Your Guide on How To Get Reviews by Text

You’ve likely already discovered the power of using text messaging in your business. Maybe you use SMS opt-ins to drive sales and send order confirmations and flash sale alerts via text, understandably so, since SMS messages have high open rates. 

What if we told you that you can use SMS messages for something other than sales—something that can help build your credibility and improve your search engine rankings? 

Unknown to some small business owners, texting can be as powerful in soliciting reviews as it is in promoting sales. The same principle applies—texts have a high open rate and, as such, can reach more people. 

If you’re looking for ways to give customers that extra nudge to review your products or services, this post is for you. 

Why are reviews so valuable?

A whopping 66% of U.S. consumers often rely on customer reviews in their purchase decisions. What does this mean for your business? Well, for starters, it means that current customers can be your greatest allies if you want to attract more new customers. 

It also means that you can do everything right—from creating the perfect product to investing thousands of dollars in your marketing efforts—but still not attract as many people as you’d hoped or generate significant sales if you don’t have reviews. The impact of reviews can’t possibly be overstated. 

Here’s an in-depth look at why they’re vital for your business:

Boosting SEO and online visibility

Ever heard of off-site SEO? These are actions you take outside of your actual website to help build your SEO ranking. 

Reviews are a major part of these processes—the more you get, the more likely you are to rank well in results pages. Why? Search engines like Google don’t just crawl your website to determine your value to visitors; they also use off-site signals (like reviews) to measure your website’s trustworthiness and relevance. 

As such, the more reviews you have, the better your online visibility. We don’t have to tell you just how valuable visibility is, especially in a competitive market. Maximize your likelihood of getting reviews—and, consequently, good rankings—on search engines through bulk SMS messaging.

Enhancing trust and credibility

What’s the first thing you do before you even consider working or buying from a new brand? If you’re like most people, you look for reviews.

Reviews are a form of social proof, giving potential customers insights into others’ experiences. Positive ones can show potential customers that they can rely on the quality of your products and services,  building trust even before you interact. 

Further, reviews can promote your business’ credibility. With so many online scams running today, customers are increasingly cautious when dealing with new brands. Reviews show that you’re an actual enterprise with real customers and results and, as such, can distinguish you from non-trustworthy businesses. 

Influencing buying decisions

Picture this: You’ve decided to get new flooring or upgrade your home appliances. You come across two companies offering what you need, but only one has reviews. Which one will you go with?

Let’s take a guess—the one with reviews, right? People tend to trust businesses with reviews more than those without and, as such, are more willing to purchase from them. In fact, many buyers (87%) put more trust in customer reviews when making purchasing decisions than influencer reviews. So, as you invest in new marketing strategies like influencer marketing, also consider good old customer reviews. 

Gathering customer feedback

Want to avoid the hassle of distributing customer satisfaction surveys? Collect customer reviews instead. 

Reviews are as effective as satisfaction surveys in showing how customers feel about your brand. If they don’t like certain aspects of how you run your business, rest assured they’ll highlight them. Reviews can provide actionable insights into what customers value from you and what they’d like you to improve, facilitating well-informed decision-making. 

And the best part? They’re multi-purpose. They provide valuable feedback while also allowing you to enjoy the other benefits discussed here. Talk about killing two (in this case, more than two) birds with one stone!

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Are Google review requests the best option for online reviews?

Now that you know the value of customer reviews, which review sites do you direct customers to in your post-purchase engagement SMS marketing? There are a ton of options, including Google, Yelp, Trustpilot, Facebook, and TripAdvisor. While each of these sites is a significant source of information for potential customers, Google reviews would take the crown if there was a competition focused on numbers. 

Google reviews are more visible than other options as they typically appear not only in search results but also on Google Maps. Further, they have an impact on your SEO ranking and, as such, can make it easier for potential customers to find you. If your main goal for collecting reviews is to increase your brand visibility and reach as many people as possible, Google review requests are for you!

If you want to target customers who are already interested in your products or services, Yelp or other industry-specific sites like TripAdvisor are also suitable options. That’s because those platforms typically attract high-intent users. 

Ultimately, diversification is your best strategy if you want to broaden your audience and convert interested parties into paying customers. Ask for Google reviews to spark interest from many people and reviews from other platforms to convert them. 

Remember to consider your industry when choosing which platform to use. For example, if you’re conducting SMS marketing for restaurants, Yelp and TripAdvisor are suitable options. On the other hand, Amazon and Trustpilot would be better suited for e-commerce businesses. 

The advantage of text message reviews

Text messaging is a popular form of communication between businesses and customers because it’s quick, direct, and convenient. This makes it one of the best options for asking for reviews. Here’s an in-depth look at the reasons to use SMS:

High open rates

How often do you check and open your text messages? How about your emails? The SMS vs. email debate is hot right now as businesses strive to find the best marketing medium. 

If we were to hold a competition between the two, SMS would be miles ahead of email marketing, as it has a more than 95% open rate, while emails only have a 20% open rate.

The first step to obtaining customer reviews is actually getting them to open your review requests. As such, text messages are a better solution than other forms of communication. 

Immediate and convenient for customers

Text messages trigger instant notifications, as they’re directly sent to customers’ phone numbers. This can lead to immediate responses from your target audience. 

Further, text messages can result in quicker and more reviews because they’re convenient—customers don’t need to download new apps to respond to your request. With mobile deep links, particularly, it only takes a few taps to leave reviews, as they immediately direct customers to relevant review pages. 

Personal touch and higher engagement

Text messages add a personal touch to business-customer communication, often resulting in higher engagement rates. This is one of the reasons why SMS click-through rates (CTR) are higher than those of forms of communication like email—SMS has a 20% CTR, while email CTR ranges between 3% and 5%

How to set up a text review strategy from start to finish

Convinced about the value of text message reviews? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up an SMS review strategy:

1. Select the right SMS service provider

The first step in launching your text-based review solicitation strategy is finding an appropriate SMS provider. Some key factors to consider before settling on any one of them include: 

  • Features: Consider your business needs and goals and make sure your chosen platform has the features to meet them. Do you want to schedule review text messages for a particular time? Ensure your provider offers scheduled messaging. Do you offer multiple products and want to ask customers for reviews on only what they’ve experienced? Make sure your provider has a contact list segmentation feature. Do you want customers to reply directly to your messages? Then a two-way messaging feature is a must-have. 

  • Scalability: Want to avoid changing SMS suppliers every time your customer base grows? Find a provider who can grow with you and handle increased loads without faltering. 

  • Security: With security issues on the rise (the average cost of data breaches in 2023 was $4.45 million), you must take extra precautions to protect customers’ data. This calls for partnering with providers with strict security protocols.

  • Compliance: Make sure your provider complies with laws and regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) to avoid legal repercussions. 

  • Integrations: Choose a platform that can integrate with existing software solutions, such as your customer relationship management (CRM) system and e-commerce platform, for streamlined review requests. If integrated, your SMS platform can get customers’ contact information directly from appropriate systems, saving time and preventing human error. 

2. Integrate SMS with your CRM

Integrating SMS with your CRM can facilitate quicker messaging by syncing customer contact information. It can also allow your SMS provider to send personalized messages by seamlessly sharing customer data. Personalization, even in messaging, can build customer relationships and enhance loyalty. 

Further, integrating the two systems enables you to ask customers for opinions only on products or services they have experienced, resulting in higher-quality reviews. It also eliminates the need for manual data entry, limiting the risk of errors. 

For the best results, hire a professional developer to integrate the two systems, as the process requires technical know-how. 

3. Develop your messaging strategy

Start this process by determining when is the best time to ask for reviews from your customers. If you’ve run other review request campaigns, look at your response rates to identify when you receive the most reviews. Are customers more responsive immediately after buying products, attending brand events, or interacting with your customer support?

Next, divide your audience based on their purchase history to ensure you send fitting review requests. For example, if you offer multiple products or services, you can divide customers by products bought and create a unique message for each category. 

Then, consider your brand’s personality. Are you professional, casual, or quirky? This is an important step as it can help you craft messages that align with your brand voice and tone. 

Also, identify what resonates best with your audience. Do they respond more to your messages when you address them by name? If so, you’ll need to go the extra step and do just that in your review requests to maximize response rates. 

If you’re in the U.S., comply with the TCPA and follow the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) guidelines to protect your brand and your customers’ privacy. While the language of these two sets of guidelines differs, they advocate for the same rules, including:

  • Ensure proper identification: You must introduce your business in the initial text to make sure customers know who they’re talking to. 

  • Get consent from customers before sending any form of SMS marketing: To prevent legal issues, run an opt-in process and use clear language so customers know what they’re agreeing to. 

  • Provide opt-out options: Customers should be able to opt out of receiving text messages at any time. Your SMS provider needs to offer this option with every message to ensure recipients know this is an option. 

  • Consider timing when sending messages: The TCPA requires businesses to maintain quiet hours—you should only send messages between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m

For continuous protection, keep up with SMS laws and regulations and keep all records of customer consent. 

5. Test and launch the campaign

The last thing you want is to roll out a huge review campaign and only get a few responses. To avoid this, test your messaging for clarity, conciseness, and overall effectiveness before launching a full-scale campaign. Here’s what to do:

  • Prepare sample promotional text messages that ask for product or service reviews. 

  • Choose a testing group—ideally, one comprising individuals that reflect your target audience. 

  • Ask the group members to evaluate your message’s relevance, appeal, and clarity on a scale. 

  • Analyze the results and act on your findings. 

To maximize response rates, only send the messages to your actual target audience when the test group provides positive feedback. 

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Tips for segmenting your target audience

As mentioned earlier, it’s important that you segment your audience to create highly targeted messages that resonate with each group. This can result in higher CTR rates and, ultimately, more reviews. Here are some ways to segment your customers:


Segmenting customers by age or gender can help create more relevant messages and solicit high-quality reviews.  For instance, if you sell products to multiple age groups, segmenting your audience by demographics can help you maintain appropriate tones for each one. You can create a casual or even quirky tone when seeking reviews from younger customers and a semi-formal one for older audiences. 


Segmenting based on customer behavior patterns like purchase history or engagement level can help you determine how often to send review messages. For instance, you can send frequent review text messages to customers who constantly buy your products and respond or click on your messages and only a few to those who don’t. This way, you can focus your resources on avenues that are more likely to convert. 


Say you’re a shoe retailer selling winter-suitable shoes like boots and summer options like sandals across the U.S. It’s likely that the majority of your boot sales are from cold states like Alaska, while most of your sandal sales are from states with warmer climates like Florida. By segmenting your audience by geographical area, you can easily ask customers for reviews of products they’ve bought from you. 

Segmenting audiences by geographic location can also help with compliance. As mentioned earlier, the TCPA stipulates that businesses should only send customers messages between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. By dividing customers into geographic groups, you also categorize them by time zones and, as such, can schedule your text messages for appropriate times. 


Psychographic segmentation involves grouping customers based on lifestyles, values, or attitudes. As with other segmentations, it can help you create more effective text messages for different groups. 

For example, you can segment buyers based on their attitude toward customer service versus actual products offered. If you identify a group that values customer service over anything else, you can ask them to review their experiences during the purchase journey. And, if you have a group that prioritizes product quality, you can focus your review request on your actual product. 

Similarly, you can segment customers based on social status to help you offer the best incentives for leaving reviews. For instance, if you have a budget-conscious audience, discounts and free products would be great incentives. 

How to enhance text review volume and quality

How do you encourage more customers to continuously leave product or service reviews? Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Create strong CTAs

Imagine receiving a link from one of the brands you buy from without further instructions. Would you click on it? No, right? People are increasingly suspicious of links these days, understandably so, with the prevalence of hacking. If you don’t tell customers what to expect when they click on specific links, chances are, they won’t. 

Include strong calls to action (CTAs) in all your review text requests to encourage customers to open links. Ideally, the CTAs should be short, clear, relevant to your main text’s content, and contain action words like “please share your experience” or  “please leave a review.” If your audience prefers quirky messaging, you can add some flavor to your CTA by following it up with an emoji or GIF. 

Offer incentives when you ask for a review

Incentives like discounts, invites to exclusive events, and free products can be huge motivators for many customers. So, offer incentives if your goal is to increase review volume.

However, you need to be careful when doing so, as the waters can get pretty murky. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has strict regulations on offering incentives for reviews, as it believes this can affect their authenticity. After all, you’d be more inclined to provide a positive review if there’s a gift attached to it, even if your experience isn’t all that great. 

That said, the FTC hasn’t prohibited using incentives in review solicitation. It just requires business owners to offer the incentives with no strings attached—you shouldn’t explicitly or implicitly suggest that customers should leave glowing or positive reviews. Further, customers must disclose their receipt of the incentive, as this could impact the weight potential customers give their reviews. 

Monitor and respond to reviews

How you interact with and react to existing reviews can determine if customers give new ones. The more engaged you are with your audience, the more likely they’ll be to continually give their feedback. 

Keep an eye on new customer feedback on pertinent review sites and respond to both positive and negative reviews. If you receive positive feedback, thank customers for taking the time to review your business and pledge to continue offering high-quality products or services. If you receive negative feedback, also thank the customers, apologize for their experiences, and address any issues they may have had. 

This shows that you value their opinions and are willing to work to improve your brand. Over time, it may increase review volume and help you create a loyal customer base. Further, responding to reviews can portray a positive business image, encouraging potential customers to buy from you. 

Use A/B testing

The truth is, it may take time to figure out what resonates with your audience. This makes A/B testing—changing specific aspects of your campaign to see how the change affects response rates—tremendously valuable. There are numerous things to experiment with, including tone, incentives, messaging time, message length, and CTA. Change one aspect at a time to make it easy to see specific variations that impact your review volume and quality. 

Regularly update and refresh your messaging

Monitor your response analytics and feedback to identify what works. When you do, update and refresh your messaging to continuously attract high response rates. 

One of the best ways to encourage reviews is to brand your links with Bitly. Branding can improve link visibility and trust, boosting your likelihood of maintaining or increasing your responses. With Bitly, you can add a custom phrase that customers associate with your brand to the back half of your links or even use your own domain, facilitating link recognizability. 

Examples of review request templates for better customer feedback

If you’re new to crafting SMS review requests or want to avoid the hassle of creating them, we’ve got you covered. Here are some SMS templates you can use:

Initial review requests

Asking for reviews is a great way to engage new customers after their initial purchases. To encourage responses, introduce yourself, be concise, and include a clear CTA directing them to click on the attached link to provide their feedback. For your URLs, use Bitly short links that direct customers to your chosen platform—they’re easy to read on a small screen and appear more professional and trustworthy than lengthy links. 

Here’s a template for an initial review request:

“Hi [customer’s name], thank you for making your first purchase with [brand]! Was your experience satisfactory? Please let us know: [link].” 


“Hey there! We were delighted by your first visit to [brand]. How was your experience? If you have a moment, please leave a review! [link].” 

Follow-up for existing customers

With existing customers, you want to personalize the message as much as possible to show them that you follow their purchase journeys. You can call them by name, mention previous purchases, or even thank them for their loyalty. 

If you want reviews from long-term and loyal customers who have not left a review recently, here’s a template for you:

“Hi [customer’s name], thanks for continuously choosing [business name]. It’s been a while since we heard from you. Would you kindly consider leaving a review on your [product name] purchase? [link].” 

Response to a neutral or negative review

Handle these reviews carefully, as they can impact your image and reputation. Show empathy, a commitment to improvement, and an invitation to discuss the issue further offline or through customer service channels. Also, leave an open-ended invitation for customers to revise their review based on a resolution, to maintain a positive image. However, don’t be too obvious about wanting the change. 

Here’s how:

“Hi [customer’s name], thanks for your review. We’d love to hear more about your experience with [brand or product name] so we can provide a better experience. Please contact [customer service team] and give us a chance to wow you. Your suggestions are valuable to us!”


“Hi [customer’s name]. Thank you for highlighting this. We’re so sorry to hear about your experience and would love a chance to earn your trust back. Please get in touch with me at [phone number or email address] to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.” 

Update announcement review request

If you’ve recently improved your products or services, encourage customers who have experienced them to leave reviews. If you want them to get an in-depth look at precisely what you’ve improved, you can provide a link that directs them to specific enhancements and another that invites their feedback on the changes. Fortunately, with Bitly’s URL shortener, you can include both links without making your message too lengthy. Here’s how:

“Hey [customer’s name], have you noticed a difference between your recent [brand] purchase and past purchases? We’ve improved our [aspect changed] (details here [link directing them to details about the change]), and would appreciate your honest review about the change: [review site link]. Your feedback helps us improve our products and services!” 

Response to a social media tag

It’s common for active social media users to tag business pages, especially when they’re happy about their products or services. Capitalize on this by gently prompting them to leave a formal review on your chosen site. For this, use Bitly branded links to enhance your business’s visibility and promote recognizability. 

Here’s a simple response template you can use:

“Hey [customer’s name], thank you for your recent tag on [social media platform]. If you have a sec, please consider sharing your feedback on [brand] here, too, to let others know about your experience 😊[link].”

Follow-up after a recent purchase

Timing is crucial when sending review requests for recent purchases. Ideally, it’s best to give customers enough time to experience your product, but not so long that they lose interest in leaving the review or even forget about it. Depending on your product (whether hard, soft, or perishable), wait 7 to 21 days to ask for reviews. You could send the following message:

“Hey [customer’s name]. We’d love to hear more about your recent [experience or purchase]. Please leave us a review: [link]”

Thank you message for providing a review

Want to make your customers feel valued? Write a thank you message for taking the time to provide the review. Be sincere and personalize the message, possibly mentioning specific parts of the review, to make the customer feel truly appreciated. Here’s an example:

“Hey [name], thanks so much for your business and review. We’re thrilled to hear that the [brand and product referenced in the initial review] served/is serving you so well, and we look forward to providing even better experiences in the future.”

Seasonal promotion message

Appealing to customers’ emotions is a surefire way to solicit reviews. So, connect your messaging to seasonal themes or events whenever possible. For example, if you are asking for reviews during the holiday season, your request could look something like this:

“Dear [customer’s name], did [brand] live up to your expectations this year? It was a pleasure to serve you, and we look forward to doing even better in the coming year. Spread the holiday cheer by leaving us your honest feedback: [review link]”

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What to look for in tools and platforms for an SMS review campaign

With so many SMS platforms on the market, how do you choose the right one for your review campaign? The key is to take time to assess everything from their user-friendliness and integration capabilities to their compliance and analytics features. Here’s an in-depth look at core features to look for in potential tools and platforms:

Ease of use

An SMS review platform’s interface needs to be user-friendly to make it easy for you to send error-free, quick requests, as well as seamlessly manage your review campaigns. Before settling on a specific platform, consider questions like:

  • Does it have an intuitive design? 

  • Does it allow for a quick onboarding process?

  • Does the provider give clear instructions on how to navigate and use it?

  • Can you launch new campaigns on your own without asking for help from your provider? 

If your answer to the above questions is yes, you can proceed with your choice. If not, it may be best to look elsewhere. The last thing you need is a complex platform that prevents you from running campaigns on the fly. 

Integration capabilities

Imagine manually entering data from your CRM software or analytics tool into your SMS system or vice versa. Just thinking about it is exhausting, right? 

Find a tool that integrates seamlessly with other business systems, such as CRM software, marketing platforms, and analytics tools. This will not only save time and minimize errors but also enhance the effectiveness of review campaigns. When your systems “talk” to each other, you can run more personalized and targeted SMS review campaigns, as there is seamless customer data sharing. 

Compliance features

Your SMS review platform needs to comply with existing laws and regulations; otherwise, you may find yourself using significant resources to dig yourself out of legal troubles. It should meet the standards of the TCPA and CTIA if you’re doing business in the U.S. and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) if you have European customers. Here’s a crash course on what to assess in terms of compliance:

  • You should notify customers of any form of data collection. 

  • The platform should provide double opt-in. 

  • Customers should only receive messages they’ve consented to receive. 

  • The platform should provide an opt-out option with every text message. 

Failure to comply with any of these requirements can cause legal trouble, sometimes resulting in considerable losses in fines and penalties. Play it safe by taking the time to assess compliance. 


Why do more than you need to? Look for a platform with automation features to streamline the process of sending review requests. Automation eliminates or at least minimizes the need for manual input, allowing you to send messages quicker and limiting the risk of making mistakes. 

One of the features to look for in terms of automation is scheduling. You can pre-plan when bulk SMS messages go out to people in different time zones. Other features to look for are auto-responses and triggered messages based on customer actions, like completing a purchase. They help keep customers engaged and can result in higher review volumes. 


Whether you run a small, mid-sized, or large business, growth is likely one of your key goals. Therefore, it’s important that you find a messaging tool that can handle an increasing volume of messages without a drop in performance or a steep increase in cost. 

One way to determine if a platform can scale with you is by assessing its current customers. Does it cater to businesses of different sizes? Is the difference in cost for these businesses reasonable? Only move forward with the SMS tool if your answer is yes. 

Reporting and analytics

Want to continually improve your SMS review campaigns? Reporting and analytics capabilities need to be at the top of your list when assessing SMS tools. Look for a platform that provides reports on aspects like opt-in growth and opt-out rates to determine what resonates best with your audience and inform strategic decisions. 

Combining your SMS platform’s reporting capabilities and Bitly Analytics for links can provide a complete picture of the effectiveness of text message campaigns. While your SMS tool offers insights on opt-in and opt-out rates, the Bitly Connections Platform can provide performance data specific to your review requests, like the number of people who click on review links, their locations, and the devices used, providing a well-rounded view of how customers interact with your messages. 

Cost efficiency

As you would when shopping for anything else, shop around to find a platform that aligns with your budget. The cost of your review campaign may be influenced by the pricing model your chosen platform employs. SMS tools typically offer two pricing models:

  • Pay-as-you-go: You pay based on the number of texts you use. 

  • Subscription: You pay a fixed monthly cost to cover your SMS needs. 

Typically, the pay-as-you-go option is more cost-efficient for businesses with a small customer audience and irregular SMS needs. On the other hand, the subscription option suits those with predictable and consistent messaging needs. 

The quality of services offered could also influence pricing. So, don’t rush to choose a low-cost provider just because they’re great for your wallet. The greatest value for your money will come from working with a high-quality and reliable platform. 

How Bitly can help with the success of your text review strategy

Thanks to features like link tracking and integration capabilities with SMS platforms, Bitly can contribute to the success of your review campaign. Here’s how:

Tracking and analytics

With Bitly, you don’t just get URLs that direct customers to review sites; you get trackable links that allow you to monitor the performance of text message campaigns. Through Bitly Analytics, you can access valuable insights like the total number of clicks received, the devices used, the geographic locations they originate from, and your top-performing links. 

Click data can help refine your review strategy by showing the kind of messaging that resonates with your audience. And, geographic data can facilitate effective targeting by highlighting where most of your responsive audience is. 

If you’re considering SMS marketing for a slow season, Bitly is a valuable tool in your arsenal. It eliminates the need for guesswork by showing you exactly what sparks action from your audience, which can save you a lot of time. 

The last thing anyone wants is a link that fills half their screen. It’s unprofessional-looking and can impact customers’ willingness to provide reviews. 

Bitly helps by providing short mobile links that save space in SMS messages and make texts appear cleaner. You can make the links even more professional by customizing them with your domain name or adding a custom phrase at the back half to better align with your branding. 

Further, the Bitly platform makes campaign management easy by allowing you to update the link’s destination without having to update the URL itself. Say you want to improve your customer service, you can use the same link to collect reviews, engage customers with complaints on different channels, like email, and solicit new reviews after addressing their issues, by simply updating your URL’s destination. 

Implementing the use of QR Codes for easy text reviews

Want to maximize your review volume? Don’t just rely on SMS review requests. Also ask for reviews through other mediums like physical receipts, digital receipts, and in-store displays using Bitly QR Codes

Integrating QR Codes with Bitly links can facilitate easy review submissions from customers, as it only takes a single scan to access review platforms and leave feedback. If you’re in the market for retail solutions that help you engage better with customers at all touchpoints, this is definitely something to consider. 

Integrating with SMS platforms and other tools

Already have multiple solutions helping you run your business? No need to worry! Bitly integrates seamlessly with numerous SMS and marketing tools, facilitating streamlined workflows and centralized campaign management. This means sending SMS messages quicker, more effective personalization, and better performance insights. 

Salesforce and Twilio are some of the CRM and SMS platforms Bitly integrates with to drive successful SMS campaigns. Integrating Bitly with these platforms allows you to include personalized short links in your messages to help boost click rates. 

It’s worth noting that you can only integrate these applications using an API. So, for a seamless process, you’ll need to work with a developer or someone with technical expertise. 

Optimizing campaigns based on Bitly insights

Bitly provides a wealth of data that can inform strategic decisions. You can use insights from link tracking, such as user engagement patterns and peak times, to optimize the timing and content of SMS review requests, continually improving your response rates. 

If you’re conducting A/B testing, you can see how each message performs through the Bitly Campaigns feature, facilitating seamless comparisons. 

To consistently improve your text review strategy, regularly check your performance reports on Bitly Analytics. This way, you can catch changes in click rates as soon as they occur. 

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Transform simple texts into review magnets with Bitly’s insights

Customer reviews are a golden opportunity for improvement and growth, as they highlight what works and what doesn’t in your business. Leverage the right SMS platform and regularly monitor your performance (review volume and quality) for campaign success and continuous improvement. 

Bitly has you covered on the latter, as it offers various features that promote successful SMS campaigns, such as link branding, tracking, and analytics. When you choose the platform, you can create personalized links to enhance response rates, update existing URLs’ destinations when you need to direct customers to new content or sites, and access in-depth performance analytics for well-informed SMS campaign improvements. 

Sign up for Bitly today for trackable custom review links that attract high response rates and provide actionable insights for strategic decision-making!