What Types of Content Work Best on Social Media?

Megaphone on the left side of the image, and magnet on the right side
Megaphone on the left side of the image, and magnet on the right side

Feeling stuck with your social media marketing strategy? You’re posting regularly and experimenting with creative formats, but still not hitting your engagement targets. 

Sound familiar? 

The problem might be that you’re not using the right type of content for each platform. Different platforms cater to different audiences and types of content, so it’s crucial to tailor your strategy accordingly.

In this guide, we’ll break down the most effective types of content for each platform based on the latest social media trends

How to define content types for social media

First things first, let’s cover the different types of content that you can use on social media: 

  • Images: Images are static visual elements that convey messages or stories at a glance. Examples include photos, illustrations, memes, and graphics. They’re great for showcasing new products, sharing quotes, or adding visual appeal to your posts.

  • Videos: Videos are moving images accompanied by audio that engage users through sight and sound. Examples include tutorials, product demos, behind-the-scenes footage, and user-generated content. 

  • Infographics: Infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge designed to present complex information quickly and clearly. Examples include charts, graphs, diagrams, and timelines. They are ideal for explaining processes, presenting statistics, or summarizing key points.

  • Written posts: Written posts communicate messages or ideas through written language. Examples include status updates, blog posts, articles, and microblogs. They allow for detailed explanations, storytelling, and discussions among followers.

  • Live streams: Live streams are live broadcasts of video content shared in real time with audiences. Examples include live video Q&A sessions, podcasts, new product launches, event coverage, and interviews. They offer immediacy, authenticity, and unique opportunities for audience engagement.

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How content type influences engagement

As you can see, there are plenty of content types for social media. However, you shouldn’t just stick to one format over and over. 

Depending on your goals, the platform in question, and your target audience, you’ll want to incorporate different types of content into your content calendar. 

Keeping that in mind, here’s a closer look at how the different types of social media content influence engagement. 

Visual content: images and video

Visual content, including images and short-form videos, tends to drive higher interaction rates and engagement across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. 

That’s because users on these platforms tend to gravitate toward visually stimulating content, making posts featuring images or videos more likely to receive likes, shares, and comments compared to text-only posts.

Deloitte research indicates almost half (47%) of Gen Zs and a third of Millennials say their favorite form of video content is social media videos and live streams.

In the sea of social media posts, visual content has a distinct advantage when it comes to grabbing attention and highlighting your brand personality. Vibrant colors, intriguing audio, and eye-catching videos tend to stand out, compelling users to pause and engage. 

On top of that, it’s wise to remember that visual content has the unique power to evoke emotions. Whether through heartwarming photos or immersive videos, visuals are more likely than written content to resonate with people on a personal level. 

Written content: Long-form posts or articles

While visuals work wonderfully on Facebook and Instagram, that’s not to say long-form posts don’t have a place in running a successful social media campaign either. 

In fact, long-form content like detailed posts and articles is perfect for platforms like LinkedIn and Medium, where users tend to actively seek out B2B content that offers depth, insight, and expertise.

So, if a topic needs a nuanced exploration, you have a unique take, or you’re an expert in the field, Medium and LinkedIn are great places to share opinions and advice—all while building your reputation as a thought leader. 

Real-time content: Stories and live streams

Ephemeral content like Instagram stories and live video streams also have an important role to play in your digital marketing strategy. 

These content types create a sense of urgency among users, making the experience more personal and immediate. 

With Instagram Stories, for example, content disappears after just 24 hours. You can leverage this to your advantage for limited-time offers and surprise updates, urging users to engage with your brand for fear of missing out. 

Then there are live streams, which take engagement to a whole new level by offering real-time interaction between creators and their audience. Viewers can ask questions, leave comments, and react in the moment, all of which create a sense of intimacy and connection. 

Interactive content: Polls and quizzes

Interactive content like polls, quizzes, and questions is another great way to boost engagement.

By inviting participation and soliciting feedback, you transform your content from a one-way broadcast into a dynamic conversation, driving engagement and building brand loyalty.

Here are some examples of how to do it: 

  • Opinion polls: Ask your audience for their opinion on trending topics, industry news, or upcoming product releases.

  • Product feedback: Gather insights on customer preferences, pain points, and feature requests through interactive polls and quizzes.

  • Trivia challenges: Engage your audience with fun trivia quizzes related to your brand or industry.

User-generated content

Another fantastic way to shake up your content strategy and build brand awareness is through user-generated content (UGC). UGC is content created by your followers, fans, and customers, and it’s a game-changer for boosting engagement and building a loyal community.

When you feature UGC, you’re not just sharing content—you’re inviting your audience to be part of your story. Whether it’s photos, videos, testimonials, or reviews, people love seeing their contributions valued and shared by their favorite brands. 

In line with this, research shows that social media users are far more likely to trust UGC than they are brand posts

Here are a few ways you can leverage UGC:

  • Create branded hashtags: Encourage your followers to use a specific hashtag when posting about your brand. This makes it easy to find and share their content.

  • Host a contest: Launch a fun contest or giveaway that prompts users to create and share content. Offer a prize to boost motivation, and watch the entries roll in.

  • Feature customer stories: Share testimonials, reviews, and success stories from your customers. This not only provides social proof but also highlights real-life examples of your product in action.

Educational content: How-tos and infographics

People turn to social media for more than just entertainment; they’re also seeking solutions to their problems and ways to enhance their skills. 

Educational content delivers exactly that. By providing tutorials, how-to guides, and informative infographics, you’ll position your brand as a helpful resource. 

But educational content doesn’t just educate—it engages. Users who find your content useful are more likely to save it for future reference, share it with their networks, and leave detailed feedback in the comments. 

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Choosing the right type of content for each social platform

With so many content ideas to choose from, you’re probably wondering where to begin. Here’s a breakdown of what content types work best on each social media platform. 


Instagram is all about visuals. To thrive on this platform, you need to focus on high-quality images and short videos that grab attention. Think of your Instagram feed as a digital portfolio showcasing the best of what your brand has to offer.

  • High-quality images: Sharp, vibrant photos are a must. Whether it’s product shots, lifestyle images, or behind-the-scenes glimpses in a carousel, make sure every picture tells a story and aligns with your brand’s aesthetic.

  • Videos: Videos—or Reels on Instagram—are incredibly engaging, especially when they’re concise and packed with value. Use them to share quick tips, product demos, or fun behind-the-scenes moments.

  • Stories: Instagram Stories are perfect for sharing more casual, ephemeral content. Use them for daily updates, quick announcements, or interactive elements like polls and Q&As.

  • User-generated content: Encourage your followers to share their own photos and videos featuring your products. Reposting UGC not only provides you with authentic content but also builds a sense of community and loyalty among your audience.


YouTube is the go-to platform for video content, making it crucial to create engaging and informative videos that captivate your audience. 

In fact, YouTube’s algorithm rewards content that keeps viewers engaged for longer periods. To take advantage of this, you’ll need to ensure your videos are compelling and well-structured from start to finish.

In terms of the types of videos that perform well, here’s what to put in your content creation strategy: 

  • How-to guides: Step-by-step tutorials are incredibly popular on YouTube. They provide clear, actionable instructions that help viewers solve specific problems or learn new skills.

  • Tutorials: Detailed tutorials that delve deep into a particular topic or product can establish your brand as an authority in your industry. 

  • Product reviews: Honest and thorough product reviews help build trust with your audience. Highlight the pros and cons, and provide genuine insights that can help viewers make informed purchasing decisions.


Facebook’s diverse user base means there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, leverage a variety of content types to engage a broad audience. From videos to live streams and interactive posts, Facebook thrives on versatility.

Whether you use Facebook Events to promote webinars, product launches, or special offers; create short, engaging clips to grab your audience’s attention; or host a monthly Facebook live stream to answer your customers’ questions, it’s worth experimenting with different content types to see what resonates best with your unique audience demographic. 

X (formerly Twitter)

X is fast-paced in nature, making it ideal for quick updates, jumping on trending topics, and direct interactions with your audience through tweets, retweets, and replies.

However you use X for content marketing, make sure to harness the power of hashtags. These nifty little symbols enhance the visibility of your posts, making them discoverable to users interested in certain topics, even if they don’t follow your brand yet. 


LinkedIn’s audience consists of professionals, decision-makers, and industry leaders, making it the perfect platform for B2B long-form content like industry articles, company news, and thought leadership pieces.

But LinkedIn is for more than just posting content; it can also be a hub for professional networking and industry engagement, which is especially useful if you’re seeking out brand partnerships, investments, or even mentorship. 

By replying to comments on your posts, engaging with other people’s content, and joining industry groups, you can build relationships with potential partners and customers, opening the doors to a host of new opportunities and collaborations.


Pinterest is the platform for users seeking ideas, inspiration, and solutions. For everything from haircare to interior design to photography, people tend to use this platform to help them plan and create. 

You can tap into this motivation by providing visually appealing and informative social media posts like high-quality images, infographics, and step-by-step guides. 

However, posting pretty images isn’t enough to amass a huge and loyal Pinterest following. To do that, it’s essential to use relevant keywords and organize content into well-curated boards. 

On the algorithm side, keywords help users discover your content when they search for specific topics or themes, while organized boards make it easier for users to navigate and explore your content.

Additionally, Pinterest’s algorithm rewards fresh and engaging content, so regularly updating boards with new pins and content is crucial for maintaining visibility and consistently attracting followers. 

Execute your ideal social strategy with Bitly’s solutions

While some may consider social media a chaotic free-for-all, for marketers, it’s an invaluable tool that can have a major influence on brand awareness, reach, and engagement. Being strategic about the type of content you post (and where you post it) can supercharge your marketing initiatives—especially with the right tools on your side.

From high-quality images on Instagram to engaging videos on YouTube and professional content on LinkedIn, Bitly helps you track the performance of shared content across platforms.

With our tools, you can gain valuable insights into which types of content resonate best with your audience. Track clicks, measure engagement, and optimize your strategy for maximum impact. 

Ready to take your social media game to the next level? Explore Bitly’s pricing plans and unlock the full potential of your content strategy.