11 Proven Strategies To Boost Sales Online

On the internet, every part of your online store, from products to messaging to functionality, needs to resonate with your target audience. 

A strong presence doesn’t just differentiate you from your competition—it entices, persuades, and often seals the deal. But how can you build a strong online presence? Below, we’ll look at 11 proven strategies to help you boost your online sales.

1. Optimize your website’s user experience

The speed at which your website loads isn’t just a fancy metric. It’s the difference between a website visitor turning into a customer or clicking away to explore new horizons (i.e., your competitors). 

But speed isn’t the sole player in this game. Ever tried navigating a site on your phone that felt clunky and unintuitive? Not fun. Mobile device responsiveness is essential. And let’s not forget the cherry on top: a clean, intuitive layout—because a cluttered website can feel like a maze and lead to a poor user experience.

Pro-tip: Use Bitly to create and manage sleek short links. Not only will they look cleaner on your site, but they’ll also give you vital insights into user behavior. Who knew that a tiny link could be such a powerhouse? 

2. Leverage organic growth techniques

Want to get chummy with search engines? You need search engine optimization (SEO). 

Start by conducting keyword research tailored to your audience’s needs and wants. Optimize those meta tags and descriptions, ensuring they hum the tune of relevance and clarity.

And speaking of tunes, targeting your ideal customer profiles (ICP) is like crafting the perfect playlist for a road trip. You want every track (or content piece) to resonate, captivate, and engage.

Pro-tip: When working on keyword research, don’t just think about volume—consider the intent. Understand the “why” behind every search query. It’ll help you craft content that doesn’t just rank but genuinely resonates with your audience’s needs. And there lies the magic of organic growth. 

3. Highlight your customer testimonials

In the world of online sales (where face-to-face interactions are rare), testimonials serve as your trusty allies. They bridge the gap of skepticism and assure potential clients, “Hey, others took the leap and loved it. Maybe you will too!” 

Pro-tip: When showcasing testimonials, sprinkle in some dynamic media like videos or high-quality images. Video testimonials in particular can create a deep, genuine connection, allowing prospects to see real people vouching for your product or service. So, next time you get a glowing review, maybe ask them if they wouldn’t mind making a short video!

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4. Use social media to promote special offers

Special offers in social media campaigns are like magnets. They draw eyes and foster engagement—and who can resist the charm of a great deal? 

By promoting special offers on platforms where your audience hangs out (from Instagram to TikTok), you’re not just flashing a discount. You’re building a community, establishing trust, and letting the world know about your small business.

Pro-tip: Use Bitly to create a unique short link for each special offer you promote on social media. It not only looks cleaner and more professional but also lets you track the performance of your digital marketing. 

For some variety, you can also leverage Bitly QR Codes by adding them directly to social media images—or anywhere else! With Bitly, it’s easy to create customized QR Codes and view detailed scan data within your Bitly dashboard to see how your audience is engaging with your brand.

With the right data, you’ll know exactly which platforms, offers, landing pages, and calls to action work best. Knowledge is power, and in this case, power means better conversion rates! 

5. Collaborate with a relevant influencer marketer for product endorsement

Let’s imagine the online world as a bustling party. Amongst the crowd, there are a few people who have an enthralling storytelling ability—making every little anecdote sound like an epic saga. These charmers are our influencer marketers

Teaming up with one who aligns with your brand is like having a VIP guest rave about your product at the party. Their seal of approval not only lends credibility but also introduces you to an already engaged and loyal audience. 

When an influencer genuinely endorses your quality products, it’s a subtle yet powerful form of social proof that can bring in a ton of new customers and catapult your sales.

Pro-tip: When collaborating with an influencer, consider offering a unique discount code or link personalized to them. It adds an exclusive touch to their endorsement and also lets you track the impact of their promotion. 

And, of course, make that link short and snappy with Bitly. It’s easier for their followers to remember and click, making every endorsement even more effective. 

Influencers can also use Bitly Link-in-bio pages as a sleek central hub for all their most important links, making it easy for their audience to engage with their content. With Bitly Link-in-bio, it’s easy to update and change links, personalize landing pages with logos and branded colors, and track link performance with analytics to see which links are generating the most traffic.

6. Utilize e-commerce chatbots to enhance the customer experience

What’s always up for a chat, doesn’t need a coffee break, and can juggle a hundred conversations without breaking a sweat? E-commerce chatbots

Think of chatbots as the ever-enthusiastic store assistant who knows where everything is. They’re always there, ready to guide a customer, answer queries, or even offer personalized product suggestions. 

No more wandering around feeling lost. With chatbots, customers get real-time assistance, which can mean the difference between a frustrated exit and a gleeful purchase.

Pro-tip: Make your chatbot’s interactions feel as human and genuine as possible. Train it with a sprinkle of brand humor and warmth. And, when directing customers to products or promotions, use short, Bitly-managed links within the chat. It ensures your customers have a smooth journey, from query to purchase. 

7. Offer time-sensitive discounts or promotions

Time is a brilliant sales tactician. Introducing time-sensitive discounts or promotions adds a sense of urgency to the purchasing decision. 

You know that flutter in your heart when you see a banner at the top of a website that says, “sale ends in three hours!”? That’s not just excitement—it’s a mix of adrenaline and the fear of missing out (FOMO). This potent combo pushes many a fence-sitter into action, transforming contemplation into confirmation and boosting online sales.

Pro-tip: When promoting your time-sensitive offers, create a sense of story or journey, like “7 Days of Summer Steals” or “Flash Friday.” And to ensure your audience doesn’t miss a beat, employ eye-catching, Bitly-shortened links in your email marketing for easy sharing and tracking.

Boost your marketing game with Bitly!

Get started with custom short links, QR Codes, and landing pages.

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8. Have a simple return/refund policy

A simple return/refund policy or money-back guarantee is like a safety net for potential customers. It reassures them to take the leap, and if things don’t work out, your business has their back. Such policies reduce purchase hesitation, foster trust, and ultimately, increase the likelihood of someone clicking that “Buy Now” button.

Pro-tip: Clearly display your hassle-free return/refund policy on product pages and during the checkout process. Make it concise and devoid of legal jargon. Consider using infographics or even short explainer videos. 

And when sharing it on social media or through content marketing, use Bitly to create trustworthy, neat links that guide your customers right where they need to be. After all, clarity breeds confidence! 

9. Create an uncomplicated checkout process

Imagine running a marathon, feeling the elation of nearing the finish line, only to be handed a 100-page questionnaire. Exhausting, right? Online shopping is somewhat like that race. 

By the time customers reach the checkout, they’re primed, excited, and ready to complete the journey. A convoluted checkout process is like that unwelcome questionnaire, sapping their energy and sometimes causing them to abandon the race entirely. 

An uncomplicated, streamlined checkout ensures customers cross the finish line, transforming their shopping carts into delightful purchases. It’s the digital equivalent of rolling out the red carpet, making their final steps feel seamless and special.

Pro-tip: Regularly test and optimize your checkout process. Consider enabling guest checkouts for those in a hurry and providing convenient payment options like Apple Pay and credit card autofill. 

And for any external links or offers within the checkout page, utilize Bitly to ensure they’re concise, non-intrusive, and easy to navigate. Because in the world of e-commerce, less friction means more transactions!

10. Build an effective abandoned cart strategy

Imagine you’re at a supermarket, your cart loaded with goodies, only to find a long checkout line ahead of you. With a ton of other things to do today, you leave the cart and head out, frustrated. 

This is the brick-and-mortar version of the digital dilemma known as cart abandonment. In the online business realm, customers often add products to their carts but leave without completing the purchase. Maybe because of unexpected shipping costs or an overly complicated checkout process.

So, how do you lure them back?

  • Retargeting ads: Display ads showcasing the products they left behind, reminding them of what caught their eye.

  • Email reminders: Follow up with a gentle nudge saying, “Hey, you left something behind!” with a direct link to their cart.

  • Offer incentives: Sometimes, a pop-up offering a small discount or free shipping can sweeten the deal enough to finalize the sale.

Pro-tip: When crafting those reminder emails or ads, use Bitly to create shortened links that lead straight back to the abandoned cart. It’s direct, efficient, and provides valuable metrics for you.

11. Optimize product descriptions, product photos, and pricing information

Venture into the mind of an online shopper for a moment. Without the tangible luxury of feeling a product, sniffing a perfume, or trying on a pair of shoes, they rely heavily on your visual and textual cues. Here’s the trio that can make or break their decision:

  • Product descriptions: This isn’t just about stating the facts. It’s about weaving a story, eliciting a feeling, and highlighting benefits. A well-crafted description speaks to the heart as much as to the mind.

  • Product photos: A picture speaks a thousand words, but a crystal-clear, high-resolution, multi-angled product photo can speak a million. It builds trust, reduces uncertainty, and adds a layer of professionalism to your offerings.

  • Pricing information: Transparency is key. Hidden costs are as welcome as rain on a picnic. Clearly laid out, competitive pricing ensures there are no unpleasant surprises waiting at the checkout.

Pro-tip: Augment your product descriptions with user-generated content, like photos or reviews. It offers a real-world perspective and builds authenticity. And if you’re linking to related products or sharing these details on social media, a concise Bitly link ensures your audience reaches the right page—effortlessly.

Find out how Bitly can help you increase your online sales

In our digital dance of sales, every step, from captivating product descriptions to streamlined checkouts, plays a pivotal role. But there are two threads weaving through many of these strategies: tracking and optimization. 

Bitly isn’t just a tool—it’s your digital compass, guiding you toward what truly resonates with your audience, be it through short links or QR Code campaigns. It’s about making informed, data-driven decisions, turning every click into a connection and every connection into a conversion.

Ready to turn insights into actions and clicks into customers? Find the Bitly solution that’s right for your business and discover how we can supercharge your online sales!