How to Use QR Codes to Improve Storage Management

When consumers crave convenience and speed, warehouse managers depend on efficient storage management to get goods out the door and onto shelves. If you’re still relying on traditional storage management, though, you likely spend more time fixing errors or implementing workarounds than streamlining the fulfillment process. 

If you’re tired of misplacing items or doubting your warehouse’s inventory counts, QR Codes can help you spend less time logging and tracking inventory and more time filling orders. Below, we’ll look at how modern barcodes and smart packaging technology provide fast and accurate updates when you need them most. 

*Note: The brands and examples discussed below were found during our online research for this article.

How do QR Codes work in storage management?

QR Codes are scannable 2D barcodes that embed up to 3 KB of data. Traditional barcodes store just a few characters, often revealing just a truncated version of the product’s name. QR Codes store more than 7,000 numeric characters and more than 4,000 alphanumeric characters! 

These digital assets store valuable information, including lot number, location, quantity, or weight. In storage management, QR Codes help employees organize pallets, shelves, and individual storage boxes. 

Unlike traditional barcodes, QR Codes can be scanned with multiple mobile devices from any conceivable angle on any Android or Apple smartphone and tablet. Employees simply point the device at the QR Code for instant results. Warehouse stockers, delivery drivers, and logistics managers alike depend on QR Codes in supply chain management to catalog and move inventory as quickly as possible. 

You might store each inventory rack’s location, expiration date, item descriptions, or serial numbers. This way, employees can quickly find and verify orders as they pick and pack. 

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Why you should use QR Codes for storage systems

QR Codes for storage systems can modernize daily operations and ecommerce packaging systems. See why storage managers rely on them to manage workloads, scale up for high-volume periods, and improve customer service. 

Accuracy and efficiency 

QR Codes automate data capture, reducing the odds of human error. Instead of busy employees recording data by hand or manually entering information into spreadsheets, they simply point and scan to verify data from individual items, shelves, or inventory lots, which improves both speed and efficiency.

Accuracy is critical for storage systems, particularly when working with high-value items. QR Codes have been proven to reduce both accidental errors and intentional fraud. For example, pharmaceutical companies in India routinely use QR Codes to curb counterfeiting.

Inventory tracking 

With QR Codes, employees can record new information with every inventory change. This lets employees track inventory levels in real time, providing instant access to critical information. 

You can link your inventory management system to the QR Code via URL to update quantity information whenever you add or remove items from a shelf. This makes it easier to avoid stock-outs or overstocks because you can quickly assess how much product you have on hand and how much you need to order to restock. 

Easier organization and retrieval 

With QR Codes, you can categorize and locate items quickly within a warehouse. When the item or container changes locations, employees can scan the QR Code and instantly update the new location within the inventory management system or central database. 

So, if you work with bulk goods, perishable items, or pharmaceuticals, you’ll spend less time tracking each item. If you opt for customizable QR Codes, you can also design labels based on category for even better organization. 

How does this look in the real world? A cold storage facility might color code labels to distinguish between meat and seafood products. This way, employees don’t need to scan the code to verify the box’s general contents and where it belongs in the warehouse. 

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How to implement QR Codes in your storage management system

Implementing QR Codes into a storage management system starts with identifying your core objectives. Whether you struggle with delayed shipments or missing items, your pain points should determine how you approach each step:

  • Assess inventory: Consider your inventory’s current quantity and configuration. Large warehouses will likely need customizable QR Codes to distinguish different sections and items.  

  • Select tools: The right software can create unlimited Dynamic QR Codes to help you improve your storage management system. If you’re looking for a user-friendly tool, Bitly Codes makes creating codes fast and easy for instant data access. 

  • Design and print: As you design QR Codes for storage containers or shelving, consider how unique designs might solve your organizational woes. Colors, logos, or other graphics can revamp your storage and retrieval processes, reducing both wasted time and errors. Once you’ve chosen your designs, you can print the QR Code labels on durable material. 

  • Train staff: Train employees to scan codes and locate retrievable data. Ensure they understand how QR Codes work, which databases they link to, and where to find corresponding data. 

  • Monitor the system: As your warehouse changes, you may need to adapt your approach to QR Codes. Say you update your checkout process. In that case, you may need to include new data with each scan. 

QR Code scanning may follow simple principles, but adapting each one for your unique warehouse needs is important. Conglomerates like Amazon will have very different QR Code requirements than small businesses. 

Best practices to keep in mind when using QR Codes for storage management

When you have the right tools, it’s easy to design, print, and scan your QR Codes. However, it may take a little experimentation to use them as efficiently as possible. Whether you use QR Codes for manufacturing or organizing shelving, here are some best practices to help you determine the best strategy. 

Ensure printed QR Codes are durable

QR Codes are notoriously resilient, which is a major benefit for warehouse managers. Boxes and shelving units are rarely handled gently throughout transport and unloading, so you’re likely used to some scuffs and minor damages. 

However, while you may be able to scan a slightly damaged QR Code, you should still take precautions wherever possible. Humidity, moisture, and physical handling can impact the readability of the code, so we recommend investing in durable and resistant materials to minimize wear and tear over time. 

Integrate the QR Codes with inventory management systems 

Integrating unique QR Codes with existing inventory management systems is the best way to track your data. Linking each code with the database via URL automates data entry, reduces errors, and enables real-time inventory updates.

If a warehouse employee relocates an item to a temporary holding section, they can scan it to record its exact location in a central database. While tracking QR Codes without linking them to inventory management systems is possible, this best practice provides the most streamlined experience. 

Update QR Codes whenever inventory changes 

As the warehouse team receives new stock, processes inventory, and packs orders, you can update each QR Code sticker to record the changes. Between all the moving boxes and ever-changing directives, this is an invaluable convenience for warehouses and consumers alike. 

If employees fail to update inventory changes, this can result in inaccurate inventory counts, operational inefficiencies, and misplaced items. When you implement a rigorous routine for both creating and updating QR Codes, you can verify where stock is and how to handle it. 

If a customer requests a change of address while items are in transit, QR Code data may help you coordinate a new drop-off point, which can improve customer communications and satisfaction levels. A team member can scan the code on the package, and if it’s linked to your order management system via URL, it will open the customer’s order entry within your system. From there, the team member can update the entry with the new delivery address.

Unlock the full potential of your storage management with Bitly Codes

Warehouse managers and logistics professionals rely on QR Codes to organize and streamline even the largest and busiest facilities in the world. When a single site can process thousands of orders a day, QR Codes provide enough data to verify products, location, and order status. 

If you’re looking for technology that can help you receive, retrieve, and process stock more efficiently, consider how Bitly Codes can help. With our user-friendly platform and customization options, you can instantly improve your accuracy and organization to suit your organization’s specific needs and goals. So whether you deal with seasonal fluctuations, sensitive products, or shrinkage concerns, QR Codes can help you track the data so you can devise more effective solutions.

Ready to streamline your storage management with QR Codes? Get started with Bitly today!