Keep your customers safe with short links and QR Codes

  • Send shortened links and QR Codes you can rely on around the clock. With a 99.9% uptime over the last 12 years, your connections will always be available.
  • Access a dedicated support team that reviews abuse reports and blocks harmful links so you can feel confident about the short links and QR Codes you share.
  • Stay compliant with data protection laws. Bitly protects individual privacy rights and promotes transparent data practices by being GDPR and CCPA-compliant.

Share high-volume and personalized customer communications

  • Join more than 300,000 active API users and two-thirds of the Fortune 500 that trust Bitly to support their service-critical programs.
  • Rely on our API to programmatically shorten and manage millions of links and QR Codes quickly and efficiently. Use our library of 800+ integrations to automate sharing with the tools you already use.
  • Scale confidently with a best-in-class connections platform. Bitly’s ultra-modern infrastructure can handle more than 10 billion clicks monthly.

Collaborate with your team anywhere and anytime

  • Manage multiple teams, groups, and users in one place, making it easy to understand usage within your organization.
  • Give admins control over how their teammates find, access, and utilize the Bitly platform, leading to increased account security.
  • Harness the power of SSO and 2-factor authentication for a streamlined and secure sign-in experience for all users

Move faster with short links

  • Spark instant connections with your audience using trimmed, trustworthy, and trackable links.
  • Customize your short links with branded domains, reinforcing your company’s identity and increasing brand recognition across digital channels.
  • Retain customer trust by delivering reliable and safe content via secure, trustworthy links, reducing the risk of phishing attacks.

Dive deeper with Analytics

  • Access real-time data for QR Code scans, short link clicks, and page views so that teams can confidently make decisions with agility and speed.
  • Push Bitly data to your platform in real-time using webhooks, so you have up-to-the-minute information in every place you need to see it.
  • Make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategy with valuable insights into click-through and scan performance to measure user engagement.

Engage your global audience with custom QR Codes

  • Generate QR Codes programmatically and at scale using Bitly’s API, so you always have an ample supply whenever you need them.
  • Build brand awareness by customizing your QR Codes. Add your logo, brand colors, and design features to remain on brand and grab attention.
  • Add 2D Barcodes—a type of QR Code—to product packaging so you can share key product details like ingredients, how-to guides, and more.

Jetzt starke Verbindungen aufbauen

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Die Bitly Connections Platform

Mit unserem URL-Shortener, QR Codes und Landingpages optimierst du das Engagement deiner Zielgruppe und verbindest sie mit den richtigen Informationen. Erstellung, Bearbeitung und Tracking – alles mit der Bitly Connections Platform.

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URL-Shortener Upward facing arrow
Eine umfassende Lösung, die jeden Verbindungspunkt zwischen deinen Inhalten und deiner Zielgruppe stärkt.

Beliebte URL-Shortener-Features

  • Skalierbares URL-Kürzen
  • Individuelle Links mit deiner Marke
  • URL-Umleitung
  • Umfassende Statistiken & Tracking

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QR Codes Upward facing arrow
QR-Code-Lösungen für jede Zielgruppe, jedes Business und jede Brand Experience.

Beliebte QR-Code-Features

  • Vollständig anpassbare QR Codes
  • Dynamische QR Codes
  • Anpassbare QR-Code-Typen und Ziel-URL
  • Umfassende Statistiken & Tracking

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Landingpages Upward facing arrow
Mit Bitly Pages erstellst du ansprechende, mobil-optimierte Landingpages in wenigen Minuten.

Beliebte Landingpage-Features

  • Individuelle URLs für Social Media
  • Individuell anpassbare Landingpage
  • Einfaches Verwalten von Links
  • Tracking für Link und Landingpage

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Was unsere Kundschaft sagt

Stärke die Verbindung zu deiner Zielgruppe
und Kundschaft

Klick- und Scan-Tracking so einfach wie Klicken und Scannen selbst. Verfolge, analysiere und optimiere alle deine Verbindungen an einem Ort.

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Connections Platform Dashboard