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $heat_host_parameter; } location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $heat_host_parameter; } } EOL ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/grafana /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/grafana /etc/init.d/nginx restart pip install gunicorn pip install --upgrade "git+http://github.com/rackerlabs/graphite-api.git@1.1.3-rax.1" pip install --upgrade blueflood-graphite-finder cat > /etc/graphite-api.yaml << EOL search_index: /dev/null finders: - blueflood_graphite_finder.blueflood.TenantBluefloodFinder functions: - graphite_api.functions.SeriesFunctions - graphite_api.functions.PieFunctions time_zone: UTC blueflood: tenant: rax_tenant username: rax_username apikey: rax_apikey authentication_module: blueflood_graphite_finder.rax_auth authentication_class: BluefloodAuth urls: - http://iad.metrics.api.rackspacecloud.com logging: version: 1 handlers: blueflood_finder_loghandler: class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler filename: /var/log/blueflood-graphite-finder.log formatter: default backupCount: 2 maxBytes: 536870912 loggers: blueflood_finder: handlers: - blueflood_finder_loghandler propagate: true level: INFO formatters: default: format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-15s %(message)s' datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' EOL echo rax_tenant > ~/tenant_id cat > /etc/init/graphite-api.conf << EOL description "Graphite-API server" start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] console log respawn exec gunicorn -b --access-logfile /var/log/gunicorn-access.log --error-logfile /var/log/gunicorn-error.log -w 8 graphite_api.app:app EOL cat > /root/.raxrc << EOL [credentials] username=rax_username api_key=rax_apikey [api] url=https://monitoring.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0 EOL start graphite-api curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST 'http://admin:admin@localhost/api/datasources' -d \ '{ "name":"blueflood", "type":"rackerlabs-blueflood-datasource", "url":"http://localhost:8888", "access":"proxy", "basicAuth":false, "withCredentials":false, "isDefault":true }' curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT 'http://admin:admin@localhost/api/users/1' -d '{ "login": "apache_auth_user" }' curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT 'http://apache_auth_user:admin@localhost/api/admin/users/1/password' -d '{ "password": "apache_auth_password" }' ufw enable ufw allow ssh ufw allow http ufw allow https params: es_version: { get_param: es_version } apache_auth_user: { get_param: apache_auth_user } apache_auth_password: { get_attr: [apache_auth_password, value ] } rax_tenant: { get_param: rax_tenant } rax_username: { get_param: rax_username } rax_apikey: { get_param: rax_apikey } grafana_deploy: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment properties: signal_transport: TEMP_URL_SIGNAL config: { get_resource: grafana_config } server: { get_resource: cloud_server } ssh_key: type: 'OS::Nova::KeyPair' properties: name: get_param: 'OS::stack_id' save_private_key: true apache_auth_password: type: 'OS::Heat::RandomString' properties: length: 16 sequence: lettersdigits