The below interactive dashboard shows all bank robberies recorded by security forces in Greater São Paulo from January 2015 to June 2017.

Interact with the data by clicking on elements to filter results by Police Station, Region or Zone. To return to the default view, simply click the element again or refresh the page.

Hover over elements to see the number of bank robberies recorded by each Police Station, Region or Zone over the time period.

For a monthly breakdown of bank robberies, view the Bank Robberies over Time graph in the bottom left of the dashboard. Click on the year to filter the other elements by year.

Crime hotspots in São Paulo

The Police Station that recorded the highest number of bank robberies in the time period was Pinheiros, with 14. By clicking on the Pinheiros Police Station element, we see in the graph in the bottom left that most of these occurred in 2015. This is consistent with robberies recorded by Police Stations in the Central Zone – 38 of the 65 total recorded in that Zone took place in 2015.

Click on “2017” in the bottom left to see that 11 of the 26 robberies in the first half of the year took place in the East Zone. By clicking on “East Zone” in the bottom right, we see that these robberies were recorded by Police Stations geographically dispersed across the Zone. Only Penha de França Police Station saw more than one bank robbery recorded, with one recorded at nine other stations in the Zone. Comparatively, the Central Zone’s seven robberies were concentrated in a smaller geographical area. Looking at the Regions of São Paulo, we see that  Itaquera in the East Zone and Vila Mariana in the Central Zone each saw four bank robberies in the first half of 2017.

Practical steps to minimise risk

Crimes that threaten our clients’ personnel or property occur frequently in emerging and frontier markets. In Greater São Paulo alone, over 38,000 carjackings and over 40,000 other car thefts were reported in 2016.

Interactive dashboards help make sense of the figures. Heat maps immediately show crime hotspots to avoid, helping reduce clients’ risk exposure.

Are you interested in reducing your risk in emerging and frontier markets? Get in touch for a free consultation by contacting us using the form below:

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