Satisfaction Survey
Dear Parents,

Each year, we ask our clients' caregivers to provide feedback on their experience with Synapse Pediatric Therapy. We invite any caregiver whose child has received services with us within the past year to complete this survey.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
How would you rate your initial experience with Synapse Pediatric Therapy? (i.e. intake, ease of establishing an appointment, wait time to see SLP/OT) *
Which therapist(s) is your child seeing? *
How satisfied are you with the progress your child has made in speech/occupational therapy so far? *
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
How likely are you to recommend Synapse Pediatric Therapy to a friend or family member? *
Not at all likely
Very likely
We are collecting testimonials from our current families to share on our website. If you would like to contribute, please tell us about your experience with Synapse Pediatric Therapy. Otherwise, you may leave this question blank.
Do you have any suggestions for us on how we could improve the services we provide? Anything else you'd like us to know?
Would you help spread the word about Synapse?

If you have been satisfied with our services we would greatly appreciate you taking another moment to leave us a Google review so that others can find us. As a small business these are incredibly helpful!
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