Why SMS Marketers Should Be Using Branded Domains

This is a guest blog post by Mike Bal, Head of Strategy and GTM at Nova Registry.

SMS marketing has become an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to connect with customers instantly. With open rates reaching as high as 98% and response rates averaging 45%, SMS far outperforms many other marketing channels in immediacy and effectiveness. 

However, this power comes with challenges, particularly around ensuring recipients receive and engage with your messages. One of the most critical yet often overlooked strategies to enhance SMS marketing effectiveness is using branded domains in your links.

Benefits of using branded domains in SMS marketing

When it comes to optimizing SMS marketing, every character counts. Branded domains not only enhance brand recognition but also provide a sense of security to recipients. Incorporating a branded domain into your SMS campaigns can have a significant impact on deliverability and customer trust, which means better results for your business. 

Carrier filtering impact

To protect consumers from spam and fraudulent activities, carriers like AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile have implemented stringent SMS filtering mechanisms. These systems are designed to block messages that might be spam or contain potentially harmful links. If you’re sending a high volume of messages with generic short links, you may find deliverability rates plummeting because of carrier violations

Example: Imagine a retail brand that sends a promotional SMS for a limited-time sale. If the message includes a generic or long URL, there’s a higher risk it could be flagged as spam and blocked. This means a significant portion of the target audience might never see the offer, leading to lost sales and reduced ROI (return on investment) for the campaign.

Bypass filters

A branded short domain is one of the most effective ways to navigate these filters. A branded domain that incorporates your company’s name or a relevant keyword not only reinforces your brand identity but also signals to carriers that the message is legitimate. This reduces the likelihood of it being flagged as spam.

Example: Let’s say you’re a fitness brand called “FitLife.” Instead of using a generic link in your SMS, you use fitlife.link/sale. This branded domain and customized back half is easily recognizable—not just to your customers but also to carriers—thereby improving deliverability and reducing the risk of your message being filtered out.

Bitly link being transformed into a branded link with a custom domain and back half.

Build trust and increase click-through rates (CTRs)

According to data from Bloomreach, SMS marketing yields an impressive average click-through rate of 19%. While the exact reasons for this high engagement can vary, branded links may contribute to better performance by offering recipients a sense of trust and familiarity. As brands continue to refine their SMS strategies, leveraging these links may be a key factor in boosting overall campaign success.

Example: A local restaurant chain sends an SMS to its loyalty program members about a special event. Using a branded domain like myrestaurant.link/event boosts brand recognition and increases the likelihood that recipients will click the link to learn more.

Ensure regulatory compliance

Regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act require businesses to maintain transparency in their communications. This includes clearly identifying who the message is from and why it’s being sent. A custom domain helps fulfill these requirements by clearly associating the message with your business, reducing the chances of it being marked as spam.

Example: A financial services company wants to send a critical account update via SMS. By using a branded domain like financesecure.link/update, the message is immediately associated with the company, helping to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and reassuring recipients that the message is legitimate.

When choosing a branded domain, it’s important to consider a TLD (top-level domain) that aligns with your SMS marketing strategy. The .link TLD is a particularly good choice because it’s intuitive and relevant to the context of SMS messages, which often include links to additional content or offers. Using a .link TLD also makes your domain look cohesive and professional, further reinforcing brand trust.

Example: A technology company with the core URL www.techgear.com might use offers.techgear.link for its SMS campaigns. This setup ensures the promotional link is recognizable and relevant, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Did you know that you can get your own .link domain directly within Bitly? You don’t even have to leave the Bitly platform to find the perfect domain for all of your short links. Simply choose .link as your TLD while setting up your custom domain, and we’ll set the rest up for you.

The impact of not using branded domains

Failing to use branded domains in SMS marketing can lead to a host of issues, from poor deliverability to decreased customer trust. For instance, messages that are blocked or filtered out due to the use of generic shorteners not only waste marketing resources but also risk alienating customers who might perceive the brand as untrustworthy. Moreover, repeated use of generic links can lead to long-term damage to your sender reputation, making it even more challenging to reach your audience in the future.

Example: A national retailer discovers that carriers are blocking 25% of its SMS messages due to the use of generic links. By switching to a branded domain, the retailer recovers the lost reach and sees a 15% increase in engagement rates, leading to higher conversions.

Boost your SMS marketing with branded domains

In today’s competitive marketing landscape, every aspect of your SMS strategy matters, from the content of the message to the links you include. Using a branded domain in your SMS marketing not only enhances deliverability but also builds trust, improves click-through rates, and ensures compliance with regulations. A .link TLD, in particular, offers a cohesive and intuitive solution that aligns perfectly with the goals of SMS marketing.

By making this strategic adjustment, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your campaigns, ensuring that your messages not only reach their intended recipients but also drive the desired actions. In a world where trust and immediacy are paramount, branded domains offer a simple yet powerful way to elevate your SMS marketing efforts.