Weekend Opinionator: Is Racist Hate Republican or Democratic?

There have been 58 homicides in the District of Columbia so far this year, down more than 20 percent from this point in 2008. And while every murder is a tragedy among the victim’s immediate circle, we all know that few cases — unless the deceased happens to be a government intern — even register on the consciousness of society at large. Not so the death of Stephen T. Johns, a 39-year-old “gentle giant” of a man who was shot dead shortly before 1 p.m. on Wednesday. It was not who Johns was that landed his name on front pages around the country, it was what and where he was that mattered: a security guard at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. And while any museum shooting is inherently a big news event, the hot-button nature of this particular institution and the whacked-out beliefs of the alleged killer, James W. von Brunn, not only assured full-press coverage but led to all manner of tangential debate on everything from gun control to British politics to Internet ethics.

But at least, in a moment of sorrow, we could count on the denizens of the blogosphere to forget their partisan bickering and come together over basic human decency, right? Sorry, just kidding …

On the blogs, discussion of the Holocaust museum shootings quickly divided along partisan lines.

James von Brunn just happened to be a ‘birther,’ one of the nuts who believe that Obama wasn’t born here, his birth certificate is fake, and he thus isn’t eligible to be president,” writes Salon’s Joan Walsh. She continued:

Ironically, a great example of the right-wing echo chamber’s bullying came when they managed to smack down the release of a Department of Homeland Security report about the rise of right-wing extremism. Judging from the right’s rhetoric, you’d have thought Janet Napolitano was suggesting rounding up Rush and his dittoheads and putting them in an old Japanese-American internment camp or something. But in fact, as Susan Page explained today on “Hardball,” the calm nine-page report merely looked at warning signs for extremism, based on history: They include a prolonged economic downturn, the demonization of immigrants, the election of the first black president, fears about losing the right to own guns, a banking crisis inciting age-old paranoia about “Jewish cabals” and the return of many veterans to the States suffering from PTSD and other conditions while getting insufficient care …

Will any of them apologize to Napolitano now? Dream on.

And who will apologize to the family of Stephen Tyrone Johns, the brave security man at the Holocaust Museum shot by von Brunn?

The Plum Line’s Greg Sargent is drinking from the same well:

Remember the enormous controversy that erupted in April over a Department of Homeland Security report that assessed the threat of “right wing extremists”? The story provoked days of nonstop cable chatter, forcing DHS chief Janet Napolitano to ultimately apologize.

Today, a gunman entered the Holocaust Museum and exchanged fire with security guards, leaving one in grave condition. MSNBC reports that the suspected gunman is connected to anti-government and white supremacist groups. If that proves correct, perhaps it’ll be time to revisit all that criticism of the DHS report. Right?

This passage from the DHS report in particular sparked a huge outpouring of rage on the right:

Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.

Conservatives looked at this passage and decided it was about them. But this report, which repeatedly talked about lone wolf types, was warning local law enforcement authorities about people exactly like this alleged gunman. And this is the second such incident this month, following the murder of Dr. Tiller.

As was Doug J. at Balloon Juice. “How many acts of right-wing terrorism have to occur before DHS is allowed to start keeping track of it?” he asks. “I really don’t get the conservative reaction to the original DHS pronouncement. No one is trying to lump angry Red State commenters in with honest-to-God terrorists…except, weirdly enough, the Red State commenters themselves. There are crazy people out there shooting up abortion clinics and Holocaust museums. These people identify with causes normally described as right-wing. Deal with it. Tea bag away to your heart’s content. It’s not til you start plotting to kill people that DHS should take an interest. If anyone starts spying on you prior to that, then I, the ACLU, and dirty hippies everywhere will support your grievances.”

The New Republic’s Jason Zengerle, however, thinks the water may be tainted: “At 12:52 P.M., an 88-year-old white supremacist walked into the Holocaust Museum in D.C. and opened fire. At 2:56 P.M., Greg Sargent was arguing that the shooting means ‘it’s time to revisit criticism of ‘right-wing extremists’ report.’ Sheesh. I really miss the good old days–when it took at least three hours before the cheap political point-scoring started.”

With another day to think it over, Zengerle stuck to his big point but walked back the argument a tad:

The murder of Stephen Tyrone Johns by James Von Brunn was a political act. That said, I think it’s premature to start making political arguments about the shooting a mere two hours after it occurs–especially if the arguments are being directed at people who didn’t have anything to do with the shooting. I’m as sick of Michelle Bachman and Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin as anyone, but, frankly, I have a hard time seeing how their (stupid and misguided and unfair) criticisms of the DHS report led or even contributed to Johns’s shooting. And, unless it’s discovered that those criticisms did play a role (by, say, prompting the DHS or the FBI or some other law-enforcement agency to stop monitoring Von Brunn because it feared political criticism for doing so), then I don’t think it’s worth bringing these people up–at least not almost immediately after someone is shot. I mean, a white supremacist nutjob walks into the Holocaust Museum, guns down a security guard, and people’s immediate response is to think about what some idiot said on a mindless Fox News show two months ago?! I just thought a little more time should have passed before something this terrible got turned into yet another, frivolous cable debate segment.

And Reason’s Jesse Walker looks at the D.H.S. report in a far broader context:

So the Department of Homeland Security, a bloated and dysfunctional agency that shouldn’t exist in the first place, should spend its time tracking the possibility that a criminal kook with no co-conspirators will decide to shoot a doctor or a security guard? From preventing another 9/11 to preventing unorganized shootings: Talk about mission creep. Yes, these murders are terrorism, but they’re the sort of terrorism that can be contained by the average small-town police force. If you try to blow them up into a grand pattern that threatens ordinary Americans, you’re no different from the C-level conservative pundits who treat every politically motivated crime by a Muslim as evidence of a broad Islamic threat to ordinary Americans’ well-being.

Why did the DHS report come under such fire? It wasn’t because far-right cranks are incapable of committing crimes. It’s because the paper blew the threat of right-wing terror out of proportion, just as the Clinton administration did in the ’90s; because it treated “extremism” itself as a potential threat, while offering a definition of extremist so broad it seemed it include anyone who opposed abortion or immigration or excessive federal power; and because it fretted about the danger of “the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities.” (Note that neither the killing in Kansas last month nor the shooting in Washington yesterday was committed by an Iraq or Afghanistan vet.) The effect isn’t to make right-wing terror attacks less likely. It’s to make it easier to smear nonviolent, noncriminal figures on the right, just as the most substantial effect of a red scare was to make it easier to smear nonviolent, noncriminal figures on the left. The fact that communist spies really existed didn’t justify Joseph McCarthy’s antics, and the fact that armed extremists really exist doesn’t justify the Department of Homeland Security’s report.

Paul Campos at Lawyers, Guns and Money, raises an interesting hypothetical:

If radical Muslims had carried out terrorist attacks in Kansas and Washington DC over the past five days, we might be trying to pass legislation giving the president the legal authority to place people in preventive detention, and Daniel Pipes would be implying that we need to round up Arab-Americans (correction: Muslims) and put them in relocation camps.

But it was only a couple of old white guys, so our civil liberties remain unthreatened.

The American Prospect’s Adam Serwer takes that ball and runs with it:

There’s been a startling trend of fringe-right violence recently, from Richard Poplawski to Scott Roeder and now James Von Brunn. But we view these instances of violence as the acts of deranged individuals rather than of groups because they are white men. Campos’ hypothetical isn’t mere snark, Michelle Malkin wrote an entire book defending the internment on the basis of race in the case of Japanese internment during World War II. Cliff May argued that torture is justified against Muslims because they’re Muslim. Republicans have opposed the transfer of terrorists to American prisons on the grounds that our prison facilities might not be able to hold them, and Ed Morrisey is apparently planning his vacation around avoiding the recently relocated Chinese Uighurs. Imagine what attempting to close Gitmo, banning torture, or even withdrawing from Iraq would look like in the aftermath of three attacks perpetrated by Muslim rather than right-wing extremists.

Campos’ post implies an unsettling question. How much of the call for “extraordinary measures” in fighting terrorism has to do with the unique challenges of fighting global terrorism, and how much of it has to do with an irrational, orientalist fear of all things Arab and Muslim?

If that’s not partisan enough for you, how’s this? “Von Brunn and Ronald Reagan: How many degrees of separation?” asked Steve M. at No More Mr. Nice Blog.

The answer is two. But first, let me explain why I’m bringing this up.” He explains: “One of von Brunn’s pals had worked in the Reagan White House. I’m not saying that Reaganite conservatism is indistinguishable from neo-Nazism, or that one inevitably leads to the other — I don’t believe that at all. I’m just saying that if you’re going to walk out on the loony ledge where people like von Brunn and Blodgett congregate, it’s highly unlikely you’re going to approach that ledge from the left. I’ve read a lot about von Brunn and his crowd in the past 24 hours; funny, I haven’t read about any ideological soul mate who joined this movement after being part of SDS, or the Mobe, or Gene McCarthy’s campaign, or George McGovern’s (or Howard Dean’s or Obama’s or Kucinich’s, or MoveOn, for that matter).

Debbie Schlussel checks in from an entirely different universe altogether:

Much is being made by Muslims and their many defenders on the left–and the ignoramus “conservatives” at Hot Air (who lecture us that hate has no ideological bounds, which I already learned not from those clueless ones, but from Sarah Palin e-mails wishing me cancer)–that the shooter of several people (one now dead) at the U.S. Holocaust Museum is not a Muslim but a White guy, James W. Von Brunn, who is a neo-Nazi.

But that is a distinction without a difference. In fact, it is because of Muslims–who are the biggest contributor to the worldwide rise in anti-Semitism to Holocaust-eve levels–that neo-Nazis feel comfortable–far more comfortable!–manifesting their views about Jews. Until 9/11 and our resulting new tolerance for Islam, the neo-Nazi types were marginalized and howling at the wind. We know who has been targeting Jewish museums and centers affiliated with Jews in recent years. And it hasn’t been, in general, 89-year-old White guys …

Make no mistake. Muslims created this atmosphere where hatred of the Jews is okay and must be “tolerated” as a legitimate point of view. The shooting today is just yet another manifestation emanating from that viewpoint–another manifestation of the welcome mat that Muslims rolled out for fellow anti-Semites of all stripes to no longer be afraid to come out of the closet.

Moreover, not only do White supremacists and neo-Nazis work with Muslims in many, many documented cases and investigations. But they are basically one and the same. The only difference is that one guy is named James and the other guy is named Ahmed. And the former only has a few thousand discredited, marginalized compatriots.

Even for Jeffrey Goldberg, no fan of Muslim popular sentiment, this was bit much:

Maybe this was meant to be a parody, I don’t know. I’ve never read Debbie Schlussel before. But if it’s meant seriously, then it’s ridiculous. White Christians have done an excellent job being anti-Semitic for several hundred years — almost a couple of thousand, actually — without any help whatsoever from Muslims. In fact, it is Muslim Jew-haters who rely on the publications of European and white American anti-Semites — most notably the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and the International Jew — for inspiration. I hope Schlussel retracts this absurd piece of “analysis.” Does she have any idea what this country was like in the 1930s? I don’t think Muslims dominated the German Bund.

Jonah Goldberg, writing at National Review, sees a media conspiracy:

Never mind that von Brunn isn’t a member of the far right. Nor is he a member of the far left, as some on the right are claiming. He’s not a member of anything other than the crazy caucus. Von Brunn’s True North is conspiratorial anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. He’s not a member of the Christian Right. In fact, he denounces Christianity — just as Hitler did — as a Jewish plot against paganism and Western vigor. Nor is he a capitalist. Again, just as Hitler did, he hails socialism as the solution to the West’s problems.

Still, if we are going to play this game where we take the words of politicians and pundits, compare them to the words of murderers and psychopaths, and then assign blame accordingly, then let’s blame the New York Times, Chris Matthews, left-wing blogs everywhere, and the academics who penned The Israel Lobby (which blames a fifth column of Israel loyalists for our troubles).

After all, for years, mainstream liberalism and other outposts of paranoid Bush hatred have portrayed neoconservatives — usually code for conservative Jews and other supporters of Israel — as an alien, pernicious cabal.

While Times columnist Paul Krugman temporarily abandons trade deficits and budget projections to take on a couple of the left’s favorite bogeymen:

At this point, whatever dividing line there was between mainstream conservatism and the black-helicopter crowd seems to have been virtually erased.

Exhibit A for the mainstreaming of right-wing extremism is Fox News’s new star, Glenn Beck. Here we have a network where, like it or not, millions of Americans get their news — and it gives daily airtime to a commentator who, among other things, warned viewers that the Federal Emergency Management Agency might be building concentration camps as part of the Obama administration’s “totalitarian” agenda (although he eventually conceded that nothing of the kind was happening).

And then there’s Rush Limbaugh. His rants today aren’t very different from his rants in 1993. But he occupies a different position in the scheme of things. Remember, during the Bush years Mr. Limbaugh became very much a political insider. Indeed, according to a recent Gallup survey, 10 percent of Republicans now consider him the “main person who speaks for the Republican Party today,” putting him in a three-way tie with Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich. So when Mr. Limbaugh peddles conspiracy theories — suggesting, for example, that fears over swine flu were being hyped “to get people to respond to government orders” — that’s a case of the conservative media establishment joining hands with the lunatic fringe.

“You can’t accuse Beck or Limbaugh of inciting violence,” writes Krugman’s online colleague Judy Warner, who then proceeds to do pretty much exactly that: “But they almost certainly do stoke the flames. They may give people who are just about to go over the edge — the sort of “guy that could not take it anymore” as one poster on the white supremacist forum Stormfront.org, described von Brunn — some sort of validation for their rage.”

Commentary’s Jonathan Tobin thinks the Timespersons are way off base:

For Krugman and others to seize on the case of neo-Nazi James W. Von Brunn as a rationale for ranting against Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and actor Jon Voight is the height of absurdity. Nothing they have said or done is even remotely connected to this murderous nut or anyone else who might share his anti-Semitic views. Indeed, Von Brunn probably considered that trio to be the enemy as much as Obama, since they are all stalwart supporters of Israel.

But the most egregious aspect of Krugman’s sham case for blaming the political Right for extremist violence is the fact that he and other liberals ignore the third case of political violence that recently occurred in this country: the shooting of two U.S. soldiers in Arkansas by Abdulhakim Muhahid Muhammad — a Muslim extremist who claimed to be taking “revenge” for America’s “crimes” against Muslims. That incident has received paltry coverage by the mainstream media in contrast to the all-out approach to both Tiller’s murder and to the Holocaust Museum shooting. Krugman and company prefer to ignore it because it doesn’t fit into their ideological box, in which everyone who loudly disagrees with Obama or the left can, in some way, be linked to extremist nut jobs.

All this leads us to the big question: Does racist hate have an inherent political identification?

Reporting at the Politico, Ben Smith doesn’t think there’s any easy answer.

FBI agents visited the offices of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine yesterday after a shooting at the Holocaust Memorial Museum and told employees they’d found the magazine’s address on a piece of paper associated with the shooter, James von Brunn, and asked whether the Standard had received any threats.

The magazine is about a mile north of the Holocaust Museum, and there’s no other indication that von Brunn had targeted it. Von Brunn’s published rants included attacks on “neocons,” and the Standard has been at the heart of the neoconservative movement.

The suggestion that the Standard may have been a target complicates any view of the racist shooter in contemporary left-right terms. Von Brunn’s white supremacist roots put him under the rubric of a “right-wing extremist,” but the substance of his views — which included everything from believing that President Bush may have been in on the September 11 attacks to denying that President Obama is an American citizen — are too far on the fringe to fit into conventional political classification.

Not so, writes Jonathan Chait at the Plank: “A certain strand of conservative thought is comfortable with most of the tenets of Republican doctrine with the exception of free trade and, especially, Jews, Israel, and neoconservative influence. Pat Buchanan is the emblem of this brand of conservatism. Buchanan is generally a Republican partisan except for Jewish/Israeli/Middle Eastern issues where he takes strong exception. Von Brunn is pretty clearly a violent and more extreme adherent of Buchanan’s basic worldview. That he would detest a neoconservative institution like the Standard isn’t “complicating” or surprising at all.”

Good points, yet not enough to convince to his own colleague James Kirchick:

Jon correctly identifies Brunn as essentially being “pretty clearly a violent and more extreme adherent of [Pat] Buchanan’s basic worldview,” that is, a racist, nativist, isolationist paranoid about the power of global elites (Jews). But where Jon is wrong, at least in my estimation, is his implication that these views are uniquely characteristic of the far right. They might have once been, but certainly are not anymore. Since 9/11, and to a lesser degree before that, similar views about Israel, the Middle East and “neocons” have been popularized by commentators on the fringe (and not-so-fringe) left. Indeed, they may even be more popular on the left than on the right (witness all the liberals who praised Ron Paul, an even more extreme version of Buchanan, during the 2008 presidential race, as being the “only” Republican willing to speak the truth). What makes Buchanan a stand-out figure is that he’s such a lone voice on the right today (why does he find a home on the liberal MSNBC and not on Fox News? Partly, I think, because so many of the station’s liberal hosts agree with him on matters of foreign affairs). All in all, I’d argue that the “fringe” right which subscribes to these views is no larger a component of contemporary conservativism than is the “fringe” left that subscribes to them a component of contemporary liberalism.

To be sure, Von Brunn is most certainly a “right-winger,” albeit an extreme one, as his ideology conforms to an American political tradition that was marginalized from the mainstream conservative movement in the 1950’s by William F. Buckley Jr. and others grouped around National Review. And Von Brunn’s racism and nativsm, not shared by the fringe left which subscribes to his foreign policy views, confirm his classification as a man of the Right. But the newfound affinity for conspiracy theories and anti-Semitism among some elements of the left — and the fact that von Brunn might have been planning to shoot up the flagship publication of neoconservatism and not, say, the offices of Mother Jones — absolutley “complicates” the narrative that many liberals are cynically trying to construct around this tragedy.

At the risk of overpromoting the bright young folks at TNR, I’ll end with this more nuanced yet pointed post by Damon Linker:

How could Von Brunn be a right-winger, extreme or otherwise, when the Weekly Standard is a magazine of the right? Shouldn’t we just call him a deranged all-purpose hater and be done with it?

For the sake of political and intellectual clarity, it’s crucially important that we don’t do anything of the sort.

The American political spectrum is extremely narrow. For all the seriousness of the differences that separate Democrats and Republicans, both parties are thoroughly persuaded of the legitimacy of liberal democratic government. That’s a wonderful thing, since it’s produced long-lasting civil peace and stability.

But that very peace and stability, and the ideological narrowness that makes it possible, can also lead us to forget the persistent character of the anti-liberal left and anti-liberal right, with which we (unlike citizens in less fortunate regions of the world) have very little acquaintance. The anti-liberal left has historically been defined by the radical universalism of its principles, the anti-liberal right by its exclusionary (racial, ethnic, national) particularism. That is the primary difference between them. And that’s why Von Brunn is unmistakably a man of the anti-liberal right: he believes in a particularistic vision of the world in which Jews, blacks, neocons, people with low IQs, and sundry other classes and groups of people have been eliminated; on Wednesday, he made a small contribution to realizing this distinctively right-wing ideal.

This is also why I think Jamie Kirchick confuses matters by invoking the anti-Semitism of the left, which (though it may have similar psychological sources) is linked to very different ideas. For the far-left, Judaism (and especially Zionism) is offensive because of its particularism, its affirmation of ties to family, tradition, heritage, and nation. I’d say that this is even true for most of the anti-liberal leftists who have embraced the pseudo-particularism of radical multiculturalism. In the end, they take the side of the “other” mainly for the sake of undermining the authority of those currently in positions of political, economic, and military power — not because they actually want to “go native” and affirm the particularism of the downtrodden as if it were their own. (How many admirers of Edward Said actually go off and become strictly observant Muslims?) On the contrary, the ideal world of the radical multiculturalist would be one of complete cosmopolitan egalitarianism in which every group affirms its own beliefs while (somehow) equally affirming everyone else’s too. As for the few who take these ideas so far that they actually do “go native,” well, they’ve moved so far left that they’ve ended up on the right.

This analysis also helps us to understand some of our confusion in placing neoconservatives on the political spectrum. Neocons tend to be staunch American nationalists (making them right-wing), but their vision of Americanism consists of universalistic ideals and principles (placing them somewhere on the left — which is why left-leaning writers like Paul Berman and Christopher Hitchens have expressed sympathy for some neocon ideas and policies). In this, and perhaps only in this, neoconservatism resembles the ideology of French republicanism, which also asserts the universalism of a particular nation’s ideals.

So, yes: Von Brunn is unambiguously a right-wing extremist.

Of course he is — if that’s the way you want to look at it …

(Note: Because of a crash in the computer system during editing, the original post contained an inaccurate description of Paul Campos’s post at Lawyers, Guns and Money.)

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I don’t care much for the headline, Tobin. That just feeds the beast. Basically all of the attempts to score these tragedies, from both the right and left, were tedious and dishonorable.

But the killing of an American soldier (Private William Long) and the wounding of another (Private Quinton Ezeagwula) at a military facility, on American soil, by a guy who was trained overseas in a terrorist camp and who admits knowing of other like-minded terrorist comrades — where was the DHS on that one?

Why does everything have to be a partisan issue? The man clearly was insane. What’s so hard to understand here? He should have been put away in a rubber room long ago.

Thanks for this round-up, but this?

How many admirers of Edward Said actually go off and become strictly observant Muslims?

Utter Nonsense. “become cosmopolitan leading academics” perhaps.

Let’s just get down to it.
Even the most cursory listen to people like Rush et al, whether or not they incite violence, reveals what any reasonable person would understand to be the vile rhetoric of hate, which is despicable in and ot itself.
Only Repub propagandists and their brainwashed victims would say otherwise. In fact, they would say or do anything to get their way, even if doing so destroys the nation (Cheney prays for a new 9/11 within the next 7 years).
With their recent rhetoric, they have sunk the GOP into being the most depraved major party in the history of America, and deserve nothing except contempt from decent people.
They are the true traitors.

It is perfectly clear which side of the partisan divide the NYT stands. Four articles in the opinion pages. each deploring the right wing extremists for stoking violence even though there is absolutley no evidence that the Holocaust Museum murderer was anything but a lone, crazed individual. And we still need to hear from Frank Rich. Perhaps when he is finished advocating the beheading of Wall Street executives he will find time to give us his opinion as well.

A Republican killed the security guard. Democrats accounted for 99% of all the other murders

The self-importance and pomposity of the quoted pundits is truly breathtaking. Fortunately, we don’t depend on them to formulate our own opinions. And yes, Damon Linker did nail it: JvB IS “an unambiguously right-wing extremist.” To which we can all say “duh!”

Von Brunn is a wacko.

Trying to look at him logically or politically is even harder than herding big cats.

Then again the extreme right isn’t very logical…

You start this off with a comment from Joan Walsh? Have you ever read or listened to her? She can’t comment on people on the political fringe when she lives there. She is a way-out-there-nut.

That being said, I have heard from too many finge nuts from both sides; and I have heard it for too long. Neither side has any credibility with me.

In Washington DC, if you are shot or stabbed or beaten, you are likely a young black male being shot or stabbed or beaten by another young black male. The same is true in many other urban areas. If a few of these people actually wanted to help, they would begin to address the problems in the common culture that causes the majority of the problems and not schreech about the few lunatics they hope to make famous with their new fund-rasing letters.

But they don’t really care. Other than about hearing their own tired voices and the cha-ching of their new fund-rasing campaigns.

If you continue to move to the extremes of any scale, you will eventually find yourself at the opposite extreme. After reading the blogs, I have to conclude that politics is not linear— at the end of the extreme Right is the extreme Left. While the First Amendment allows the free expression of both views, at the end of the day, we as a society should focus our actions to the center.

Look, a few weeks ago a DHS report was a source of absolute howling from the right because it told law enforcement that there was a rising threat from right-wing extremism. Apparently right-wing commentators felt this report was telling law enforcement to be on the lookout for them. We then have a few deadly shootings, only one that shouldn’t be labeled right-wing.

For the past 8 years there is no right (except gun ownership) that the right-wing wouldn’t pitch overboard in the name of fighting terrorism. Except if you try to address the dangerous loons on the right. That’s unacceptable. Making this point is perfectly valid.
More than that, it needs to be said.

Then there’s the right’s counter-story. The notion that Van Brunn was a leftist is absurd. The fact that the right attempts to pass this fantasy off tells you how desperate these people are. That’s the story. Pointing this out is not uncivil or beyond the pale; it’s the truth.

Sometimes, pointing out that there are two sides to a story is inadequate and misleading. This is one of those times.

For an opinion article, there seems to be more quotation than commentary.

Head of Minute Men organization in Arizona arrested for double homicide of Hispanic man and his 9 year old daughter, one has no doubt now if its not right wing hatemongering driving all this violence!


“Weekend Opinionator: Is Racist Hate Republican or Democratic?”

Nice race-baiting headline/topic, New York Times. Does this this headline have any other purpose than to provoke inflammatory comments? Thanks for the “guide to the wide world of newspaper, magazine and Web opinion.”

Wow, a great winding article. But a bit weird, too. Is there something I missed, or is this guy pretty much a strait-forward Neo-Nazi? Sure, it’s UPDATED Neo-Nazi in which Bush has to be in on 9/11 because he supports Israel. And he’s an American Neo-Nazi which makes him an equal opportunity paranoid since, pretty much since colonial times, Jews and/or Blacks have been, in one way or another, involved in every aspect of American life, and in every type of American organization.

In college, it become my understanding that the political ‘spectrum’ unlike the light spectrum took the form of a circle, with the views of the far right and far left all but identical (cf. Stalin and Hitler). Nazis have traditionally been classified as the far end of the right wing spectrum, while Communists at the far end of the left wing spectrum, but how different was it, really, when Stalin exiled Jews to Siberia while Hilter outright killed Jews?

Too much ink in being spilled on this guy. I can’t stand most of the extremists who the news networks like to quote. But the desire for a national healthcare choice like Medicare for younger people does not make one a socialist or communist, and the desire to protect American workers from competition from illegal aliens does not make one a Neo-Nazi, even when most of those immigrants are not white, and that is most of the source of the objections to them.

The hate ‘speech’ and ‘action’ are direct outgrowth of the conservative (Limbaugh-Fox) propaganda machine espoused by the republican ideologues as a weapon of choice again ‘liberal-socialist subversion’.

Abiye Teklemariam June 13, 2009 · 12:59 am

It was easier for some commentators in the left to connect Von Brunn to the likes of Limbaugh and Beck and, by extension, to the Republican Party because they – who are in the farthest spectrum within the mainstream right – are now the noisiest and the most identifiable mouthpieces of the political group, and the anger and vitriolic rant of these mouthpieces make the line between those who are in the far right edge of the mainstream right and the extreme right appear dangerously thin.

I find it incredible that anyone would consider this the subject of serious debate. The Republican party and its hate-radio mouthpieces have been openly preaching hatred of all kinds to the choir for some time now. Right wing commenters post openly racist remarks with great frequency on the comment boards at major sites around the internet. Racist hatred has become a linchpin of the Republican base.

The simple fact is that there have been brutal killings of white people by black people in several major cities for the past few years and the coverage has virtually never escaped the cities themselves. There have also been several brutal killings of whites by Hispanics in several major cities and again the news has rarely become national.

In even some of the most brutal examples of black on white violence or Hispanic on white violence–killings which involved savage beatings or dismemberment–there have been no hate crime charges attached and there has been virtually no national media coverage, let alone national opinion and debate. The reason is simple: these crimes do not fit the template.

The template is this: white people own racism; white people own hatred; white people own bigotry; white people own all racial intolerance. A secondary template–which nests in the first–is that conservatives own the aforementioned attributes. This is why the media took The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and ran with it. This is why the media will only write editorials excoriating instances of perceived right wing extremist violence.

We will not get editorials excoriating left wing violence such as the white Army member killed in Arkansas by a left wing Muslim extremist, the savage beating to death of whites on buses on Baltimore by black gangs, or the killing of the Bologna family San Francisco perpetrated by an illegal immigrant only able to do so because of San Francisco’s liberal Sanctuary City policy. If the politics were reversed in those cases we would be experiencing 10 times the editorials we are getting now from the left. We won’t get those, however, because they just don’t fit the media/left wing template.

Rachel Maddow–apparently trying for some type of (liberally voted) media award in the future–spent virtually the entire hour of 2 weeks of her MSNBC shows talking about the Tiller murder. She managed to say the phrase “right wing” maybe over a thousand times. She spent less than a minute in 2 weeks mentioning the killing of the Army officer in Arkansas by the Muslim extremist that happened in the same period of time. No “left wing” phraseology was used.

Bottom line, there are horrendous killings perpetrated by people on all sides of the political, cultural, and racial spectrum. Whites and/or right-wingers are certainly not more innocent than anyone else but they are also not more guilty. To listen to the media, however, it is tilted 100 to 1.

Mr. Harshaw – Much of your “directed” comments are spot on. However, I would take exception to the slant, i.e., don’t rush to link recent domestic violence with right wingers. The truth is that the right wing of our country has successfully squashed public scrutiny of right wing fanatics for at least the last sixteen years. While at the same time exciting the masses to see left wing conspirators under every bush, certainly every bush in the middle east, sans Israel. All that needs doing is for all of us, democrats, republicans, independents to see and deal with all extremists for what they are, egomaniacs (i.e., children in adult bodies) to impose their beliefs on others without being invited in. Why is this too much to ask Mr. Harshaw?

A country in crisis looks at the affects not causes.

The world is a terror tinder box and America is like a little spirit in that Pandora Box.

One terrorist was always just your run of the mill nut job extremist; immoral, unethical, undemocratic, racist, sexist, anti-this that and the other thing and an ideal candidate for the Republic Party of No, re-branded or not, until he went to the Holocaust Museum. Then his sick mind took him to the point of being a symbolic messenger and the message was delivered at a museum dedicated to not forgetting that Jews are always a target for annihilation. That message reverberates among many Jews waiting for the other six shooter shoe to fall.

In light of what is happening in the Mid-East, the denial of mass Jewish population murders in Europe, the never ending war to survive of Israel, the President’s recent visit to Cairo and a concentration camp in Germany and the hate driven messages of some radio and TV knuckleheads are all part of context surrounding this misanthrope’s action.

When we get to the murder of a medical doctor who performed legal abortions by another psychopathically oriented individual we can piece together a parallel story. In this story must be added the element of ‘g-d gone wild’ interpretations and remarks by those who see devils everywhere and little babies being slaughtered. A noteworthy and possibly
valid position until it is noticed that the protestors against abortion do not have much to say about the children without support after birth in America or the damage to children caused by wars, one in particular in Iraq, where thousands of children have been killed, wounded or orphaned.

Stifling the left or right would be wrong.

But there are laws that should be applied equally to all. One law passed after the civil rights riots in the 1979s and 1980s makes it illegal to say or do anything to incite unrest. To trigger this law all one needs to do is cross any state line. Another set of laws is related to treason. Some of us remember the pillaging Jane Fonda received for her visit to North Viet Nam. Hanoi Jane became quite the item for the right. She might have even made a radio broadcast during her visit. Broadcasting today takes on new tones and complexions in terms of treason and crossing state lines. Deciding where freedom of speech starts and ends is a difficulty that needs to be clarified before any application of specific laws about creating a mood that encourages unrest, murder and terrorism.

Lincoln faced these issues as Southern spies and advocates became intertwined at the start of the succession of Southern States from the Union of States. In some cases he had to order or support orders of others in the government and the military to close some newspapers and to arrest others whose actions in non-revolting times were protected rights. His limited use of news paper closings, arrests (some denied habeas corpus according to the right of government to do so in the Constitution Sect. 9 Clause 2) and other questionable actions were retroactively approved by the Congress at his request.

Soon Obama will have to face similar issues here as the right political forces representing the 1%-ers who own over 35% of the wealth of America. These people do not cotton to anything that threatens there elite social, economic and political status. That status allows them to act out their psychopathic need to collect pictures of dead presidents. That need drives them to put America’s and all other interests second to their own economic interests.
They do not do the dirty work. When they rob a bank, it is always a legal inside job. When they want to manipulate the financial markets to justify their immoral and unethical compensation and bonuses they find a way to get around the few regulations that might stop them and when they fail they know how to pull the levers to obtain government welfare for the undeserving rich. Some do all three in the form of Ponzi schemes and some do it by either being bought or buying the elected, appointed and anointed.

So the issue is not a few nits with guns because we know that guns do not kill, it is about the liberty and abuses of those liberties in times that try our nation.

At what point is a foreigner from Australia who bought his American citizenship allowed to depict a first time African-American president as a monkey (similar to these cartoons depicting Lincoln as one) in a newspaper chain he owns or a radio or TV personality allowed to spew hatred against immigrants, gays, lesbians, abortionists, feminists, etc. to a point where many can see a tangible and realistic connection between that hatred and the domestic terrorism that follows?

A simple murder by a nut is one thing. Symbolic murder addressed to Jews or abortionists without remorse by the killer or supporters is not a simple murder.
Each is an act of terror!

That is the question that must be faced and addressed soon.

When one steps back and looks at exclusionary views and hatred that could lead to violence … that is America.

As far as I’m concerned, von Brunn’s assertion that President Bush was behind the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center make him a Rosie O’Donnell-style far-left liberal.

The Right Wing Commentator-sphere is well aware of the Plan: Sow discord, make the Nation seem ungovernable, assault Science and Reason, laugh at informed predictions and play the victim etc…. All to stop at all costs the Center being correct about *anything* or their World will come crashing down and the last vestige of the Far Right will be swept away.

The demographics are the writing on the wall. Reagan Conservatism and his “aw shucks” Culture of Stupid is in it’s dying days and we are witnessing the final convulsions.