Join the Sofia Shapers Community!
The Sofia Hub is part of the global network Global Shapers Community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum. It’s a worldwide network of more than 400 city-based Hubs developed and led by promising young leaders. It is an independent, neutral, non-political and non-profit entity. Shapers come from a range of different sectors, including business, human rights, media, science, education.
What does a Shaper “shape”?
Shapers are engaged in projects related to specific challenges identified by the local Hub and by the Global Shapers Team headquartered in Geneva. The three main areas in which projects revolve around include climate and environment, education and employment, inclusion and social equity.
Shapers are united by a common desire to channel energy and enthusiasm into building a more peaceful and inclusive world. They build on their achievements and entrepreneurial drive to make a positive contribution to their communities. Through the Global Shapers Community, members are provided with opportunities to connect with the worldwide network of Global Shapers, to network with other World Economic Forum communities, and to represent the voice of youth at the World Economic Forum events.
We're looking for people who are:
- are between the ages of 18-27 years old and living in Sofia, Bulgaria;
- are passionate about social change, no matter what area - environment, youth development, technology, social policy, or education;
- committed to serving society at large;
- highly motivated individuals who have a great potential for future leadership roles in society.