Customer satisfaction is just a click away with short links

  • Collect valuable customer feedback by sending out surveys via SMS messages with short links and including a clear call-to-action.
  • Gather more survey responses by customizing and branding your short links so customers easily recognize your brand right away.
  • Use trackable short links to learn more about the geographic locations that drive the highest survey response rates.

Get time-sensitive customer feedback with QR Codes

  • Grow your brand reputation by soliciting reviews and feedback from your customers in-store with the quick scan of a QR Code.
  • Streamline customer feedback at your restaurant or store by printing QR Codes on menus, table signs, or receipts. Then, offer extra rewards or discounts for completing the form.
  • Use QR Codes on presentations, webinars, or sales pitches to uncover how audiences feel about your content right after they see it.

Improve the customer experience with analytics

  • Access the real-time data behind each click and scan as customer responses roll in to gauge the effectiveness of your survey.
  • Discover where you’re receiving the most feedback from geographically and strategically implement changes over time.
  • Keep your finger on the pulse of customer happiness by delving into the data and analyzing trends with customizable charts.

Streamline feedback with the Bitly Connections Platform

  • Optimize the feedback process by sharing surveys and feedback forms that are just a click or a scan away.
  • Manage and track all of your short links and QR Codes seamlessly in one easy-to-use platform.
  • Tap into all the tools you already know and love and make capturing feedback a breeze with Bitly’s 800+ integrations.

Jetzt starke Verbindungen aufbauen

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Die Bitly Connections Platform

Mit unserem URL-Shortener, QR Codes und Landingpages optimierst du das Engagement deiner Zielgruppe und verbindest sie mit den richtigen Informationen. Erstellung, Bearbeitung und Tracking – alles mit der Bitly Connections Platform.

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URL-Shortener Upward facing arrow
Eine umfassende Lösung, die jeden Verbindungspunkt zwischen deinen Inhalten und deiner Zielgruppe stärkt.

Beliebte URL-Shortener-Features

  • Skalierbares URL-Kürzen
  • Individuelle Links mit deiner Marke
  • URL-Umleitung
  • Umfassende Statistiken & Tracking

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QR Codes Upward facing arrow
QR-Code-Lösungen für jede Zielgruppe, jedes Business und jede Brand Experience.

Beliebte QR-Code-Features

  • Vollständig anpassbare QR Codes
  • Dynamische QR Codes
  • Anpassbare QR-Code-Typen und Ziel-URL
  • Umfassende Statistiken & Tracking

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Landingpages Upward facing arrow
Mit Bitly Pages erstellst du ansprechende, mobil-optimierte Landingpages in wenigen Minuten.

Beliebte Landingpage-Features

  • Individuelle URLs für Social Media
  • Individuell anpassbare Landingpage
  • Einfaches Verwalten von Links
  • Tracking für Link und Landingpage

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Was unsere Kundschaft sagt

Stärke die Verbindung zu deiner Zielgruppe
und Kundschaft

Klick- und Scan-Tracking so einfach wie Klicken und Scannen selbst. Verfolge, analysiere und optimiere alle deine Verbindungen an einem Ort.

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Connections Platform Dashboard