A Guide to Effective SMS Marketing Strategies for Your Business

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tools for marketing

SMS marketing is an avenue little exploited by marketers. But did you know that the average person checks their phone at least 30 times a day? That’s more than social media and email combined.

Developing a mobile SMS marketing drive could empower you to access a larger audience and create a new, profitable marketing channel.

So, what do you need to know about SMS message marketing?

What is SMS marketing?

SMS marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with their audiences quickly and directly. It involves sending promotional messages, updates, and alerts to subscribers’ mobile phones, utilizing the simplicity and immediacy of text messaging to engage customers.

The mechanics of SMS marketing are straightforward. Businesses collect phone numbers from customers who opt in and use SMS marketing platforms to send targeted messages to their subscriber lists. 

With the rise in mobile devices and smartphone usage, SMS marketing has become an indispensable tool. In fact, Pew Research Center finds that 90% of Americans own a smartphone

This ubiquity makes SMS marketing a fantastic way for businesses to connect with their target audiences, driving engagement, sales, and brand loyalty.

Why you should use SMS marketing strategies

In the ultra-competitive world of digital marketing, staying connected with your audience is paramount. That’s why SMS marketing is ideal for businesses looking to engage customers directly and effectively. 

Let’s explore the benefits of SMS marketing and why incorporating it into your strategy is a no-brainer.

High open rates

One of the most compelling reasons to use SMS marketing is its exceptionally high open rates. As Gartner finds, SMS open and response rates average 98% and 45%, respectively, compared to just 21.5% and 2.3% for email. This means that, when a text message pings on a recipient’s phone, they’re almost guaranteed to look at it, making it an incredibly efficient way to ensure your message gets through. 

Let’s say you’re running an abandoned cart campaign to encourage customers to come back and complete their purchases. A text to remind them about the items sitting in their cart is almost guaranteed to be seen, boosting the chances that the customer will check out. 

Immediate reach

Deloitte finds that 36% of people check their phones at least 50 times a day. This presents a golden opportunity for marketers—particularly those promoting time-sensitive campaigns like flash sales, new product launches, or limited-time offers. 

SMS marketing for these campaigns gives you a direct line to your customers, cutting through the noise and ensuring that the word gets out about your time-sensitive offers. This is a great way to generate immediate awareness, interest, and action.


Marketing budgets can be tight, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. Thankfully, text message marketing is a cost-effective solution that delivers impressive results. 

SMS marketing can be much more cost-effective than some other forms of marketing like cost-per-click, direct mail, or email marketing, and requires fewer resources—like graphic designers (especially if you don’t already have one on staff). With higher open rates than email marketing and significantly fewer resource expenses to consider, SMS marketing also offers a better return on investment! 

Increased customer engagement

While we’ve already touched on the fact that SMS marketing is a great way to reach customers quickly, their engagement value goes beyond open rates and awareness building. They can also be excellent for curating personalized experiences—something 71% of customers want.

Marketers who leverage links within their SMS messages (whether it’s links to their shopping cart, a special offer landing page, or anywhere in between) can access valuable data about customer engagement. When you use link management systems with analytics features like Bitly, you can see which messages and links get the most engagement—which can help inform future campaigns that are purpose-built to drive more engagement through data. 

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Best practices for any SMS marketing campaign

Ready to incorporate SMS marketing into your sales strategy? Here are some SMS marketing best practices to keep in mind.  

Time your messages appropriately

Sending texts at the wrong time is one of the most common SMS marketing mistakes. For the best results, schedule your messages for peak engagement times. 

When is that peak engagement time? In truth, there’s no one answer. Depending on the sector you operate in, time zones, and your target audience, peak engagement times vary widely. 

To find what works best for your organization, experiment with sending SMS messages at different times and use your data analytics platforms to discover the most impactful sending times. 

Gaining explicit opt-in consent before sending SMS messages is crucial—not just for best practices, but also for legal compliance. Regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the U.S. and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the E.U. mandate it. 

So make sure customers opt-in to receive your texts and always provide a clear, easy way to unsubscribe.

Personalize your content for every text message

Personalization makes your messages stand out. Always use the recipient’s name and reference their past purchases or preferences. This personal touch can significantly boost engagement and make your messages more relevant.

For example, “Hi [Name], get 15% off your favorite product [Product] today!” is much more engaging than a generic text with a discount code. By showing that you know and value your customers, you create a connection that encourages them to take action.

Keep your SMS messaging concise

Brevity is everything in SMS marketing. With just 160 characters to work with (you can include more, but there’s a chance your text will be split into two or more messages—which presents other issues), your message needs to be clear, compelling, and straight to the point. 

This is where Bitly Mobile Links come in handy. They save space and keep your messages neat, ensuring every word counts.

Using a URL shortener for SMS isn’t just about saving characters—it’s about maximizing impact. Short, clean links make your SMS messages look professional and easy to engage with, maximizing the likelihood that your customers will tap through to the desired destination. 

Include clear calls to action

A strong call to action (CTA) is key to any successful SMS campaign. It’s the prompt that turns a message into a meaningful interaction, driving your customers to take the next step. Here are some effective CTAs that pack a punch:

  • “Order now”: Urgent and straightforward, this CTA is perfect for encouraging immediate e-commerce purchases.

  • “Claim your exclusive discount”: Everyone loves a good deal, and this CTA makes your offer irresistible.

  • “RSVP today”: Ideal for event invitations, this prompt encourages quick responses.

  • “Redeem offer”: Simple yet powerful, this CTA drives customers to take advantage of your special offers.

Make sure your CTA is direct and easy to follow, prompting immediate customer action. The key to a compelling CTA is clarity and urgency. You want your customers to understand exactly what to do next and feel motivated to act right away. 

Use coupons, sweepstakes, and exclusive deals

Boosting customer engagement and driving conversions can be as simple as sending the right offer at the right time. Coupons are a fantastic way to provide immediate value, encouraging quick purchases with instant savings. 

For example, a message like “Save 25% on your next order with code SAVE25” gives customers a compelling reason to buy right now. Adding expiration dates to these offers, such as “Hurry! Get 20% off your purchase today only with code TODAY20,” creates a sense of urgency that motivates fast action. 

On top of this, regularly sending exclusive discounts and sweepstakes to your SMS subscribers builds loyalty, making them feel valued and more likely to stay engaged with your brand. 

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Effective strategies for SMS marketing campaigns

To make your SMS marketing campaigns shine, you need strategies to ensure your messages are targeted, timely, and engaging. Here’s how to get started.

Segmenting your audience

Audience segmentation is essential for targeted SMS marketing. By dividing your audience based on demographics, behavior, and preferences, you can tailor your messages to be more relevant and impactful. 

For example, say you’re running a promotion on winter accessories. Segmenting your audience based on geographic location allows you to target customers in colder regions who are more likely to be interested. 

Similarly, segmenting recipients based on past purchase behavior ensures you send tailored messages promoting products that each customer is most likely to buy.

Integrating SMS with other marketing channels

Integrating SMS with other marketing channels is a game-changer for creating a unified brand experience and maximizing your reach. Combining SMS with email, social media, and other channels ensures your target audience sees your messages across multiple touchpoints.

For instance, you could harness SMS to complement your email marketing campaigns, sending timely reminders or exclusive offers to subscribers who haven’t engaged with your emails. You can also leverage SMS to drive traffic to your social media profiles or promote special contests to your followers.

Of course, to make the most of these integrations, choosing the right SMS marketing software is essential. Look for marketing tools that give you access to omnichannel data and behavior-triggered automation. That way, coordinating cohesive, personalized cross-channel campaigns will be effortless. 

Using A/B testing

A/B testing is a process of experimentation where you send two (or more) message variations to different audience segments. The goal is to see which message performs better so you can learn for the future. 

You can use A/B testing for all sorts of experiments: tone of voice, CTAs, and finding your peak engagement times for sending texts. 

By analyzing which of your messages generates higher engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions, you can determine which approach resonates best with your audience.

Incorporating automation

Automation is vital for bulk SMS marketing success. These tools streamline your efforts in three key areas: scheduling messages, personalizing content, and managing responses.

First, automation simplifies the process of scheduling messages, allowing you to plan and execute campaigns in advance. Whether you’re sending out weekly newsletters, promotional offers, or event reminders, automation ensures that your messages go out at the optimal time for maximum impact. 

Second, automation enables you to personalize your SMS content at scale. Leveraging customer data and segmentation helps you tailor messages to each recipient’s preferences, past behavior, and demographics. 

Finally, automation simplifies the process of managing responses to your SMS campaigns. For example, you can autonomously handle replies, manage opt-outs, and route inquiries to the appropriate department. 

This not only improves the customer experience but also allows you to focus your time and resources on more strategic tasks, such as campaign optimization and analysis.

Measuring success and analyzing results

Measuring the success of your SMS campaigns is crucial for understanding their impact and refining your strategy. Key metrics like open rates, click rates, and conversions all provide invaluable insights into how your audience interacts with your messages:

  • Open rates: This is the percentage of recipients who open your SMS messages. A high open rate suggests compelling content and effective subject lines.

  • Click rates: This metric measures the percentage of recipients who click on links or calls-to-action within your SMS. It gauges engagement and the effectiveness of your messaging in driving action.

  • Conversion rates: Conversions reflect the number of recipients who complete a desired action after receiving your SMS. Whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for an event, or submitting a form, conversions signify successful persuasion.

With Bitly Analytics, you can gain actionable insights into how your audience interacts with your SMS strategy, including number of engagements, time of engagements, location of the customers, and information about the devices they used to access your links. This information enables you to make data-driven decisions to enhance the effectiveness of your SMS marketing for business growth

Do more with your SMS marketing campaigns using Bitly

SMS marketing is a powerful strategy, but you need the right tools and approach to make the most of it. Personalization and a strong call-to-action are essential, but you also need to make sure you’re following opt-in regulations and properly segmenting your audience for maximum effect.

And if you’re looking for the best tools to take your SMS marketing messages to the next level, check out Bitly’s suite of solutions. The Bitly Connections Platform empowers you to streamline your campaigns and unlock deeper insights into your audience’s behavior. From link shortening and integrations to comprehensive tracking and analytics, Bitly offers everything you need to optimize your SMS marketing efforts.

Ready to supercharge your campaigns? Sign up with Bitly and start maximizing your SMS marketing ROI today.