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The Book of Questions
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What is something that you don’t like about yourself?
Is this something you are actively working to fix?#02.
What’s something that you do like about yourself?
Is there a social cause that you particularly care about?
Have you done something about it?
Is the reason that you make money currently, the same as when you started making money?
If you didn't have to work for making a living, how'd you spend your life? What will you do if you got two million US dollars today?
Did the social issue you care about make an appearance in your answers to the above two questions?
Are you in an exploring phase of your life, or do you know what you want? What are you doing about it?
What is the last thing you quit? Why?
...and what’s next on the list? Why?
What’s something, if any, that you are trying to improve about yourself?
Is there something in your life you want to change, that you don’t have agency on?
Are you more inclined to make choices based on a thought process aligned with your belief system, or emotion, or comfort & convenience?
How do you define “gut feeling” … and do you see following your intuition different from doing something instinctively?
What’s a recent thing that you have changed your opinion on?
If you can make one wish and change one thing in the world, what will that change be?
… why?
If you have to give a TED talk, what will it be about?
How do you define Suffering?
...and Happiness?
How do you define good and bad?
Do you think there exist things that are universally bad - non-consensual physical pain? Hunger? Loss of liberty?
Do you think we are born good, bad or a blank slate?
Do you strive to strike a balance between seeking pleasure and doing good in life? Push comes to shove, what would you rather live for?
Do you think if you have the needed ability, and resources, that it’s your responsibility to fix something in the world, or at least help someone?
On a scale where Trump - someone who believes that life is for experiencing pleasure and living it up - is 1, and Buddha - someone who believes life is for helping others - is 10, how’d you rate yourself?
… moving towards 1 or 10?
How long have you been at the point that you are at?
Do you believe that everyone has a right to live a suffering free life? Where do you draw the line? humans? animals? insects?
What makes humans different from other animals? Is it the way we can use our brain to think and plan long-term? Ability to override our instinct driven desires?
Do you think if an act hurts someone in-directly, it's an immoral act. For instance, we buy chips, and for that there was palm oil used … which was produced by massive deforestation … which was done by burning the forest … which caused orangutans being burnt alive. Does that make eating chips immoral?
Do you want to produce children? Why? If it’s to pass on values, why not adopt?
Knowing that consumption causes suffering to others, and our desires increase consumption … would you take a “buddha pill” that will make your desires vanish?
If not, because you want to experience the journey, then what about all the suffering you’ll cause on the way which could have been avoided, had you taken the pill?
Since all consumption requires production, and all acts of production causes “suffering footprint”, as in cause someone to suffer, and we need to consume to live … do you think we are obligated to consume mindfully, as well as use our life help reduce suffering?
To live we have to consume. Consumption causes suffering, which is visible in the case of meat, a step or two away in the case of eggs, and dairy, and a few more steps removed for other things…but it is certainly there. So, if our life comes at a cost to others, then the time we have, is it really ours to spend any which way we want?
Do you think it is ethical to produce children, knowing that you are bringing one more consumer to the planet?
Do you think choosing to not cause harm, like not raping, not murdering, not hurting animals … is a good start, or the pinnacle of what we can do to make world a better place?
Do you think the suffering that humans have added in the world is worse than the suffering that inherently exists in nature?
If you were living on a planet full of joy, but were asked to volunteer to help a planet that is suffering, would you go help?
If you come across a timer counting down to a complete, but painless destruction of all life on earth, will you stop the timer?
If not, will you feel responsible for all the suffering that will remain in existence that comes along with continuation of life?
If you somehow had a say in whether or not earth should have been created, what would your answer be? Why?
If you had a magic wand that you could wave and have your life look like anything you want, what will it look like? Where will you be? With whom? Doing what?
Whatever you are doing, is that taking you towards that vision?
If you could wave a magic wand and have the world look like any which way you want, what will it look like?
Does your lifestyle nudge the world towards that vision?
Will you choose to aging from 20 to 30 overnight, and missing that decade of your life in exchange for getting two million US dollars?
Will you choose to undergo emotional pain, like a heartbreak or physical pain, like your pinkie sawed off?
Under what circumstances will you kill one to save another?
Have you ever thought of killing yourself? If yes, why? Why didn’t you?
You are put in a room with a random person, and only one of you is coming out alive … will it always be you, always be the other person, or would you want to know more about the person before making the decision? If you choose the last option, then in which case you’d choose the other person?
Is living a deliberate choice you’ve made? What’s your reason to stay alive?
A question to ask yourself, and someone you meet, every day. What did you learn today?
Typed at Peepal Farm Peepal Farm is an animal rescue, and an awareness organization in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. We help animals heal, and be heard. ***