What Is a Mobile Developer, and What Do They Do?

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Remember when mobile devices were just for making phone calls? Those days are long gone.

Now, people use smartphones more than desktop computers, and they spend most of their cellphone time on mobile apps.

Software development has changed to keep up, and there’s more demand than ever for mobile applications. Everyone wants to work with mobile developers—from government agencies to e-commerce giants, news outlets, restaurant chains, startups, and social networks. 

Learn what it takes to become an iOS or Android developer and the type of value mobile developers can deliver to businesses across all different industries.

What is a mobile developer?

A few decades into the 21st century, smartphones are all about apps. Instead of accessing media through an internet browser, most people use apps. 

Mobile developers are the people who build apps. Within mobile app development, some specialize in building products for the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, while others have cross-platform skills. 

However, building apps for iOS or Android doesn’t mean that you work for those companies. Businesses create their own apps for customers, sharing them through app stores, mobile links, and other marketing materials.

Mobile developers serve as a bridge between businesses and the big app stores. They have the skills to balance brand goals with big-picture regulations. 

Essential skills of mobile developers

Mobile apps are designed to be engaging and effortless. From infinite scroll to one-tap ordering, they include features that reduce friction and hold our attention. In fact, we spend about a third of our waking hours on mobile apps.

However, while most apps are simple to use, that doesn’t mean they’re easy to create. Smooth, effortless functionality for users is the result of painstaking work by developers on the backend.

Here are just a few of the skills mobile developers need to build high-quality mobile apps.

  • Programming languages: Although no-code app builders do exist, they have limited functionality, and most experienced developers prefer the flexibility of writing their own code.

  • APIs and webhooks: Application programming interfaces (APIs) are the bits of code that let different software and devices talk to each other. Similarly, webhooks let web apps communicate and share information.

  • Software development kits (SDKs): Mobile app platforms like Apple and Android have their own development kits with code libraries, APIs, and testing tools.

  • UX and UI design: That stands for “user experience” and “user interface.” Mobile developers need to understand what customers want and how to get them there in the easiest way possible.

  • Different app frameworks: Whether they specialize in a single operating system or work across Apple and Android, mobile developers need to know the platform rules for apps.

  • Testing and debugging: Writing effective code means being able to hunt down tiny errors and find creative solutions to fix the issues.

  • Communication skills: Mobile app developers have to understand what the business needs, what users want, and what the mobile operating system will allow—then communicate the options and create an app that works for everyone. 

  • Workflow skills: Software developers often use specific frameworks to help them plan and organize work. So familiarity with methods like Agile or Waterfall will help them collaborate more effectively.

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What technologies do mobile developers use?

Mobile developers use different technologies depending on what they’re building and who they’re building it for. For example, Apple is notoriously strict about which apps make it into the App Store. Apple developers have to use the Xcode 15 SDK to build and test iOS native apps, often using Apple’s own Swift programming language.

Android apps are slightly more flexible. Google mostly recommends using Kotlin—a concise programming language that interacts smoothly with Java. Android also has its own Kotlin-based SDK, Jetpack Compose, for building user interfaces. 

There are also apps that work across both operating systems. Hybrid developers build apps that use web-based technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Since they connect through the web, hybrid apps work on any operating system. Popular code frameworks for hybrid development include Ionic and Cordova. 

There’s also cross-platform development, where developers use code that will cooperate with both Android and iOS—without the need for a browser in between them. Some of the most popular tools for cross-platform development are Xamarin, Flutter, and React Native.

Roles and responsibilities of a mobile developer

While the mobile developer role centers around, well, mobile development, that encompasses a lot of different tasks and responsibilities.

Daily tasks

While writing code will always be on a mobile app developer’s to-do list, there are plenty of other daily tasks. 

First, you can’t just build an app and then leave it to run by itself. Apps need constant maintenance. So developers regularly spend time fixing bugs, running tests, and tweaking UI and UX designs. 

They also spend time collaborating with other team members, such as project managers, frontend designers, marketers, and customer service. Their feedback can help developers optimize and build better apps.

With all that on their plates, multitasking is also an essential skill for software engineers. They have to prioritize tasks, manage their time wisely, and keep an eye on larger project goals. 

Development process

Whether it’s cross-platform, hybrid, Android, or iOS development, creating a new app follows the same basic development process. 

Every project starts with understanding the brief. Developers have to understand the needs of both the business and the customers who will use the app. By gathering these requirements, they can create a prototype to share and discuss with the rest of the team. 

From there, they can build on the prototype, adding in new interactivity and design details and rigorously testing at every stage. They also have to factor in accessibility, software scalability, responsiveness for different mobile devices, and any app platform rules.

The last step in development is deployment. When all the functionalities are in place and all the bugs resolved, the app is ready for launch on the App Store or Play Store. 


Once an app is launched, there’s still plenty for programmers to do, starting with monitoring the app’s performance and feedback from users. They’re also responsible for releasing timely updates to fix any bugs or UX problems.

If the app is successful, then it could attract a large number of users. That means more maintenance and scaling so that the app stays functional and secure. 

There are constant innovations in mobile app development. Even if an app seems flawless right now, that could change in six months. Part of the developer’s role after launch is to start thinking about future versions of the app and new features, integrations, and trends to try.

The business value of mobile developers

Wondering what kind of value a mobile developer might bring to your company? Mobile developers help to make businesses more agile, engaging, and profitable—and here’s how.

Improving operational efficiency

So many businesses want their own mobile app because it streamlines the customer journey. Customers will literally carry the brand around with them all day in their pockets, ready to scroll and tap.

For B2B apps, there’s a similar streamlining effect. Mobile apps make it easier to manage data and stay in touch on the go. They can also help automate routine tasks, freeing up time for more important business tasks.

Enhancing customer engagement

Mobile apps keep customers engaged because they’re always available and easy to use. With some clever design, they can become even more effective. 

Features like push notifications ensure that people return to the app again and again. Personalized content and mobile deep linking mean that they’ll rely on the app for relevant information instead of searching online. 

Driving business growth

Mobile apps can drive business growth by opening up new revenue streams and keeping customers coming back for more. They’re not just there for entertainment—they can also target consumers with in-app offers, subscription models, and personalized ads with high conversion rates. 

Gaining a competitive advantage

If your competitors don’t have a mobile app yet, then you’ll eat up their target market by getting there first. And even if they have built their own app, you can grow your market share by offering an app that’s more useful, relevant, and engaging. 

To stay ahead, you’ll need to innovate all the time. New app technologies like AR, VR, and AI chatbots are all in high demand from consumers. 

Enhancing brand presence

Just like any other marketing channel or customer experience, mobile apps can help you build your brand. Consistent design, value, and customer service cement your image in customers’ minds. 

Mobile apps can even enhance customer loyalty by offering extra personalization, rewards programs, and exclusive offers or content access.

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Maximize your mobile strategy with Bitly

Mobile apps are the future, and mobile developers are building, maintaining, and innovating that future. If you’re looking to create a new app for your business or enhance an existing one, it’s up to you to provide your developers with the best possible tools for the job.

Bitly makes mobile deep linking simple, so you can send your audience straight to your app with a single click. Plus, every Bitly link comes with advanced link management and analytics tools to track user engagement and campaign metrics.

Ready for deeper insights and a better mobile strategy? Get started with Bitly today.