Send timely updates to customers with trackable short links

  • Deliver lightning-fast order updates and prioritize peace of mind by sending out customized short links for tracking shipments via SMS.
  • Guide customers to destinations on your site or in your app with branded deep links that reinforce trust and security.
  • Keep every customer informed by using Bitly’s API to send out thousands of timely order updates via SMS, so no one’s ever in the dark.
  • Reduce the number of support tickets your business receives by proactively communicating information about delays or order changes via trackable short links.

Transform delivery and fulfillment processes with custom QR Codes

  • Let delivery drivers scan QR Codes on packages to confirm that the shipment is ready for delivery and to initiate the tracking process.
  • Use QR Codes for inventory management in warehouses and distribution centers to ensure accurate stock levels and prompt restocking.
  • Gather valuable feedback from customers upon order delivery via QR Codes on receipts so you can make continuous improvements.
  • Offer personalized post-purchase experiences like discounts, product reviews, and exclusive content by adding QR Codes to shipment inserts.

Unlock insights into your customers with powerful analytics

  • Analyze click and scan data to assess customer engagement with order confirmation updates and identify areas for improvement.
  • Look at trends in device usage and website referrers across all your short links so you can better understand engagement over time.
  • Track geographic data from QR Code scans and link clicks to identify regions with high customer activity.
  • View your top performing short links and QR Codes to learn what your customers care most about, from order tracking to customer feedback.

Get more efficient with the Bitly Connections Platform

  • Transform your approach to customer engagement and generate thousands of short links at scale with Bitly’s API.
  • Easily create, manage, and track all of your short links and QR Codes in one centralized platform.
  • Harness the power of the tools you already know and love with Bitly’s 800+ integrations.

Jetzt starke Verbindungen aufbauen

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Die Bitly Connections Platform

Mit unserem URL-Shortener, QR Codes und Landingpages optimierst du das Engagement deiner Zielgruppe und verbindest sie mit den richtigen Informationen. Erstellung, Bearbeitung und Tracking – alles mit der Bitly Connections Platform.

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URL-Shortener Upward facing arrow
Eine umfassende Lösung, die jeden Verbindungspunkt zwischen deinen Inhalten und deiner Zielgruppe stärkt.

Beliebte URL-Shortener-Features

  • Skalierbares URL-Kürzen
  • Individuelle Links mit deiner Marke
  • URL-Umleitung
  • Umfassende Statistiken & Tracking

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QR Codes Upward facing arrow
QR-Code-Lösungen für jede Zielgruppe, jedes Business und jede Brand Experience.

Beliebte QR-Code-Features

  • Vollständig anpassbare QR Codes
  • Dynamische QR Codes
  • Anpassbare QR-Code-Typen und Ziel-URL
  • Umfassende Statistiken & Tracking

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Landingpages Upward facing arrow
Mit Bitly Pages erstellst du ansprechende, mobil-optimierte Landingpages in wenigen Minuten.

Beliebte Landingpage-Features

  • Individuelle URLs für Social Media
  • Individuell anpassbare Landingpage
  • Einfaches Verwalten von Links
  • Tracking für Link und Landingpage

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Was unsere Kundschaft sagt

Stärke die Verbindung zu deiner Zielgruppe
und Kundschaft

Klick- und Scan-Tracking so einfach wie Klicken und Scannen selbst. Verfolge, analysiere und optimiere alle deine Verbindungen an einem Ort.

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Connections Platform Dashboard