Action, Support and Solidarity with Ukraine

Bitly solidarity with Ukraine
Bitly solidarity with Ukraine

One week ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. As we’ve watched this event unfold we are horrified and saddened by the unjust and illegal acts of war taking place and their effect on our employees, our customers and the innocent people of Ukraine and Russia. Our grief has prompted us to take action to help alleviate this suffering.

Protection For Our Employees

It is our top priority to protect the safety of our Ukrainian employees. We are providing various means of assistance to our team members and their families including financial assistance, support for obtaining visas and crossing borders, and finding interim accommodations outside of Ukraine.

Protection From Misinformation

We are diligently and proactively taking steps to fight the spread of misinformation on our platform. In alignment with the EU’s decision, Bitly will display a warning of probable misinformation to users who click a link that redirects to any Russian state-owned media outlets. Additionally, as the situation unfolds, we are investigating additional measures we can take to stop the spread of misinformation.

Support For Humanitarian Aid

We are donating to The International Rescue Committee on the ground to provide food and basic necessities to those in need. We have also launched an employee fundraising campaign and pledge to match the money our employees raise.

As the days and weeks progress we will continue to monitor these events closely and remain committed to helping provide protection and assistance. We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and wish for hope, peace and justice in Ukraine as soon as possible.


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Bitly News

Toby Gabriner

Chief Executive Officer

Toby Gabriner, CEO of Bitly, is focused on driving innovation and growth. He has over 20 years of leadership experience in the tech industry, serving in CEO and president capacities at NextRoll, MAGNIFI.FM,, Adzilla, Tribal Fusion and Carat, among others. He earned his bachelor’s degree in political science and government at Occidental College and his Master of Business Administration/Master of Science in Management Information Systems from Boston University’s School of Management.