Enough with these variations on a theme - it needs to end. Every single new entrant, no matter how attractive it may seem, is just hurting us with fragmentation and user confusion, resulting in no successful and ubiquitous implementation of ANY such scheme. OpenID, WebID, BrowserID, the NISTIC and W3C things; this API, that API; this sort of cert, wait - that sort of cert, wait - we use no cert; it's based on a mail address, no - it's based on a user ID, no - it's based on a key fob, no - it's based on DNS ... Fucking stop already. We need an enforcer of sorts to JUST PICK ONE and ram it down the rest of the world's throat. Mozilla can't do it; their competitors will go in other directions due to the "not invented here" syndrome, with some "our way is better because ..." salt on it. Even if other vendors kinda-sorta agree, and kinda-sorta implement it, they'll each just have to put their own little spin on it in some way. No browser or OS vendor can do it, for those reasons, with proprietary implementation details tossed in here and there. No independent party can do it, due to all of the above, with distribution and adoption struggles, implementation details, and endless debate about the relative security of each scheme holding us all back. (If that were not the case, we'd be there already.)
So, who can do it? Who can JUST PICK ONE and make us use it? The feds. I know they are working on it - or on something - and we need them to escalate and accelerate those efforts. I don't care if they hand it off to NIST or W3C or to some other party - they just need to do it and end this carnival of counterproductive clowning.