Long links are
yesterday’s news

Whether you’re a digital marketer, content manager, social media manager, or small business owner, you can benefit from all the power URL shortening can do for your brand or business starting right now. Bitly’s link management platform gives you 10 monthly links, unlimited link clicks, and a way to organize and categorize your links with our tags feature.

Integrate Bitly with your favorite tools and platforms

Bitly’s open and flexible API lets you integrate your marketing tools to create links directly from other platforms. Whether you’re a social media manager looking to connect your favorite management platform or a content marketer wanting to connect your blog content, Bitly makes it easy and manageable. Integrating your favorite tools and platforms with Bitly’s API gives you the control to create and shorten links directly from those platforms…for free.



  • 10 bit.ly links and 2 QR Codes per month
  • All the tools you need to start reaching your audience
  • Get Started

  • All your links plus:
  • Pages
  • Custom back-halves

  • App integrations
  • QR Codes

  • 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Unlimited clicks & QR Code scans