TikTok Analytics: Track, Analyze, and Trend

As the number of social media users continues to grow globally, TikTok has become one of the most popular apps. The platform has become a significant tool for marketing businesses and brands of all levels and sizes.

However, the success of your marketing campaigns on TikTok relies on creating videos that resonate with your audience. With TikTok analytics, you can track content results and make progress toward your key goals.But you may wonder: How do TikTok analytics work, and how do I leverage them for real-time results? Here, we’ve shared everything you need to know about using TikTok analytics to optimize your content and increase your engagement rate.

What is TikTok analytics?

TikTok analytics provide data to help you track the performance of your content. This includes metrics such as video views, comments, likes, and shares. Analytics also provide information about your TikTok account and followers.

A TikTok account's analytics overview.

TikTok analytics guide your marketing strategy as you understand what best fits your audience. Using TikTok as a business marketing tool lets you keep up with essential marketing trends. It also helps you differentiate your audience and their specific preferences and behaviors.

You can also use the TikTok analytics feature for your business to:

  • Easily connect with your target audience: TikTok is a community-oriented platform that allows you to cater to your target audience and niche. With TikTok analytics, you gain insights on how to make engaging content that resonates with your target audience. For instance, hashtags can help you understand relevant trends and inspire campaigns.

  • Generate a data-driven content strategy: TikTok analytics allow you to pinpoint engaging videos and uncover details about your audience, like where they’re located and when they’re active. You can use these insights to inspire your topic ideas, relevant trends, and influencers to work with.

  • Prove your ROI: TikTok analytics tools give you the information needed to prove your return on investment. Creating a compelling data story makes it easy to justify the need for extra resources for your marketing campaigns.

Who can view TikTok analytics?

With 150 million active users in America, TikTok offers a significant opportunity to use video marketing to increase brand awareness. However, there’s more to it than just being present on the platform. 

With a palette of in-house free metrics, you can monitor your content’s performance and success. You can tweak your next TikTok videos to toss out elements that didn’t resonate with your audience.

Essentially, analytics tools on TikTok set you up for the process—as long as you effectively monitor them.

TikTok users who have published at least one public video can access the analytics seven days after switching to a business account.

Business accounts provide additional features like analytics and the ability to include a link in your bio. It’s usually free, and you can switch from your personal account with a few clicks. Once you’ve changed your profile, TikTok begins to collect data about your content a week after you set up your business account.

Creators with live access can also view their analytics on the LIVE tab. They can access information like the number of likes and views, new followers, and the diamonds they have earned.

How to check analytics on TikTok

Checking your TikTok analytics is easy if you set your profile correctly. However, not all TikTok accounts can give you access to the analytics tool. You will need a TikTok Pro account to have complete access. A Pro account allows you to set your profile as a creator or business for free.

Here is how to switch your profile to a business account:

  • Go to your TikTok profile and select Settings and Privacy.

  • Go to the Account section and select Switch to business.

  • Follow the directives and choose a category for your business.

  • Add your email address, and you’re done.

You must also post at least one public video to access the TikTok analytics tool. While you may use the mobile app or through a website, a desktop version is recommended for a better experience.

How to check TikTok analytics on mobile

To view your analytics from your mobile device:

  1. Open the TikTok app and tap on the Profile icon in the lower right corner.

  2. Access the Settings section by tapping the hamburger button at the top left corner.

  3. Tap Business suite or Creator tools—they all offer access to analytics.

  4. Tap Analytics on the Business suite screen.

  5. There’s an Overview section of analytics. TikTok will typically show you analytics for the whole week.

  6. Tap any category at the top header to switch to LIVE, Followers, or Content analytics. The section you are viewing will be underlined.

How to check TikTok analytics on desktop

On your browser, navigate to TikTok.com and log in to your account.

  1. Hover over your profile image on the right side, and select View analytics.

  2. Go to your profile icon on the platform’s homepage and select Business Suite. This will direct you to the analytics section of your TikTok account.

  3. You will see the Overview section of analytics. Tap the Download data arrow next to the overview. A drop-down menu will open.

  4. Select a category from the three available—LIVE, Followers, and Content—to explore more.

  5. You can download a CSV or Excel sheet from the desktop analytics section.

  6. Select the file format you want and select the Download data button.

Types of TikTok metrics

There are different social media analytics you can use to track your likes, shares, follower count, and comments. However, TikTok metrics are in-depth. You can use them to audit your weekly or monthly follower growth, details about your audience activity, video performance, and more.

A TikTok account's analytics overview with an orange arrow pointing to the information icon.

You will have a different overview of available metrics depending on your account type—business or creator—and whether you’re using a desktop version or a mobile app. In any case, TikTok analyzes analytics into three sections: Overview, Content, and Followers.

Are you wondering which metrics to use for your brand? The answer depends on what you want to attain and the key performance indicators (KPIs) you have implemented. Whether you intend to increase brand awareness, educate prospects, or generate revenue, TikTok has suitable metrics for every purpose.

The following are key metrics that TikTok offers:

Overview analytics on TikTok

The overview section provides profile data such as video views, likes, comments, and shares. These metrics allow you to understand how your content performs. You can use analytics from any custom period between a week and a month.

Examples of overview analytics available on TikTok include:

  • Video views: The video views graph offers an easy-to-interpret visual that you can use to track if your videos are gaining popularity over time. If you want to measure the success of your marketing campaigns, you can restrict the dates to cover the weeks after your promotion. Then, you can trace how your efforts to increase viewer count are doing.

How many video views should you aim for? Rival IQ studied 1,200 different TikTok business accounts containing over 73,000 videos with 20.4 billion views. From the survey, the average brand earned about 17.6 views per 100 followers. Further, poor-performing brands had 10 or fewer views per 100 followers.

To understand the number of views you should aim for, it’s essential you compare your performance with your competitors. Ideally, you should aim for about 10 followers per 100 videos.

A bar graph showing the number of video views each day over the course of a week.
  • Profile views: Profile views refer to how often users viewed your profile in a given time frame. They help you understand if your followers are interested in your brand as a whole rather than a single video.

    Profile views also allow you to measure your TikTok account’s performance after posting a video.
  • Likes: Comparing your video views with likes can help you determine whether users find your content favorable.
  • Comments: The number of comments you receive on your content represents its engagement rate. If users comment and share your TikTok videos, then your audience likes and has an interest in your content. They are also likely to follow some CTAs, like the link you place on your bio.

Alessandro Bogliari, CEO & co-founder of The Influencer Marketing Factory, encourages his clients to “use the comment section on TikTok as your next focus group. Real feedback from real people is very valuable, especially for businesses looking to see if a product is popular or not.”

A headshot of smiling man in a suit with dark hair.

Alessandro Bogliari, CEO of The Influencer Marketing Factory.

  • Shares: Shares are crucial metrics for your content. If users share your TikTok videos, it means they are entertaining or valuable. 

    The Influencer Marketing Factory’s Bogliari says, “I’m a big fan of shares as a useful metric. If someone took the time and effort to share a video, it means that either the content is very entertaining or very valuable—like a recipe or a trip idea. Together, content that attracts shares and comments, as opposed to only likes, is definitely something your audience likes and wants more of.”

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Content analytics provide detailed and accurate insight into every video you post. You will find data like the total time watched, video views by region, etc.

TikTok makes content metrics available for the previous seven days. So, it’s essential you keep exporting the week-long stats for long-term tracking of your TikTok data. This will help you combine and analyze all your data effectively.

The content analytics page—both on the mobile app and desktop version—shows your thumbnails from the newest to the oldest. You’ll also see details on the time and date you posted a video. Go to the Trending videos tab to view the TikTok content that attracted the most views in the last week.

A screenshot highlighting where to find the 'video posts' and 'trending videos' sections in TikTok content analytics.

Tap on the videos to get complete analytics reports of your TikTok content. Remember, you will only see analytics of your uploaded videos after switching your profile to a business account.

You will see the following key metrics in your video:


Tap on the video’s thumbnail to see the total number of likes, comments, views, and shares. The metric also displays posting time in your local time zone. This information will help you know which type of content performed better than the other.

Pay attention to videos with higher traffic and try to use their elements in your future content.

A screenshot highlighting where to view video content metrics in TikTok.

Video performance

The video performance section has metrics such as:

A screenshot with some of the data you can view regarding video performance on TikTok, including views by section, total time watched, and average time watched.
  • The total time watched: Compare your content’s whole watch time to determine the account’s average playtime.

  • Average time watched: Shorter videos will have a higher average watch time than longer ones. To assess this metric, convert the average watch time into a percentage. For instance, a user who watches 15 seconds of a 30-second video is likely to be 50% interested in the content. Identify videos with a higher average watch time and incorporate these features into future content to increase your account’s growth rate.

  • Watched full video: This number includes the percentage of users who watched your video to the end, whether it keeps the viewer’s attention or not. If many users watch your videos, your content will likely land on other users’ “For You” page.

  • Reached audience: This counts the number of unique viewers of your video. With this data, you’ll know the actual number of users engaging with your content and deflate falsely high numbers from duplicate views from the same account.

  • Video views by section: This metric organizes your video traffic based on its sources, such as hashtags, searches, your profile, and the “For You” feed. With this stat, it is easy to determine what your followers want. For instance, if you want to increase the engagement rate, you can use this metric to see which hashtags drive organic traffic.

  • Video views by region: This shows where a given video’s viewers are. You can use this metric to see if any region-specific campaign reached your intended audience. You can also use it to discover a new area you should target.

Follower analytics on TikTok

Is your account attracting new social networks at the rate you projected? This metric offers insights into who is following you on TikTok. You can learn about their demographics and the times at which they are active.

Hannah Spooner, a social media strategist, believes:

“Follower metrics can offer deep insight. TikTok has put more emphasis on followers lately by including notifications that prompt you to check out your follower feed. So, every user should pay attention to their followers. Learn when they are most active, what regions they’re in, and if they’re the main source of your video views. Your followers have already bought in on some level, so use TikTok’s data to help you strike a balance between discovery and nurturing the people who already like what you’re doing.”

A headshot of a smiling woman with red hair.

Hannah Spooner, social media strategist.

The follower analytics provides metrics such as:

  • Total followers: This metric includes a graphic that shows the general trends of your followers over a given time frame. The section also allows you to access information about your net followers—the number of new followers minus those who have unfollowed you. Toggle between the week’s and month’s trends to understand the change in your follower count. The metric can help you identify which content brings new followers.
A graph screenshot indicating how many followers are gained or lost in a given period.
  • Gender: This metric helps you to know if your brand or business resonates more with men or women. If the business focuses on products or services that target a particular gender, the demographics should, therefore, reflect that audience.

    Up to 75% of Gen Z women use TikTok, and only 62% of their male counterparts use the platform. This finding reinforces the belief that TikTok is more popular with women than men. If you hope to target males, you’ll have to work more on your marketing campaigns.
  • Top territories: This metric is essential for running a location-specific campaign. For instance, if you have been marketing toward Canadian customers and notice increased followers from Canada, then your campaign efforts are effective.

  • Follower activity: This section allows you to post your content when your audience is most likely to see and respond to it. For example, the Influencer Marketing Hub reports that most TikTok users are active between the hours of 6 and 9 a.m. and 7 and 10 p.m. EST. Therefore, posting your TikTok videos around these times will likely reach more audiences.

LIVE analytics on TikTok

Users who have hosted live video streams in the last 28 days can get insights into their posts. This section has data such as:

  • Total views: This metric shows the number of unique viewers in your live videos.

  • Total time: This category shows the entire time you spent hosting live videos. You can analyze this data with unique viewers and new followers to track the success of your campaign efforts.  

  • New followers: This includes the number of users who started following you during a live video. This measurement can help you understand whether your live videos improve brand awareness.

  • Top viewer count: This metric helps you to know the number of viewers who viewed your live video at a single time.

  • Unique viewers: This section counts the unique users who viewed your livestream. TikTok will count each viewer once, even if they viewed the video severally.

  • Diamonds: During your live stream, followers will see a gift box icon on their screen. They can send you a gift by tapping on the box, which TikTok converts into diamonds. The number of diamonds sent tells you how many viewers want to support you financially, indicating follower loyalty.

Additional TikTok analytics

There are additional analytics that you can use on TikTok to understand the performance of your content. For example, hashtag views and engagement rates reveal what performs well. They also allow you to add popular elements to your content.

To gain insights into other people’s content, tap on the magnifying glass to open the search bar. You’ll see your recent searches, either by topic or hashtag. TikTok can populate suggestions related to your search by typing a specific hashtag.

A screenshot showing how to search in TikTok based on hashtag or topic.
A screenshot showing what comes up when searching for #bitly on TikTok.

Like other social media platforms, hashtags allow you to recognize content by category, making searching for your desired content easier. TikTok’s algorithm considers hashtags when choosing videos to display on users’ pages. Therefore, checking out analytics behind hashtags is essential to ensure your strategy optimizes the right phrases.

You can check the trending type of content using metrics such as:

A screenshot that shows the different types of trending content metrics users can view.
  • Hashtag views

  • Top videos

  • Accounts and users

  • Sounds

  • LIVE

Other analytics you can use to make calculations for in-depth TikTok insights include:

Engagement rate formulas

TikTok has one of the highest engagement rates. The platform had a 15% stronger engagement rate than other apps as of 2021, making it one of the best platforms for marketers.

TikTok engagement rates calculate how users interact with your content. High engagement rates reveal you post relevant and meaningful content for your followers. 

The type of variables you use in your engagement formula influences the results. For instance, some marketers may choose metrics like direct messages and clicks, while others may include shares and comments.

Unlike Instagram, direct messages may not have a significant impact. Thus, marketers who consider comments and shares will likely experience better engagement rates.

Katie McKiever, a social media consultant, checks data from the social media management platform Hootsuite when advising her clients on engagement rates. McKiever notes that she advises her clients to fall within Hootsuite’s reported average range of 4.5% to 18% engagement. These numbers also agree with Rival IQ’s study. In its analysis of the TikTok accounts of 200 brands, the social media analytics firm reported a 4.5% median engagement.

A headshot of a smiling woman in a green shirt.

Katie McKiever, social media consultant.

This range is large, so McKiever adds, “Another way to gauge success on TikTok is to take your benchmark metrics and try to improve on those metrics by a percent or two month-over-month.”

If you want to succeed in your TikTok campaigns, analyze these metrics and optimize them regularly. Engagement rates can tell you:

  • What followers are saying about your content: You can gauge this through their comments.

  • How many times users have shared your video: This dictates whether your content is influential or not.

  • The number of people who liked your content: This tells you if the content is popular and how far it can get.

  • The total view count: You can use this to know if your content shows up on the “For You” feed and if it draws attention.

  • If people watch your videos to the end: If they do, then your content keeps them engaged. This metric is vital when measuring your performance alongside your competitors.

TikTok marketers usually use the following equation when calculating the percent engagement per follower:

{(Number of likes + Number of comments) /Number of followers} × 100%

An equation representing how to calculate percentage of engagement per follower.

Other marketers may include the number of shares into the equation:

{(Number of likes + Number of comments + Number of shares) / Number of followers} × 100%

An equation representing how to calculate the percentage of engagement per follower with the number of video shares included in the equation.

These formulas can tell you what percentage of followers engage with an account’s videos and how much total engagement an account has.

To calculate your TikTok engagement rates with any of the above equations, find followers, likes, comments, and share metrics in the platform’s analytics section.

For instance, to calculate your TikTok reach, go to the Content Analytics tab and find the Reached audience metric. You can calculate your account’s overall reach by summing each video’s reach per given time frame.

Similarly, if you want to calculate the total impressions your videos received, use the video views metric under the Content tab. Here, you may notice that the number of impressions exceeds your followers. That’s because followers may have multiple impressions of one particular video.

A sneak peek view of the TikTok analytics cheat sheet from Bitly.

Download our free TikTok metrics cheat sheet for a detailed summary of every metric.

How to use TikTok analytics to grow your business

Now that you know how to check different kinds of TikTok analytics, it’s time to use them to grow your business. You can use your analytics data to understand which type of content correlates with user engagement. Focus on different trends in your industry and apply features of successful videos to future content. This helps to increase your follower count and brand awareness.

According to social media consultant McKiever, “TikTok continues to live up to the hype of being the single platform that offers huge moments of organic virality and growth. For that reason, it’s the best place to keep track of your overall social media follower count. The native in-platform analytics like overall follower account, engagement rate, and video views all give you a quick snapshot of moments of interest on your account. These analytics are front and center on your screen when you open your page.”

Here’s how TikTok analytics can help to grow your brand or business:

Expanding your audience

You may use social media from a passive angle, where you post but don’t analyze content. With 77% of small businesses already using social media for marketing and sales, you’ll need to do more to achieve your desired results—look at more than the in-app analytics to have a breakthrough in performance.

TikTok gives you a goldmine opportunity to expand your audience. All you need to do is focus on variables like engagement, views, and reach. You can use various metrics to gauge if your content will reach a greater audience. 

For example, the “traffic by source” metric tells you how people find you, whether through their following feed or by going directly to their profile. Keep an eye on this data. The videos on the “For You” page likely allow users to discover you, and the algorithm rewards you for it.

You can also audit other content to see which attracted the highest level of popularity. TikTok native analytics, e.g., attention graph, offer foundational and core stats. While these stats are vital, they only display the information on your best content. If you want to improve your content strategy, also pay attention to how successful creators tell their stories.

Social media strategist Spooner advises her clients hoping to increase their reach with a simple maxim:

“Businesses need to meet their audiences where they are. There are several metrics that I look at when gauging whether my content is helping me reach my audience or not. In the traffic by source metric, in the Followers tab, TikTok tells you where people find you, whether it’s on the For You page, through their following feed, or by going directly to your profile.

Pay close attention to these data. The content that lands on the For You page is likely the type of content that helps new people discover you and gets rewarded by the algorithm. Also, keep an eye on videos that lead to a lot of new followers. That’s the magic combination of discovery and engagement that we all want when building a social media presence.”

Brendan Kane, author of the best-seller One Million Followers and managing partner at Hook Point, points out:

“People use social media from a passive perspective: they post, but don’t analyze content. The reality is that you are competing against 4 billion people on social media — if you want to have a breakthrough in performance, you need to look at more than the in-app analytics. TikTok native analytics, especially the attention graph, provides foundational, core statistics. These data are inherently limiting because they only show you information on your best content. But what if you want to become better than yourself? Paying attention to frequency, hashtags, and time of day won’t give you the insight that will make a difference. Paying attention to how successful content creators tell stories will.”

A headshot of a smiling man with glasses.

Brendan Kane, managing partner at Hook Point.

Increasing your followers

TikTok analytics provide you with the data you need to make strategic moves. If you focus on specific metrics and assess how your content performs, you’ll know the content that resonates with the target audience. When fine-tuning your marketing strategy, more followers will likely find your business, boosting engagement and awareness.

Analyzing content you posted during periods of follower growth and repeating similar strategies in the future can help increase your followers. To change your viewers to followers, you’ll need to convince them that you’ll regularly post content they can relate to.

Assess the videos that increased your account’s growth rate. Take note of common elements in the videos, for instance, songs you used, content length, or subject. This will help you create content that correlates with your viewers, increasing the chances of turning them into followers.

Informing a broader content strategy

TikTok analytics help you optimize your content strategy and enhance your performance on the platform. With these tools, you understand who your audience is, when they are active, and the type of content they engage in.

This information can help you make decisions to create your content, boost engagement, and grow your audience. For instance, you can easily:

  • Determine your content goals.

  • Choose a suitable tone, voice, and style for your videos.

  • Plan the type of content to post.

  • Create a posting schedule.

  • Decide how often you will post your content.

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Troubleshooting TikTok analytics

Are you trying to access your TikTok analytics but can’t find them? Whether the data isn’t updating, loads endlessly, or the feature isn’t working at all, this can be a frustrating experience. Knowing what causes the issues and how to fix them can prevent more problems in the future—like being shadow-banned from the platform.

Almost always, you will have trouble accessing your TikTok analytics feature if you haven’t met one of the company’s requirements. Also, the analytics tool may not be working as expected because:

  • The TikTok team is reviewing your account.

  • TikTok’s algorithm is preventing your content from being uploaded.

  • Your app is outdated.

  • Your internet is down.

  • Your app is experiencing a glitch.

No matter the reason your TikTok analytics tool is not showing, knowing how to address the problem is essential. Check the following if you have trouble seeing your data:

  • Do you have a business account? You can only access the TikTok analytics tool if you set up your profile as a Pro account. If you don’t have one, follow the earlier-mentioned steps to switch from standard to business. However, note that business profiles don’t have access to certain sounds and can’t have private accounts—but they can still post private videos.

  • Have you posted at least one public video? You won’t be able to access the analytics feature if you don’t have any available videos to analyze.

  • Have you waited at least a week after switching to a business account? TikTok will take at least a week to populate your analytics field from when you changed your profile to Pro. It will also display data for videos published from this time.

  • Do you meet the requirements indicated on the metric? Some analytics will appear only when you have met the additional requirements. For instance, you will have access to data on follower behavior if you have a minimum of 1,000 followers.
A screenshot indicating that more insights into data from TikTok become available with more than 100 followers.

The following practices can also help you seamlessly access your analytics data on TikTok:

1. Close and restart your app

Rebooting your TikTok app can help fix the problem. Close it completely instead of letting it run in the background. To do this (on a mobile phone):

  • Open Settings on your device.

  • Scroll down to the Apps section and tap on it.

  • Find TikTok and tap on it.

  • Tap the force stop at the bottom of your screen.

2. Update your TikTok account

An outdated TikTok app may prevent you from accessing your analytics. Although there’s an auto-update feature on your phone, sometimes you may have to do it yourself. To update the app (for Android users):

  • Open the Play Store app on your device.

  •  Type TikTok on the search bar.

  • Tap Update.

To update TikTok on iOS:

  • Go to the App Store.

  • Navigate your profile in the top right corner.

  • Scroll down to view available updates.

If there’s an Update button on TikTok, tap it and wait for the update to complete.

 3. Clear in-app TikTok cache

If your cache memory is full, the analytics data may take a long time to load. Try to clear the in-app cache to delete the data consuming your phone’s storage space. To do so:

  • Open the app on your mobile phone.

  • Tap on your Profile at the bottom right corner.

  • Tap the three lines at the top right of your screen.

  • Tap Settings and Privacy on the menu that appears.

  • Scroll down and find the Clear space section.

  • Select the Clear button next to Cache.

4. Reinstall the app

Deleting and reinstalling your TikTok app can help fix the problem. Not only does it clear your cache, but it also automatically updates your app. Log out and log in again to refresh the platform. To do this:

  • Open the TikTok account and tap the Profile section.

  • Tap the three lines at the top right and select Settings and privacy.

  • Scroll down to navigate to the Logout section and tap on it.

  • Tap on the Profile section again, choose either Login or Signup, and enter your details.

5. Try on a browser

Sometimes, you may experience problems viewing your analytics on your mobile app, but they may be visible on a browser. So, try checking your TikTok analytics data on various browsers.

6. Turn off your VPN

A VPN may affect TikTok’s performance on your device, and analytics may fail to load because of it. Disable the VPN temporarily and relaunch the app to see if it solves the problem.

7. Fix your internet connection

A slow internet connection may affect how your TikTok data loads. Make sure your internet is working well while loading the analytics.

You can also try switching from Wi-Fi to cellular and vice versa to see if it resolves the issue.

8. Check the app’s server status

Sometimes, social media platforms face outages that affect user experience. If you have trouble accessing or loading your TikTok data, check to see if it’s due to a broader problem like this.

 9. Contact support

TikTok is aware that users may experience some bugs while using the platform. Address your concerns in an email and send it to TikTok for support.

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TikTok analytics reporting tools to know

With the current pool of content creators and brands on TikTok, there’s more to having an online presence than simply creating your account and posting a couple of videos a week. 

Before you set up your TikTok marketing campaigns, you’ll need to have clear goals and measure their progress. TikTok analytics tools can help you with that. You can analyze large chunks of data, automate reporting, and understand your competition’s engagement.

TikTok’s analytics tools come with essential data you can implement to optimize your content and increase your followers. However, TikTok has some limitations. For instance, those looking for long-term TikTok insights and analysis want data covering the standard 28-day analysis cycle. 

Fortunately, you can overcome this issue by visiting TikTok’s desktop version to export data into .xslx and .csv formats. You can then download and jointly analyze them later.

In addition, analytics features provide information about your competitors’ analytics. While some of this info should remain confidential, additional tools—like Pentos— help you get insight into how your competitors’ content performs.

The following tools will help expand your TikTok and overall social media strategy. While some have free features, accessing their comprehensive packages will require some type of subscription.

1. Popsters

Popsters compares analytics of posts across social media platforms. The app shows common data related to followers, engagement, and likes. It then sorts based on activity. You can compare your content based on variables such as posting time and hashtags.

Key features:

The following are features that set Popsters apart from the competition:

  • Email integration

  • Competitive analysis

  •  Email support

  • Reporting/analytics

Pricing: Starts from $9.99/month, and you get a seven-day free trial.

2. Pentos

Pentos classifies itself as the best tool for tracking your peers and comparing data with your competitors. The tool tracks users, hashtags, songs, topics, and trends. Overall, Pentos allows you to gain essential insights into the performance of your account and optimize your content strategy effectively.

Key features:

  • Metrics and analysis that allow you to keep track of your TikTok content

  • Weekly performance and analytics that send reports to your inbox and export data in PDF and CSV formats

  •  Competitor analysis that helps you benchmark your videos against your peers

  • Monitoring tool that allows you to track where you are doing well and areas that need improvement

Pricing: Starts with a basic plan of $29/month.

3. TikRank

TikRank is a simple-to-use tool that helps users and creators analyze the characteristics of other influencers. With this tool, you can know when and how to pay influencers so you can collaborate in your marketing campaigns. TikRank keeps data based on viewer count, fans, and videos per influencer. You can also use TikRank to download bulk TikTok videos.

Key features:

  •  Intuitive interface

  • Bulk download without a watermark

Pricing: Free

4. Socialinsider

Socialinsider places its single dashboard as the ultimate social media analytics solution. The tool tracks essential social performance metrics across various platforms for your account and those of your competitors. It also monitors key metrics such as follower growth, video views, and engagement rate. You can identify spikes or drops in videos or engagement thanks to its historical data.

Socialinsider also provides data to improve your content strategy, for instance, trends in your specific niche.

Key features:

  • TikTok insights (post interactions, total plays, and engagement analysis)

  •  Influencer analytics to identify and compare the most engaging TikTok influencers

  • Campaign tracking

Pricing: The tool has a pricing plan that starts from $82/month with a free 14-day trial.

5. Analisa

Analisa is an AI-powered TikTok analytics tool that helps you analyze your marketing campaigns effortlessly. Meant for publishers, agencies, and brand marketers, Analisa.io helps you analyze public profiles for your success across social media platforms.

Analisa provides key metrics, digestible graphs, and TikTok insights for content optimization.

Key features include:

  • Easy-to-read reports

  • Influencer and content optimization

  •  Analytics that help you crack social insights and trace historical data

  • Follower demographics and authenticity

  • Profile and competitor analysis

Pricing: Analisa has different pricing plans starting from $62/month.

Social media campaigns can also be overwhelming and complex. However, with Bitly, tracking your campaign management analytics doesn’t have to be. 

You can use Bitly to get data on the number of clicks your TikTok links receive, allowing you to compare your performance against the competitor insights you receive from these other tools. 

Use Bitly for more accurate social media tracking

TikTok has become a vital tool for marketing campaigns. Understanding how the platform’s analytics work can help you streamline your content marketing strategy. With its analytics, you can track your marketing results and make progress toward your set goals. 

The rise of social media apps has complicated tracking web traffic. Spooner, a social media strategist, explains, “When you think about yourself as a consumer, think about how long it takes for you to act on a social post beyond maybe a like or save. You might follow a company, consume some content passively, send it to a friend, and maybe even do some Google or Reddit searches before you land on an actual website.”

Experts also refer to this dilemma as dark social, a term that describes web traffic driven by social sharing that traditional web analytics cannot accurately map. Although Spooner agrees that collecting data in the age of dark social presents challenges, she stresses that web traffic data can lead to business-building insight.

“I urge clients to always collect web traffic data. Track by channel, campaign, organic, and paid, and you may find that certain content does lead users to go right to your website. Or that users on certain channels are more likely to go to your website than others. Maybe some content only leads to a handful of website visits but it leads to a sale every time. You’ll never know if you’re not tracking it,” says Spooner. 

“Similarly, sometimes you might have a spike in web traffic that correlates with a viral post or more consistent posting on one channel, and while that’s a little harder to nail down, it’s another thing to consider when you’re trying to figure out exactly how social impacts your website visits.”

Luckily, Bitly, the world’s first link management platform, has shed light on the dark side of social media. If you’re a social media manager, you know the power of shortened, customizable links in communicating brand identity. 

Imagine if each link came with top-notch tracking analytics. Create custom links in seconds for every social media platform from your bio in Instagram or TikTok to your link on Facebook. That way, you can analyze each channel to determine which platform brings the biggest results.

Bogliari, CEO & Co-Founder of The Influencer Marketing Factory, says that “Bitly automatically integrates UTM parameters into a link, which helps you track the number and geolocation of clicks. Also, these links can show a business the strengths of each social media campaign. 

“For example, if you are running an influencer marketing campaign you can give a dedicated bit.ly link to each influencer changing the name of the utm_campaign to something like utm_campaign=nameofinfluencer_productname_month_year. Now, anytime someone buys a product on your website, you’ll be able to know exactly which influencer content converted to a purchase.”

Bitly can complement TikTok analytics by allowing you to create unique branded TikTok links and track their performance. Through the Bitly Connections Platform, you gain insights on the number of clicks your links receive and your audience’s locations and devices—this can help you narrow down your target audience and refine future marketing campaigns.

Get started with Bitly today for free and see how our leading link management platform can help your business stand out and connect on social media.